Great minds think alike

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Camila sat at her desk enjoying a relaxing cup of tea after the day's classes. She leaned back in her chair, thinking fondly of her dinner with Lauren two nights ago. She never expected her to be so easy to talk to. And so fascinating. She had made her laugh, and the way she looked at her... There they go. There go my panties.

"Thinking of Lauser?"

"Fuck." Leaning back in her chair, Camila came very close to spilling her tea again. "Dinah! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that? I'm getting you a fucking bell for Christmas."

"Grading essays? Any of my brats work in that pile there?" Dinah ignored her and walked over to the chair opposite her, propping her feet precariously up on her desk.

"Not that I don't love you, but what are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to get some food. Normani's gone out for dinner with her Mom and I'm bored."

"Well thank you for choosing me. Let me finish my tea and we can go."

Dinah rested her hands on the back of her head and smirked at her.


Her eyes narrowed and her smirk deepened.


"Guess who I ran into today?"

"I'm not playing this game."

"Her name starts with 'L', I sometimes call her Ralph, way too much money, son's a horny little shit."

Camila rolled her eyes. "You continue to not be funny."

"You had dinner with her."


"You like her."

Camila rolled her eyes. "Whatever happened to 'I can't be involved in this'? We're trying to be-"

"Discreet. Yeah I got that. Lauser said the same thing. Loud and clear."

"So why are we talking about it? In a school full of nosey teenagers who could be listening at any moment?"

"Because it's making you uncomfortable which means you'll drink more at dinner which means I might be able to convince you to do a few things around the school."

"You are dead set on getting me fired, aren't you?"

"What can I say? I miss my work bitch." Dinah removed her feet from her desk. "Now finish your fucking tea woman. I don't have all night."

Camila rolled her eyes. "There she is. There's my work bitch."

Dinah and Camila sat across from Dinah at the bar just off of the school's campus, tucking into their fish and chips.

"You still coming to ours for dinner this weekend? Mani's making a roast." Dinah asked, sipping on her wine.

Camila nodded. "I was... kind of thinking about maybe-"

"Asking a certain someone if she wants to come too?"

Camila sighed. "Is it too soon for that do you think?"

Dinah shook her head. "Not with her. You both are fully grown adults. You don't have to pretend that you like each other less than you do. Because Lauren certainly likes you."

Camila's eyes widened. "Really? How do you know that? Did she say something?"

Dinah laughed. "Calm down."

"Never fucking mind." Camila growled.

"Pretty soon you're going to be making out in public and calling her baby."

"You're an idiot. And you don't deserve me." Camila turned her attention to her own wine.

"I'm just messing with you. And to answer your question... both Lauren and I have dicks, we think the same. I can just tell that she likes you. You should invite her. She'd like that."

"Would she though? Would she really enjoy an evening full of you? We couldn't have our second date at your house, could we?"

Dinah shrugged. "Might as well get it over with. See if she gets on with all your friends. Probably not, but better to know now, yeah?"

Camila tapped her fingers on the counter, staring contemplatively into the distance. "This kind of seems the opposite of keeping things 'discreet.'"

"I promise to be the discreetest."

Camila narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at Dinah. "You will tone down your idiotness."

"Of course."

"And so will Mani."

"Oh, hey now. I can't control my wife."

"I will fail your children if you two can't control yourselves."

Dinah narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't."

Camila shrugged. "Apparently I like Lauren Jauregui now. Who knows what I'm capable of anymore."


Lauren read over the boring documents with little interest. It was always absolutely mind-numbing to read these things her lawyer insisted she peruse before slapping her signature on them. But today it was damn near impossible.

All she could think about was Camila Cabello's contagious laugh. The way her hair contrasted with her skin making her look like a particularly enticing dessert. And the way the delicate skin of her hand felt warm under her lips.

Holy fuck, Dinah was right. She couldn't stop thinking of Camila.

She'd wanted to kiss her that night, but she didn't want to scare her off. She wanted to text her the moment she got home to set up another date, but she knew she'd look pathetic and desperate.

If Camila wanted pathetic and desperate, she'd never have broken up with Shawn.

It had been a few days. That wasn't too soon, right? She could ask her out again without her balls shriveling in her pants, right?

No sooner had she unlocked her phone ready to text Camila, her phone vibrated.

Hey Lauren, I was wondering if you had plans for Saturday evening. Normani and Dinah would like to invite you over for dinner... It's totally fine if you can't come. But you should know that I got them to agree to tone down their idiotness, which was not easy. It'd be a shame not to take advantage of this rare opportunity xxx

Lauren smiled, leaning back in her chair. While dinner with Dinah and Normani wasn't exactly what she had in mind for their second date, she took it as a positive sign. This meant that Camila liked her enough to bring her round her friends.

And she put kisses. Lauren felt her face flush hotly at the thought that she had any chance whatsoever with her.

Lauren sighed. What has her life come to that she thought an evening with Dinah and Normani Hansen sounded like the most wonderful thing in the world? She shook her head, a dopey grin plastered on her face.

I'd be stupid if I didn't turn up after your effort of getting them two to behave themselves for an evening to go to waste. I wouldn't miss it! xxx

Lauren grinned as she banged her forehead on her desk.

Prize. Fucking. Idiot.

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