Football games

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"I didn't think you liked football." Dinah winked at Camila.

Camila rolled her eyes, sitting down next to her. "I felt like I should show some support to my godson."

"Looking for someone, Chancho?" Dinah asked, smirking at the older girl.

Camila quickly turned her head to face Dinah. "Not at all. I just never realized how many students came to see the games."

"She's behind you, by the way."

Camila turned quickly to find Lauren standing there.

Her hair was so sexily disheveled, Camila couldn't help but fantasize about running her hands through it, needless to say, she wished they could skip the game so she could take her back to her room and ride her until neither of them could see straight.

Lauren turned to Camila. "Miss Cabello, wonderful to see you again."

She couldn't fight the flush on her cheeks upon being greeted by the delicious woman. "Miss Jauregui. Won't you join us?"

Lauren ignored the slight grimace on Dinah's face, and accepted graciously. "I'd be delighted."

As Lauren sat down, she bit the inside of her jaw to keep herself from groaning at how much she wanted to kiss Camila. She attempted to adjust her pants.

Why did she think it would be a good idea for them to go to a football game at the school together? This was their third date and she wanted to make out!

Lauren settled for leaning in just enough to whisper so only Camila could hear. "You don't understand how hard I'm trying not to kiss you right now."

A small grin fluttered across her face. "I'll make it up to you when we're back in my room."

Lauren's voice was a raspy whisper, "I can't wait." She dropped her hand to the side and brushed Camila's hand with her knuckles, sending shock waves through her body at the minor physical contact.

Camila was certain she would not live through this game. Lauren Jauregui's sexy voice and her hand touching hers would surely melt her into a puddle right there.

When she ran her knuckles across her hand she felt a jolt of electricity-like sensations crawling up her spine and down her abdomen.

Get. It. Together. All she did was touch your hand and you damn near had an orgasm.

Dinah glanced out of the corner of her eye to find both Camila and Lauren wearing similar pained expressions on their flushed faces, their eyes glassy and pupils blown wide.

Both seemed to be breathing slightly heavier than normal. She rolled her eyes, laughing at the two fully-grown hormonal adults trying and failing to hide their obvious interest in the other.


Lucas sat between Gabe and Cody, wearing a slight scowl. He didn't really like football.

"Alright there, buddy?" Gabe turned to his scowling friend.

Lucas shook his head. "I just don't want to be here." He rolled his eyes, paying more attention to the cheerleaders.

He also saw... Wait. What the fuck? Lucas squinted his eyes.

Gabe and Cody shifted their attention to him. He looked like was in the middle of an orgasm. His eyes were widened, he had ceased blinking, and he was slightly slack jawed.

Gabe nudged him. "Lucas, we all know you're secretly in love with Emmi and all, but there's no fucking way she looks good in that skirt-"

"No, you idiot. Look! Behind the cheerleaders. What do you see?"

"Well, let's see. There's my Momma. Do you think if I shout loud enough she'll hear me? Probably not... oh! Is that your Mom? Sitting with Camila? My oh my that is interesting."

Lucas's face turned as white as a sheet as Cody's face broke into a slow, wide grin. "Still want to tell us your Mom isn't banging Professor Cabello?"

Lucas shook his head in disbelief. "She can't be. There's no way." There wasn't much conviction behind this. He was mainly trying to convince himself.

Cody smirked. "Right. That's why she keeps smiling at her. And just look at that blush on Professor Cabello's face. Oh, they've definitely fucked."

Gabe put a hand on Lucas's shoulder. "Look on the bright side, Luke. They're not fucking right this very second."

Lucas turned to Gabe with a scowl on his face. "How exactly is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Gabe shrugged. "I didn't say it would make you feel better. I just said it was the bright side."

Cody continued to watch the couple. "Oh shit, she's tucking her hair behind her ear. Now she's whispering something in her ear. Lucas, you lucky dick, you're going to have a new Mommy."

Lucas punched Cody in the arm. "Shut it you dick! They're not fucking!"

