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"jimin, what happened that night?" i ask when we're having breakfast together, our parents are on a business trip in the americas.
it's been three months since taehyung kidnapped me and we've talked to each other like it never happened. but yoongi ignores me at school.
today, i had found the courage to ask my brother.
"let's not talking about it, i'm no longer friends with taehyung and you shouldn't be either." jimin said coldly.
"you are right." i say with a sigh.
when i arrive at school i see yoongi wearing his usual black jeans and white button down shirt and mask, he's still ethereal as his slim legs walk into the school building and past the gates. i wanted to call his name, we haven't met in the longest time and i missed my best friend. we still sit next to each other in class but he always kept his mask around his face, never even a glance at me.
finally, when lunch came i've just had enough of yoongi acting like a complete stranger to me.
"yoongi." no response.
"min yoongi." again, no response.
tears well up in my eyes, he's just staring ahead at the board, no one is even in class so him and i are alone.
"why are you ignoring me?" i continue.
"what happened to you that night? did i get taken for no reason? why did you never find me? contacted me when i came back? do you not remember? do you not care?" i stopped myself before i end up choking on my tears.
"enough y/n." he said flatly.
"please give me an explanation, i don't want to lose my best friend." i'm practically begging, kneeling on his side as he sits on the chair.
"i thought i lost you y/n, like i did yoonji, i blamed myself and almost killed myself." yoongi basically whispers but enough for me to hear.
my tears stream down my cheeks.
"yoonji?" i ask softly.
"my little sister, found with her friends in the woods and their guts and bones scattered across the forest floor." yoongi said, voice laced with darkness and sadness.
"y-yoongi... i'm sorry for pestering you."
"don't be. i'm sorry for not being there for you." yoongi wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace, bringing my small frame to lightly press into his lap.
"i'll always be here for you." i wrap my arms around him, feeling how much he's lost weight, probably due to regret and anxiety. the only thing i can do for him is never leave his side.

"i'll always be there for you too y/n..." a voice says from outside the classroom door.


is it namjoon?

is it taehyung?

you'll be surprised don't worry

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