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이 모든 건 우연이 아니니까 운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까
"All these things are not by chance. It's the two of us who found fate."


   Today was the day. Jimin is currently waiting at the entrance of the university's dormitory. He wondered what kind of person Jihoon's brother was. Well, half-brother. Jihoon had warned him the day before that Min Yoongi is a little lazy, spits fire(well not literally fire) and there's a 40 percent chance of him rejecting Jimin's friendly and helpful ass.

   Jimin glanced at his wrist watch. He's been here for 15 minutes and he feels like his ass is already frozen. Yes, winter just came and is already acting like a bitch. Jimin was about to go back to his room when someone called his attention.

   "Hey. Is this the dorm building B?" Jimin turned his head towards the voice and there he saw the mint haired guy.

   "Yes, it is? Are you perhaps Yoongi?" The guy nodded and narrowed his eyes, looking suspisiously at Jimin.

   "How the fuck do you know?" Jimin was slightly taken aback by Yoongi's use of the vulgar word but remembering Jihoon's warning, he decided that it's best for him to get used to it.

   "I'm Jimin. Your brother, Jihoon, is my friend. I'm doing him a favour. He asked me if I could show you around the campus." Jimin explained.

   "Well, it's fine. You can go. I'm sure you have alot of things to do." Figures. Jimin thought. He was prepared for this. He waited for 15 minutes in this cold ass weather. There is no way he would let his efforts go to waste.

   "No, it's okay. I finished all homeworks and projects. Besides, the semester just started. There's not much to do." Jimin insisted. He watched as Yoongi narrowed his eyes once more(is it possible?), as if pondering.

   "Are you sure?" Jimin nodded. "Well then, first stop is my room. Can you show me where the room B2021 is located?" Jimin's eyes widened as he nodded. "This way."

   When they reached the room, Yoongi fished out the key from the pocket of his pants and unlocked the door. He went in and as he was about to turn to face the other boy, Jimin had already made himself home by plopping on the other couch of the room.

   "What the hell are you doing? My roommate is gonna be fucking mad. Go back to your own room. I'll just meet you tomorrow outside the dorm building so you can show me around." Jimin didn't budge one bit. "Can you hear me or are you deaf?" Jimin stared at Yoongi and rolled his eyes.

   "Wow. What a wonderful way to greet your new roommate." Yoongi's eye twitched. "What? I ain't joking around. Your room is the one on the left, by the way. Well, you said we'll start showing you around tomorrow so I'll be in my room if you need something." Jimin said as he turned to head to his room leaving Yoongi to fend for himself.

   The next morning, Yoongi was awaken by the sound of the knocking. And shouting, which annoyed Yoongi for who would be shouting in an inhumane hour. Yoongi glanced at the digital clock beside his bed. 07:34am Saturday, it read. Fucker, Yoongi thought as he trudge towards the door. He threw it open and saw not one, but two boys responsible for the ruckus that caused Yoongi to wake up at the aforementioned hour.

   "Keep it down, will you? I'm trying to sleep in here." Yoongi grumbled. The two boys stared at Yoongi then looked at each other then started screaming which annoyed Yoongi even more.

   "Holy shit, Seokmin. Are you thinking what I'm thinking." "Yeah." Then together, they shouted, "Holy Mother of God, Jimin hyung just got laid." Yeah, that pulled Yoongi's last string.

   "Hey! Shut up. I did not get laid, you assholes." Yoongi whirled to see Jimin come out of his own room ruffling his blonde hair.

   "Hyung, stop lying. How do you even explain this handsome fella over here? We know you never let anyone stay over your dorm room." The tall man at the right said.

   "Shut the fuck up, Seungkwan. He's my new roommate, Yoongi. He's the half-brother of Jihoon. He just tranferred here yesterd- Seokmin, stop wiggling your eyebrows this instant or your gonna get it!" Jimin said as he chased the younger down the hall of the dormitory.

   Yoongi was about to head back to bed when he heard the other boy, Seungkwan, murmur something that wasn't clear enough for him to hear.

   "Excuse me, what? I didn't catch what you said." Yoongi said. Seungkwan looked at Yoongi in surprise. But the expression quickly went away and was replaced with a friendly smile.

   "Oh, it was nothing. I was just talking by myself. Anyway, Yoongi, right? Please take care of Jimin hyung, 'kay? It's been awhile since hyung has had a roommate since his parents requested it for him to be the only one to use it. You must be hella good student since  the school let you in in the middle of the semester but that doesn't matter since it's none of my business. But anyway..." Wow. Who knew listening to such a chatter box could make him so sleepy. Yoongi was about head back to his bed when the latter spoke again.

   "Hey, uh, your Jihoon hyung's elder brother right?" Yoongi nodded. "Half-brother. We don't have the same father." Seunkwan nodded his head thoughtfully.

   "Waah. So cool. Jihoon hyung spoke of you once saying that you compose you own songs too. Said your songs are greater than his." Yoongi shrugged. "We're equal. I want to ask how Jihoon is doing here. Hope his not causing trouble."

   "Hah! Jihoon hyung! Nah. I did got chased by him. He's small but terrifying. He chased all through out the school grounds with his guitar saying he already had enough distractions while composing." The taller male laughed.

   "Yah, Kwan! What are you doing here with Seokmin anyway?" They turned their heads towards Jimin who was now headlocking Seokmin under his arms.

   "Ah! Yes, we are here to tell you that you are hereby invited to the birthday of Lee Jihoon this upcoming November 22, Friday, next week. If you would like to come, please meet us at the dorm building A after classes." Seungkwan announced. 

   "Hyung, we need to go already. We still have morning classes. Come on, Kwan. Mrs. Sung is gonna kill us if we're late. Bye hyung!" Seokmin said as he hurried Mingyu down the hall and waved goodbye to Jimin.

   Jimin waved back and headed back inside where he found Yoongi sitting on a couch, slowly falling back asleep. Jimin rolled his eyes and stalked towards the other boy.

   "Hey, wake up. We still need to give you a tour of the campus." Jimin said, shaking the pale boy. Yoongi only groaned in annoyance.

   "Can't we start later? I mean, how long does it take anyway?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

   "Hah! You wish. You might wanna know every inch of the campus if you don't want to get lost. This school is bigger than you think. If you want to sleep early tonight, might as well get prepared. I'll take a shower. I suggest you do too. We'll get breakfast at the campus cafeteria.Yoongi gave one last groan before standing up.

   "Fine. We'll head down once we're prepared." Yoongi grumbled as he headed to his own room.

   "Great. You can meet my friends then." Yoongi once more gave an annoyed graon from his haven.

    "I don't need friends." Jimin rolled his eyes.

   "Sure you do."


Bonus(when suga and woozi meet pt.2)

Suga: who r u?
Woozi: im u but smol


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