A Moment of Happiness

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"This is my home. I'm sorry I know it isn't much but I hope you'll feel comfortable."

"No... It's perfect. Please don't apologize. Thank you... you've been more than kind..." Chuuya says taking tea from Dazai.

"You can stay here as long as you like. You don't have to go home to go home to him..."

"Thank you..." Chuuya says sipping his tea.

"I don't mean to pry but... what made you stay with a guy like him?"

Chuuya looked down sadly. Dazai noticed his discomfort.

"If you don't want to talk about it you don't have to... I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable or sad..."

"N-No... it's okay." Chuuya says reassuringly. "I had met Shirase a long time ago... I met him when I was in high school, and at that time Shirase was kind. We used to hang out all the time, have lunch together, he would came stay at my house, I would stay at his. And after one year of being friends he told me he loved me... and I loved him too. And after six months of us being together... He started getting abusive. It started out as small things... telling me how to wear my hair... what clothes I could put on... what friends I could and couldn't have. Then it escalated to violence... him pulling me by my hair... and slapping me... throwing me into walls... kicking me in my stomach. I remember one day..." Chuuya started tearing up. "I told him I was pregnant... I thought he'd be happy... but instead he shoved me down the stairs... I miscarried... I never got the chance to hold my baby... he took that from me... and I... I hate for it...!" Chuuya started sobbing. "I hate him...! He's stolen years of my life...! He's taken everything from me...! I was stupid... God I was so stupid...!"

Dazai shook his head and he had to hold back his tears as he heard and witnessed Chuuya's pain. Dazai sat beside him and he hugged him tightly. "Don't say that... You're not stupid. You didn't know. You didn't think he'd turn out that way. That is not your fault! It's his. He's a horrible person... He doesn't deserve you or your love... He doesn't deserve your tears either... so please don't cry..." Dazai says as he gently wipes Chuuya' tears.


Chuuya and Dazai look into each other's eyes as Dazai is gently cupping Chuuya's cheek. And there is a moment of nervous breath between them before Dazai leans in and he gently rubs his nose against Chuuya's before bringing his chin up and kissing him softly. Dazai gently slid his hand down to Chuuya's neck, and Chuuya held on to Dazai's shirt as the brunette took light pecks from the ginger before stealing his breath away again. The kiss went from soft to a bit deeper when Dazai felt Chuuya slid into his lap and Dazai immediately put his hands on Chuuya's hips. The ginger groaned as Dazai pulled him flush against him, and Dazai took the opportunity to slide his tongue into Chuuya's mouth. Chuuya moaned into the kiss as Dazai's tongue danced passionately against his. Chuuya was becoming weak. He hadn't felt anything like this in a long time. Truly Chuuya was inexperienced. He never got the chance to explore with people like his friend's hand. Shirase had him chained to him for years, isolated, self-conscious, depressed. But this moment. This moment of love Dazai was pouring on to him, made him feel loved and wanted. The need for air started to become desperate. Dazai kissed Chuuya one more time before pulling back. Dazai and Chuuya were both gasping. Chuuya smiled softly and so did Dazai.

"Wow... that was amazing..." Chuuya said breathless.

"I agree... And it was a plus because I put a smile on that beautiful face." Chuuya's eyes widened and he blushed.

"You're red like a cherry." Dazai teased.

"Shut up...!" Chuuya said, covering Dazai's mouth. He could feel Dazai's mouth muscles forming a chuckle behind his hand.

"I'm only teasing. You're beautiful either way." Dazai smiles.

Chuuya jumps up. "On that note I'm going to bed! Good night!"

Dazai chuckled as Chuuya quickly ran to the guest room. Dazai smiled and he touched his lips happily. Little did he know behind the closed guest bedroom door. Chuuya was doing the same.


Sorry this is short but I hope you guys enjoyed the Soukoku fluff :)

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