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Named after the word love but how could I even love when I'm just an A.I?

Ai's POV

"And who might you be?" This Reiji guy asked Yui coldly

I'll show up later. Based on my data, they are fucking vampires.. They are like Aj-kun and Aoi-chan but... they are more into human blood.

Poor Yui..

"Y-Yui Komori, my father said I was supposed to live here."

"I wasn't informed of this. Do you Ayato?"

"Haah?! How should I know? If I knew this pancake over here, I would tell you!"

"P-Pancake?!" Yui said, suprised.

"Yeah. Because your chest is flat as a pancake, pancake." Ayato said to her while emphasizing the pancake at the end.

I fuckin' knew it. I think Yui is offended by now.

"See to her luggage." Reiji sighed, I was curious who he was talking to, so I opened my eyes slowly to see a creepy man taking our luggage and just disappearing into thin air.

Cool. Based on my data, I think I should show up..

Standing up when they're gone so I followed them quickly and seems like they haven't noticed me yet.


Based on my data, there is 4 more people who we haven't met yet because of the chairs over here.

I was leaning against the wall with my hands in the pocket of my jacket that has cat ears.

"So, let us begin by having you introduce yourself again." Reiji demanded

Yui nodded and decided to start talking

"Um, right I-"

"Oh. What do we have here?~" said a flirty voice

Both Yui and I looked to where the voice came from and saw a guy with a fedora hat and looks like Ayato but I think that guy in the fedora hat is a...


Suddenly that guy with the fedora hat was next to Yui licking her cheek, but I also saw a glimpse of fangs.

Tch. I was right.

"Mmmmhm, you smell so nice and sweet.~" The fedora guy said

Then I saw another guy with purple hair and tired looking eyes that are also purple, holding a teddy bear.

"Let me have a taste too." The guy who is holding a teddy bear said.

Based on my data, I'm fine with them teleporting around but... If they go to my room... I'll use my abilities to this bitches.

"You two, don't you think that behavior is a little impolite?" Said Reiji.

"Eh? But doesn't everyone wants to taste something that tastes sweet?"

I'll show up when Yui messed up.

"Oi! Ore-sama saw her first!"

"I'm getting sick of you saying Ore-sama." Another voice pop up

"Oi! I know it's you Subaru! Come out!" Ayato said while looking around

I'm not being noticed yet?

"Over here. I thought I smelled a human in here, How dare you interrupt my precious sleep?!" An angry voice said

I looked over where the voice was and saw a guy with red eyes and albino hair.

"H-How did you get in?" Said Yui.

They're vampires. Of course they can teleport.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION FIRST!" Said the albino guy, then suddenly he punched the wall beside him making Yui flinch.

Someone has an anger management issue.. Help him please.

"Has anyone been told anything about this lady staying?" Reiji asked.

"U-Um I think this is some kind of misunderstanding, so I'll be on my way!" Said Yui while standing up.

"Yui, don't you think it'd be rude for you to leave now?" Reiji said

"B-But Reiji-san..."

"Are you the woman he metioned?" Said a sleepy voice.

I looked over where the voice came from and saw another guy, but this time he had earplugs on and he has blonde hair.

Complete. Six of them is here now.

"What is the meaning of this, Shu."

"That guy... Contacted me the other day... He said we have two guests arriving, one from the church and one from the hetrerochromia A band... But where is the other one?" Shu I guess said

Shi-. Nevermind. They are looking for me now...

"So... Where's the other one? And you said hetrerochromia A?! The famous band here?!?" Ayato said

Tch. Fanboy targeted.

"Yes... One of their member will be living here." Shu said

"Maybe she's late, ne teddy?" The purple haired guy said

Idiot. I was here already with Yui.

"Sooo... Pancake here is a prospective bride?" Ayato asked, obviously changing the topic.

"More like sacrificial bride." The purple haired guy said.

"B-Bride?" Yui stuttered.

"It appears there is no misunderstanding, that's the eldest son. Shu the deadbeat." Reiji said

"I'm the second son, Reiji."

"The third son, Ayato."

"You won't get away next time pancake."

"Fourth, Kanato."

"Please let me sample you sometimes."

Cute. But creepy... But I do like creepy so no worries, the creepypasta are more.. Creepy?

"Fifth, Laito."

"Pleased to meet you, bitch-chan.~"

"B-Bitch-chan?!" Yui stuttered again.

"And the last son, Subaru."

"Tch. What a waste of time." Subaru said

"I-I need to contact my father."

Yui looked over to Ayato and looked at him and Ayato does have it.


I didn't know that.

Maybe he got it when Yui asked him to wake up.

"My cellphone!" Yui exclaimed

"Please give it back!"

"Should I?" Ayato said while toying Yui.

Subaru then came when Ayato throws it at him and he crushed the phone.

Yui frozed.

"Now now... You don't need that because you'll not going to use it anyway.~" Laito said while patting Yui's head.

"B-But this has to be a mistake... No one told me about brides.... A-And besides.. You're all.. Kind of weird."

Thanks for stating the obvious.

Yui backs away from them but she trips on her own feet.


I looked at her boredly.


I saw blood on her knees even I'm not there. I can see it because I'm an A.I.

Yui's eyes widened when she saw five pairs of red hungry looking eyes staring at her. (A/N: because Shu is sleeping but he still smells it.)


No. Humans. Tch. Idiot, of course they are vampires.

She then got out a pink cross necklace.

"Take this!"

"Pathetic human. You believe to those lies? Based on my data, only human children would believe in them.." I said monotonous while walking slowly at her.

They all looked at me suprised and confused.

"When did you came here?" Reiji said confused.

"I was here with Yui." I said to him

"A-Ai Kiraze!? S-She's going to live here?!" Ayato stuttered suprised.

"Have problem with me, fanboy?" I questioned him

"Tch! Ore-sama doesn't care about who will stay here! As long I can take a bite!.... But aren't you a human yourself?" Ayato said

"Absolutely no."

"Then what are you?"

"I'm an A.I. Artificial intelligence."

《Such a headache for me. I'm editing this story because omygad, the damn shit grammars but hope you still read this. (I'm sorry for my language.) 》

-Czyraax ☆ Janee // @Czyraax
1302 words.

Edited: 11/09/16 ← Still November tho.
1191 words.

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