Cock blocks

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Lauren was a prize fucking idiot. Why had she thought it was a good idea to go to a dinner at Dinah and Normani's house? Their sons where best friends, but her and Dinah... they weren't there yet. Nor would they ever be. Why was she doing this?

Oh yeah. Camila Cabello. She's looking rather hot lately. And you've got a big stupid crush on her.

She stood in front of her full length mirror, checking herself out.

Lauren laughed when she remembered her son who not so long ago stood in front of his own mirror making the same amount of effort to impress the same woman.

She fixed her reflection with a hard glare. "Listen here, Lauren. Do not fuck this up for yourself. This is the first time in years you've gotten this close to a woman and you will not fuck it up. She won't be able to resist you."

With one final hard look of approval, she grabbed her car keys and made her way towards Dinah and Normani's.


Camila sat there nervously, sipping on a glass of wine.

"Chancho, I love you. But if you don't stop fidgeting and spill your wine on my couch I will hurt you." Dinah said sweetly. "Fuck, you need to get laid."

"So you've said. And if it wasn't completely fucking obvious to you, that's kind of what I'm trying to do."

"Sorry I'm early." Said a person who possessed a raspy, sexy drawl that Camila sincerely hoped was not Lauren.

Dinah perked up. "Lauser! So happy you arrived here at exactly this very second in time."

Camila blushed redder than she ever knew possible. That's it. I will never speak again.

Lauren joined her on the couch and greeted her with a surprise kiss on the cheek. "Camila, you look beautiful."

Scratch that. Now she was redder than she'd ever been before. "You look beautiful too." Gods she smells good.

Lauren smirked and scooted closer to her on the couch. Dinah rolled her eyes at the exchange.

"So Lauren... notice I've toned down my 'pettiness' so I'm not calling you 'Lauser'"

"I did notice. How nice of you, Dinah." Lauren grinned and put an arm behind Camila on the couch.

Camila took another sip of wine, smiling at the older girl. Lauren moved her hand closer to graze her shoulder, her eyes fixed on her mouth, wet from the wine she had been drinking. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

Oh Jesus, would I like to-

"Excited over there, Lauser? Excuse me, I need to go check on my wife." Dinah exited the room with a skip in her step.

Camila bit her lip bashfully. Lauren squinted her eyes and rubbed her face before daring to turn to Camila. "So I guess we're even now," she grinned at her.

She laughed. "I guess we kind of like each other, huh?"

Lauren smiled and tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. "Yes. I guess we do." Her fingers trailed to the bottom of Camila's neck. She leaned in and fluttered her eyes closed. Their lips were so close to finally meeting. So close-

"Get some, Chancho!" Dinah shouted out from the kitchen.

Lauren pulled back in frustration and rubbed her face. "Dinah is honestly the biggest cock block I have ever met."

Camila laughed. "Excuse me while I go and embarrass her in front of her wife."

As she walked out of the room, Lauren had to stop herself from staring at her ass in mid-stride, she didn't want Dinah to call her out on that too.

Normani laughed to herself as she walked into the living room. "Sorry about Dinah, you know what she's like." She said, sitting down next to Lauren.

Dinah followed behind her wife with two glasses of wine. "You could've helped me carry these in."

"Girl, Mila was on your back. There was no way in hell I was staying in that room." Normani laughed, accepting a glass of wine from Dinah.

Lauren accepted the other glass and resisted the strong urge to throw the entire contents down her throat in one fell sip.

"Where did Mila go?" Normani asked.

Normani's question was left unanswered as the front door opened. Lauren's eyes widened at the new guests. There stood Shawn Mendes and his wife.

Just what she need. The girl she liked ex-boyfriend, who hates her.

The two looked at each other with confusion. Shawn narrowed his eyes and cocked his head, slightly slack-jawed at the presence of the woman. In that moment, Camila walked back into the room.

"Oh hey Shawn! Hailey!"

"Camila." Shawn's eyes travelled to the couch and settled on Lauren. "Someone care to tell me what she is do-"

"She's here for Camila. If you have a problem with that you know where the door is." Normani responded with ease.

Shawn and Hailey seated themselves on a loveseat directly opposite from Camila and Lauren.

Lauren found her courage and put an arm around Camila, pulling her closer to her on the couch.

"Sooo. I didn't know the two of you..." Shawn motioned between Camila and Lauren.

