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쓰러져가는 망가져는난 이제 중요지 않아.
네아 오기전 그날 까지만 벼노애볼까애.
" I, who is falling and breaking is not important anymore.
Only until the day you come back, I'm gonna change. "


   "Ah! Shit." Yoongi hisses as the coffee burned his tongue. "This shit is hot as hell. Hey, Jimbles. Wanna trade your hot chocolate with my coffee?"

   Jimin only deadpanned of him. "No. I'm perfectly fine with mine. It's not my fault you didn't ask the cafeteria lady add some cold water to your coffee. And besides, I don't like coffee. And my name is Jimin. Not Jimbles." Yoongi groans in annoyance as he glares at the cup of coffee before roughly pushing it away from him.

   "Seriously! Stop acting like a child. You're ruining my mood." Jimin said, narrowing his eyes at the sulking elder.

   "Deal with it. It's your fault you didn't let me go back to sleep." Yoongi grumbled. They have been here for fifteen minutes and the mint haired boy have barely touched his food.

   "Whatever. Hurry up. We don't have all day. If you won't be done eating your food after five minutes, I'm leaving you alone here. You can get lost all you want. I don't care if you won't have your coffee." Jimin said, rolling his eyes. He made a mental note to himself of not waking up the currently grumbling boy in such an unearthly hour.

   "Fine. Go. I don't need you. I didn't ask for your help." Yoongi said as he glared at Jimin. Ouch, rude much.

   "Suite yourself. I have so much to do anyway. Tell me about your adventurous tour later then." Jimin said as turned to the exit. If Yoongi thinks Jimin is joking, then he is clearly mistaken. Yoongi watched Jimin with his mouth slightly ajar.

   "You're kidding right? I mean my brother asked you to do tour me right? He'll be disappointed!" Yoongi shouted.

  Jimin snorted. "I don't joke. And your brother just asked me to do this if I have nothing to do. As I said, I have homework to do. And if ever he'll be disappointed on someone, it would be you, not me. And it will all be blamed on your rude ass." Jimin shouted back as he turned to the hallway they passed before.

   After many hours of doing homework, Jimin was finally done with the goddamned Philosophy. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand. It read 03:42pm, Saturday. Jimin's eye bulged. He didn't realize he was doing the homework for eight hours straight. Wow, for the first time, Jimin was unable to eat lunch. Jimin wondered where his mint haired roommate might be now. He still wasn't back from the tour or wherever he may be. Jimin would be lying if he said he doesn't feel bad.

   As if on cue, he heard the dorm room's door opened. Jimin arranged his things before going out his room to apologize to the latter. When Jimin was already at the common room, Yoongi was holding the door open as if he was waiting for someone to go inside. Jimin took a deep breath and approached the elder.

   "Hey, Yoongi. About the thing that happened at the cafeteria this morning. I'm sorry about i-" Jimin abruptly stopped when Yoongi turned his head towards him and  Jimin was finally able to see the people who brought his new roommate back.

  Jimin's eyes started to sting as his waterworks had begun their work. His first instict was to look down for he didn't know what to say. But instead of doing so, he decided to be strong and faced them.

   "Uh, hey. Thanks for bringing him back. I-I hope he didn't cause you any... trouble." Jimin said as he held back the tears.

   "It's fine." Teahyung said, looking down. He couldn't look at Jimin. And neither can Jungkook. They knew Jimin didn't blame them. But they were just simply distraught. They could still remember the way Jimin's tears worked their waydown his cheeks. They weren't able to give him the love Jimin needed.

   Yoongi scrunched up his face. "Wait. You know each other?" He turned to Jimin for an answer but got none for Jimin had alreadly went inside his own room. But that didn't stop him from noticing the tears Jimin produced.

   He blinked. He turned to Teahyung and Jungkook and thanked them before closing the door and heading down his room to change. After he changed, he decided to confront his roommate. He knocked on Jimin's door three times but got no response. He knocked again but still got the same result. He was about to knock again when a voice erupted from the room. "Go away. I'm sorry for leaving you this morning, okay? Leave me alone."

   If there is are things you should know about Min Yoongi, it would be his stubborness, stupidity, and stillness. He refused to back down. Not when the boy left him in the big goddamned school to get lost. Min Yoongi needs to do a payback. Without hesitation, he slammed open the door to see Jimin sprawled on his bed. Jimin's head snapped up at the sudden disturbance. Wrong move. For Yoongi and for Jimin.

   Yoongi froze when he saw the tears in Jimin's cheeks. He could see the saddness in the crying latter's eyes.

   Jimin, too, froze. He didn't want his new roommate to see this weak side of him. And most importantly, he didn't expect Yoongi to be this persistent. But then the shock turned to anger.

   "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" Jimin flared.

   "Geez, don't worry. It's not like you're gonna cry like a girl when I leave." Yoongi huffed lamely. But suddenly froze once more when he realized what he said. "Uh. Wait. Jimin, I didn't mean it tha-" Too late.

   "Get out. Get out. Leave me alone!" Jimin shouted. He got up from his bed, pushed Yoongi out and slammed the door.

   Yoongi looked back at the door and sighed, realizing what he did.

   "Good job, Min Yoongi. What the hell did you just do?"


Bonus(Namjoon explaining things to his kids[lol])

Namjoon: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's              venomous.

Taehyung: What if it bites me and it dies?

Namjoon: That mean you're poisonous.

Jungkook: What if it bites itself and I die?

Namjoon: ... That's vodoo.

Taehyung: What if it bites me and someone else dies?

Namjoon: That's correlation, not causation.

Jungkook: What if we bite each other and neither of us die?

Yoongi: That's kinky.

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