Mystica's Sacrifice

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On cue, the door slammed open, to reveal Komasan teary eyed, having heard everything. His fluffy white ears that were always warm with sunshine turned ice cold by those words. Mystica could only hugged him.

"Please don't do it.... There has to be another way" He weeping her arms, his fur brushing against her hands

"Well too late, to save your child from such a cruel fate, she must go back to the way she once was. Besides, do you prefer to have an emotionless wife or a child that will not only grow up emotionless but also be a major threat to yokai and humans in the times to come" Oruke understood Komasan's tears, but to him it was annoying as mosquitoes in summer

Komasan didn't have the heart to choose, so he remained silence.

"Just drink this vial tomorrow, it will erase your emotions in a flash" He winked, holding her topaz colored vial, in this center a black heart that shined with black magic.

Mystica took the small vial to save for later, where she would later put in her drink at breakfast to mask it's bitter flavor and allows it's effects to remove her emotions once more. Though the contains of the vial would make sure she would never have feelings again.

After a bit later, Oruke left to reap humans that have no purpose for both worlds. Leaving the two lovers alone, to have their last emotional talk.

"Mystica, please don't....There must be another" Mystica stopped him with a kiss before speaking herself

"A mother's duty is to protect her child, to allow the child to see the world with joyful eyes and have a  bright future. For the sake of Lulu is far worth giving up my emotions, I will do anything for her , I promised" She smiled and hugged gently as if he was the softest teddy bear ever made

Komasan hugged back, he understood her reason but his heart felt such sorrow about the price Mystica would pay to save his precious baby koma.

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