"It's new." Camila responded quickly, tucking herself into her wine glass.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with. Shawn, you don't like Lauren. Lauren, you don't like Shawn. And yet here you both are sat in my home, drinking my booze. Lauren and Camila are keeping it 'discreet' because she teaches her son and her son's got a big fat boner for her." Lauren and Camila both made a face, ignored by Dinah who turned to Lauren. "Yes, Shawn and Camila dated for about two months like fifteen years ago. But we all barely remember that because it was just the most uncomfortable thing we've ever had to witness in our lives."

"Thank you Dinah." Camila said rolling her eyes.

"No I mean like you guys had no chemistry. Like none. I mean it was painful to wat-"

"Yeah, I know. I was there too. Thanks." Camila cut her off. "The point Dinah is trying to make is that school was a long time ago and there's no reason we can't all get along."

Normani took her seat. "Let's talk about something more interesting. Isn't it just so interesting that Camila and Lauren are seeing each other?"

Camila shook her head, fighting the urge to bury her face in her hands. Lauren shifted slightly next to her and smoothed a soothing finger delicately on her shoulder, causing Camila to make brief eye contact with her.

Lauren grinned at her pretty blush. Fuck, she could really get used to making her do that. And she looked completely edible tonight, which was having a rather stirring effect on her body.

"Yeah how'd that happen by the way? No offence, but you've always been a dick and if you have any redeeming qualities, I've never been made aware of them." Shawn inquired.

Lauren frowned. "How exactly am I supposed to not take offence to that?"

"You know Lauren's son is at the school too. Well we had a slight incident with him and Lauren came up to the school-" Camila interjected.

"Hitting on your son's teacher? Wow, Jauregui that is some classy shit there." Shawn grinned into his wine glass.

Lauren longed to say something back to him...or maybe just a punch. But for Camila's sake she bit her tongue.

"Of course we know of Lucas. He's a lovely boy. I always kind of thought Emmi had a bit of a crush on him." Hailey offered politely.

Lauren nodded. "I've got a feeling it goes both ways."

"What kind of incident then?" Shawn spoke up.

Normani snorted. "Lucas is quite the ladies' man, right Mila?"

Camila rolled her eyes. "Didn't I say something about 'wanting to forget the whole thing'?"

Lauren smirked and gave her shoulder a squeeze. "My son wrote Camila a very forward letter. Apparently he's had a crush on her for some time."

Shawn scoffed. "Holy cow, he doesn't waste any time does he?" Turning to Hailey he asked, "You said Emmi likes him? We really shouldn't encourage that." Lauren rolled her eyes. Shawn turned back to her. "So then you swoop in on Camila when your kid strikes out."

"She did not swoop. There was no swooping involved. And can we please talk about something else?" Camila bit back.

"Hey Shawn." Normani interrupted. "Don't you think we've said quite enough on the subject for tonight?"

Dinah took a sip of her wine.

Lauren shot a subtle, grateful look at Normani, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

The rest of dinner went much more smoothly. Hailey managed to keep Shawn in line. It was rather obvious who wore the pants in that relationship.

But best of all were the moments when Camila would make fleeting eye contact with her, looking away immediately and blushing when she caught her.

Lauren wasn't sure if the blush was from her or the wine, but either way she had a difficult time keeping her own eyes off of Camila.

The two stood in the kitchen, and Lauren couldn't keep her eyes off of Camila's lips.

"Do it." Camila whispered, biting down softly on her bottom lip. Her voice more raspier than normal.

Lauren ran her fingers up the side of her arm, over her shoulder, her collarbone, until they found their way to her neck. Her other hand held Camila's waist.

Finally, she leaned in and claimed her lips in a kiss.

Camila saw black dots behind her eyes. She felt delirious. Lauren's lips were warm and soft but firm. She moaned lightly into the kiss and she deepened it, burying her hand in her hair and pulling her closer.

Lauren opened her mouth slightly, prompting her to do the same and she complied.

As Lauren's tongue danced with Camila's, she felt her cock twitch in her pants, springing to life at her taste and the feel of her warm body.

"Are you two about the fuck in my kitchen?" Dinah stood, leaning against the wall of her kitchen, smirking like a idiot.

Lauren growled. "Fuck, Dinah. Am I not allowed any privacy in your home?"

"Not when you're about to fuck my best friend on my countertop."

Lauren shook her head and muttered under her breath. "This house is full of cock blocks."

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