I'm Here

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Dazai was sitting in Oda's medical room chair, as Oda was wrapping his fresh wound up with new bandages. Dazai had bit himself so hard to stay under control Oda said it would leave a scar once it was healed all the way. Just another added to the collection. Oda looked at Dazai whose head was down.

"It's a good thing you called me when you did... you wouldn't have been able to protect him from anyone else much longer."

Dazai said nothing.

"You did the right thing Dazai... I am sure he will appreciate you protecting him."

"Is he okay...?"

Oda nodded as he felt Chuuya's forehead. "He'll be alright. It was just his heat, but I've given him some suppressants and his mother is on her way to pick him up. I'll give her medication to take care of him at home."

Dazai nodded. And he stood up. "Well I'll get out of here."

"Wait." He grabbed his arm. "You're not gonna at least wait until he wakes up?"

Dazai shook his head. "I can't. I don't think I should be around when he does..."

"Hey... Dazai-" Oda sighed as the door closed and he looked down at Chuuya who was panting heavily.


Dazai was walking down the hall sighing. Before Oda arrived Dazai almost lost control. He couldn't do that... not to Chuuya. He didn't want to hurt him like how Shirase had been doing. Dazai saw a woman running frantically in the hallway.

"Excuse me! I got a call from an Oda Sakunosuke regarding my son Chuuya, do you know where he is?"

Dazai knew he should have told her no. He should have stopped his involvement right there but instead he didn't. "Yes... I'll show you."

Dazai took her back to the medical room and she ran inside. "Chuuya...!"

Dazai stayed outside of the room as she went inside. Dazai's heart was pounding... what was going on? Why was he feeling this way? Is he going crazy...?


Chuuya woke up hours later and he blinked a few times trying to gather his surroundings.




"I'm here." She said softly as she felt his forehead. "You're still warm. You might be for a while but that nice doctor Oda-san gave you stronger suppressants so it shouldn't be as bad soon."

"I'm sorry to have caused you trouble..."

"You didn't cause any trouble... I'm just glad you are alright..."

"D-Dazai... was he okay?"

"Dazai?" Kouyou said curiously. "Oh! You must mean the young man that showed me where you were. He is alright. His arm was wrapped up but other than that he was fine. Oda-san told me how he protected you... I'm glad he was there. You could have been hurt very badly if he wasn't around."

"I know..."

"I called Shirase. He will be here soon to get you,"

"You called him?!"

"Of course I did. He's your fiance. He deserves to know what's going on."


Chuuya and Kouyou were interrupted as they heard a knock on the door. "That must be him. Stay here."

Kouyou left to answer the door and Chuuya leaned up groaning. He was panting heavily. Shirase and Kouyou entered the room and he knew Shirase was angry.

"He's still having effects but they will subside soon. The doctor gave him suppressants."

"Don't worry. I will take good care of him. C'mon Chuuya."


As soon as they got home Shirase tossed Chuuya on the floor and he kicked him while he was down. "You're cheating on me?!?"


"I told you to stay home!" Shirase said stomping on him over and over again.

Chuuya whimpered in pain. Chuuya pushed himself, threw the pain and he stood up. Shirase went to go hit Chuuya again but this time Chuuya hauled off and punched him right in the face. It stunned Shirase for a second and Chuuya ran out of the door to get away from Shirase.

Shirase grunted in anger and he tried to follow Chuuya. Chuuya was getting in his car and Shirase tried to keep the door open but his fingers got slammed in the door hard by Chuuya.

"Ah!!! You fucking bitch...!" Shirase screamed as he grabbed his hand that was quickly bruising. Chuuya locked the door and he put his foot on the break and turned on his car. Shirase kept trying to pull the door open and he was banging on the glass. He broke the glass and shards flew into Chuuya's face and he grabbed Chuuya around the neck. Chuuya put the gear into reverse and he stomped on the gas. The car backed up into the street and Shirases arm was nearly broken as he was tossed from the speed. He threw the car into drive and he sped off down the road. Chuuya drove to the coffee shop he knew Dazai worked at and he sat in the parking lot all night long. When Dazai came in at 9 that morning to open up he was surprised to see Chuuya, and even more shocked to see the state he was in.

"Oh my god Chuuya! What happened to you?!?"

"Shirase..." Chuuya broke down into tears. "He was hitting me... and I just... I couldn't..."

"Hey... it's okay. You're safe now... my god you must be freezing... here." Dazai shrugged off his jacket and he opened the car door and put his jacket around Chuuya. "C'mon... let's get you inside and get you warmed up..." Dazai helped Chuuya out of the car and he got inside of the coffee shop. Dazai locked the door behind him and he sat Chuuya down at a table.

"I'm going to call the police."

"Don't... They won't do anything... I've tried before... and he just beat me worse..." Chuuya sniffled.

"There has to be something we can do...!" Dazai said angrily.

"I'm alright... so please..."

Chuuya was shocked as he felt Dazai pull him into his arms tightly. Dazai hugged him so tightly and he ran his fingers through his hair like he was something precious. Something to be loved.

"You're not alright... He could have killed you. And what he did to you was wrong..."


"You're an amazing person Chuuya... You don't deserve that..."

Chuuya started to tear up and the broken sob he let out into Dazai's shoulder broke the brunette's heart. "It's okay... I'm here... And I'll always be here... I promise..."

To Be Continued...

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