Mother of the Year

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"Mom! Mom! We really need to leave! Come on, we're gonna be late." Lucas banged on his mother's bedroom door.

Lauren opened the door to find her son immaculately dressed in his school uniform. Lauren didn't know why he was so excited to go back to school, he had read every book on his curriculum this year cover to cover, not to mention he had been packed for weeks. Lauren wondered how she had managed to ever mothered such a little nerd.

"Okay Lucas, I'm coming! Someone's looking forward to getting back to school this year. Was I really that boring this summer?"

"Are you done yet? We need to leave."

"You know Luke, I never would have imagined speaking to my Mother the way you speak to me. I've never felt so disrespected—"

"Do you have any money on you? Mines at the bottom of my suitcase."

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Is that a serious question?"

"Mom, please may I borrow some money that I know you have?"

"Look at those manners. Yes, son of mine, you may. There's 50 dollars on my desk." Lauren said sarcastically as Lucas walked into her room, noticing something new about her son as he dashed by. "Are you wearing cologne?"

"What? Oh! I mean... yeah, kind of."

Lauren raised a knowing eyebrow and smirked. "Who is she?"

"What? Who? I mean... nobody, Mom. Shit!" Lucas grabbed the money off of her desk and darted past Lauren to escape her interrogation.

"Oh good. I really hope he's nothing like me at his age." Lauren muttered under her breath, a scowl in her voice.

The Mother and son bickered, but they were in fact extremely close. When Lucy died, Lauren swore that she'd make certain Lucas never felt like he was missing something. And that she would be the most loving, attentive Mother that ever walked the earth. That had been ten years ago. And in that time, Lucas had never hidden anything from her. Until now that was.

There had to be a girl. Why else would he be so anxious to return to school? Why else would he be wearing his expensive cologne just to go back to school?

Lauren remembered what it was like being a sixteen year old. There was a lot of parties with girls, a lot of girls... Girls everywhere.

Lauren knew that Lucas would most likely be experiencing those parties this year, especially at Miami Academy. She really did wish that Lucas felt like he could talk to her about it. It was something she actually knew quite a bit about. She had done quite well with the ladies as a teenager.

Not that she had been that good lately. Her friends were constantly telling her that she should 'put herself out there' and all that rubbish. She supposed they had a point. She was still a young woman in her early thirties, having been very young when Lucas was born. But she refused to waste her and Lucas's time bringing women around who would just leave them in a month or so.

Maybe she just needed a good lay. It had been years, a fact which teenage Lauren would probably have cried if she heard. She wasn't certain her teenage self even knew it was possible to go so long without sex. But Lucas would surely have better sense than she had at that age, right? He would never go for the same trashy type of girl who seemed almost magnetically attracted to Lauren as a teenager.

Maybe she should talk to him about it before he left for school, just in case. She made her way to her sons bedroom to find the door already ajar. Lucas was standing at the full length mirror, applying a level of care and detail to his hair that a neurosurgeon would envy.

Lauren smirked, leaning in the doorframe. "Now who's going to make us late?"

Lucas turned to face his Mother. "How do I look?"

"You look like my son which is the highest compliment I could possibly ever give to you."

"Fuck off." Lucas laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Luke, buddy, I wanted to make sure you knew that you can talk to me about girls. I'm not so completely hopeless in that department if your Mother was any indication."

"I know, I know, it's just that... it's not a girl."

Lauren's face fell slightly. Not that she minded, so long as Lucas was happy, but she had no insight into how to address that particular proclivity. "Well... I mean. I don't know anything about guys, but-"

"Oh my fucking god, Mom! NO! Please stop talking, Mom, seriously I am not into dudes."

Lauren rolled her shoulders back and crossed her arms. "Okaaay." She was really messing this up. "But you said it wasn't a girl, and-"

"It is. A girl, I mean. Sort of."

"A girl... sort of. Do you mean that she's like me, Lucas? Because I'm not sure where you're going with this, Luke."

"She's all female, but she's sort of... I mean she's different. She's a woman."

Lauren's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline. Maybe her son really did inherit her taste for girls of shall we say more mature experience levels. "Go on."

"She's beautiful. And smart, smarter than anyone. And she's done so much and seen so much."

Lauren sucked in a breath and failed to fight the slight grimace on her face. "Luke. I feel I ought to tell you that girls like that are often trouble. She'll expect certain things from you and you should know that you don't have to go along with it."

"What sort of things?"

"Well..." How the fuck do I say the words 'You shouldn't feel pressured into having sex until you want to' without sounding like a complete knob? "Girls like that will want to take things a lot faster than others."

Lucas's eyebrows shot up. "You mean like sex? She'll want me to have sex with her?"

"Yeah, Lucas, that's what I mean and you really don't have to-"

"But is that even legal?"

Lauren stilled. "If it's consensual, than of course. I mean, you might get busted for breaking curfew or something... Lucas?"

Her son looked simultaneously shaken and exhilarated. He sat down on his bed to stop the buckling in his knees.

"Lucas? I really feel like I've done a really shit job at explaining this to you. My point is, you shouldn't do anything that you're not ready for." Great job, there. You didn't sound like a dickhead at all.

"But what if I am ready?"

Lauren rolled her eyes. Of course he thought he was ready. He was sixteen years old! Every sixteen year old boy wants to have sex. "Just promise me that you'll seriously think about it before you take such a big step, alright?"

Lucas nodded. "I promise."

Lauren nodded at her son. "Well alright then. I suppose we better go before I buckle under the weight of my 'Mother of the Year' medal."

Lucas rolled his eyes. It was a somewhat less than adorable gesture that Lauren noticed he had picked up this last year. She was going to be in a lot of trouble this year, she just felt it.

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