Emotionless Again

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Hours passed the palace as mere seconds on a clock, counting down for one sole minute. A minute painful to both lovers, especially for Komasan. Mystica went to the servants to retrieve her final meal as a women with emotions. Soon the chains would coil around her heart, only this time they would remain around forever. Not even Komasan could break them this time.

"I love you Komasan, always remember that. Even if I can no longer show it" She smiled, trying to hide her sadness for soon where would no longer feel it

"I know Misty, you'll always be the gal I love. Emotions or not, I will never stop loving ya, darling" He kissed her,holding her hand and promised to remain by her side.

Mystica began her meal, knowing that stalling for time was a waste,so why not just get on with it. After a few bites she paused. She took out the vial and poured the topaz colored liquid into her drink. Each sip caused emotions to vanish one after another. First was anger, the feeling she felt when protecting her loved ones. It was quickly sniffed out like blowing out a burning candle. Sadness, whenever she remember her mother or feeling lonely for so many years. That emotion was quickly despelled like wiping a tear. Happiness, being around Komasan and smiles. That emotion was shattered like glass. Soon she became numb, no longer able to feel anything like she became her past self again.

"How do you feel?" Komasan asked, worried that his fears were true

Mystica faced him with cold emotionless eyes. Cold as a full scaled blizzard. No sense of emotion or a warm heart.

"I feel nothing She sighed

No emotions again, will things remain the same? The chains coiled tighter yet one link was broken. Perhaps there was hope.

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