Gabe narrowed his eyes and cocked his head sideways. "Exactly. They're watching a friendly game of football together. This is part of the not-banging."

Lucas quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Jesus you are shit with girls, aren't you? I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the letter you sent to Professor Cabello. You can't just jump in and fuck a girl. You've got to woo them. Ease into it. The 'not-banging' is what you do with girls first so you can get to the good part."

Lucas narrowed his eyes. "So does that mean...?"

Gabe nodded. "After the game she's going to fuck her."

Cody quirked an eyebrow at Gabe. "How do you know all this stuff about girls? Girls don't like you at all."

Gabe nodded absent-mindedly. "I read a lot of erotica. My Mom keeps loads of smutty books all over the house. I can tell you in great detail how to make a thirty-year-old woman cum. But only in theory. In reality, I think I would faint if I even saw a girl's bra strap."

Lucas had long stopped following the conversation. He couldn't get Gabe's words out of his head.

He was going to be sick.

He couldn't believe his Mom. It was unimaginable that his Mom, the person he looked up to more than anyone else in the world, was going to steal the woman of her son's dreams. He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. Not until he saw it with his own eyes.


Lauren noticed Camila's affectionate smile as her godson scored another touchdown, and she couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"I'd hazard a guess that Dylan's one of your favorites." She teased, leaning into her, nudging her slightly in the ribs, earning a giggle from Camila.

"I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. I love all my godchildren equally. Except for Lily whom I love just a little bit more."

Lauren laughed. "What's it like, teaching your godchildren?"

Camila smiled. "Lily is so sweet and a little shy if you can believe it coming from Dinah and Normani.

Lauren smiled. "And of course we all know that Gabe is a most unique individual."

Camila laughed. "I'm not sure unique is the right word for him, although he's actually not a bad student. He's quite intelligent in many ways. And Dylan... well, he actually kind of reminds me of what I think you would have been like if we were friends."

Lauren groaned. "I take it you don't mean that in a good way."

Camila laughed. "He walks around the school like he owns the place."

Lauren's mouth fell open in shock. "How the tables have turned."

Camila turned to her, smirking and raising a cool eyebrow. "They certainly have."

She looked good wearing a smirk. Those full lips crooked up teasingly to the corner of her pink mouth as her chocolate eyes twinkled. Lauren had the sudden desire to see her wearing nothing but that smirk.

She returned the smirk and leaned in slightly. "Speaking of turning the tables, you know what I was thinking this morning before I came here?"

Camila's smirk softened into a grin. "What?"

"I was thinking that if teenage me could see me now... she wouldn't believe..."

Camila's breath hitched. "Yes?"

Lauren leaned in closer. She wanted so badly to pull her into his lap and kiss her, but there were children present. She contented herself by quickly glanced around the stands to make certain no one was watching before tucking a few stray hairs behind Camila's ear, letting her fingertips slide glide across her neck on the way down.

She relished that gorgeous blush on her face as she leaned in to whisper huskily in Camila's ear. "How much I couldn't wait to see you today."

Camila couldn't help it as her eyes closed and her skin tingled at the vibrations of her raspy voice in her ear. Holy shit, I think I just got a little bit pregnant.

Her voice came out rough and shaky. "Is that so?"

Lauren nodded, nearing closer, her breath ghosting on her cheek. "Mmm Hmm."

Camila turned to her shyly. And Lauren's eyes followed the movement as her tongue flicked out to wet her lips.

Lauren's grin melted into a near moan as her cock twitched in her pants.

She reluctantly leaned away from Camila and joined the applause as someone scored a touchdown. As much as Lauren loved a good football game, she liked flirting with the Cuban next to her even more.

"Shit! Duck!" Camila's non existent reflexes rallied as the football came flying towards them.

All Lauren could hear was a high-pitched ringing in her ears as she slumped to the ground. Just before her eyes closed, she saw Camila hovered over her, eyes wide with concern, and the sun shining behind her back making her look like an angel.

She might have been the only person to have ever passed out with a smile on their face.

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