Lucas, Poet and Artist

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It was a couple of weeks into Lucas's semester when Lauren received an urgent email from Headmistress Menzel.

Miss. Jauregui,

It is my most sincere hope that you are available to meet with myself, young Mr. Jauregui's head of house, and our English professor for a meeting tomorrow at 3:00. We must discuss certain of your son's behavior which is rather unseemly of late.

Please email at your earliest convenience with your answer.


Idina Menzel, Headmistress of Miami Academy

What the fuck? Lucas was a good kid. A much better kid than she had been when she attended the boarding school. What could he possibly have done that would require Lauren to attend a... parent/teacher conference?

Please, Jesus, let this have nothing to do with that girl he's smitten with.

As Lauren climbed up the stairway to the Headmistress's office, she felt like a first year once again, about to be slapped on the wrist for her bad behavior and given detention. What could Lucas have done? He had a perfect record. He had never even had any house points removed from him. His grades were excellent. He was polite and well spoken.

She approached the door and knocked.

Headmistress Menzel opened the door to greet her. "Miss. Jauregui, so glad you could join us. Do come in."

She directed her to a chair opposite herself, Professor Hussey and... Camila Cabello? Her eyes had to be playing tricks on her.

"You remember, Camila Cabello, don't you, Miss. Jauregui?"

"It's Professor Cabello now, Idina. I'd prefer if we kept up some sort of appropriateness at this meeting despite the somewhat uncomfortable reason for calling it."

Yep. It was definitely her. She bit back the quip she was dying to throw at her. Professor Cabello. Glad to see you're still an insufferable bitch. Although she had to admit... she looked really good.

She was no longer the girl she had teased throughout school. She had developed the sort of womanly curves that, had she possessed in school, Lauren would have taken it upon herself to-

"We're here, Miss. Jauregui, because your son has appeared to have developed... inappropriate feelings for a member of our staff." Professor Menzel brought the meeting to order.

Lauren blinked. "You must be mistaken. My son has a crush on this girl who, while I don't completely approve-"

"Then how do you explain this?" Camila... she refused to refer to her as Professor Cabello, handed her a folded piece of paper.

The note read:

Professor Cabello,

I think about you all the time. I know many people will say that you're too old for me, but I've always been told that I'm very mature for my age.

I know that a woman like you has certain needs, and I want to assure you that I am more than ready to fulfil them. I can't wait to see you naked. Especially your big juicy Cuban booty, I bet it's awesome.

My Mother assures me that what will happen between us is perfectly legal. We just need to be careful about curfew.

Sexily yours,

Lucas Jauregui

Lauren felt like she was having a heart attack. She couldn't breathe. Her son, her child propositioned Camila fucking Cabello for sex. She suddenly recalled flashes of their conversation about girls.

"She's all female, but she's sort of... I mean she's different. She's a woman."

"She's beautiful. And smart, smarter than anyone. And she's done so much and seen so much."

She was a prize fucking idiot. Her son, her innocent little boy, basically spelled it out for her that he had a crush on a teacher, and there she was assuming that Lucas had inherited her enthusiasm for attracting older girls. She felt nauseous as she recalled the now horrifying advice she gave her son.

She was officially the world's worst Mother. She had inadvertently given her child her blessing to attempt to seduce Camila Cabello.

"Miss. Jauregui? Miss. Jauregui, are you quite well?" the Headmistress inquired.

Lauren realized she had said nothing for the past several minutes. She looked up to find Camila glaring at her.

"What exactly did he mean when he said that his 'Mother assured him it was perfectly legal?'" Camila demanded, using a tone of voice she suspected was remarkably effective with her students.

Lauren shook her head quickly. "I swear to god I thought he was talking about a girl. He said there was someone he liked and I had no idea he meant it was a teacher... let alone you. I tried to talk to him about girls and I realize now what a cock up that conversation was."

"Miss. Jauregui. Language."

"Sorry Professor. I mean... Headmistress." Lauren wasn't sure she was ever this uncool in front of a professors when she was actually a student.

Professor Hussey, who had up until now been rather silent, handed Lauren another piece of paper. "I also confiscated this from your boy yesterday in psychology. He was attempting to hand it to Gabriel Hansen. Good boy, your son. Smart too. But lacks the art of subtlety."

With trembling hands, Lauren took the document. Heart pounding, she forced herself to look at it.

It was an extremely vulgar drawing of Camila, naked, doing some very unprofessional things to her precious baby boy.

Lauren was somewhat less surprised at this.

"Well?" Camila demanded.

Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "I have to say I'm shocked. I had no idea my son was such a talented artist."

Hussey attempted to hide a chuckle while Camila seethed.

"You think this is some kind of joke Lauren?" She could have sworn her hair got bigger as she got angrier.

"Not at all. But you have to admit this is rather... Okay. I apologize profusely on behalf of my son. He's never done anything like this, ever. But he's sixteen. And at his age, this," she pointed to the drawing, "is all he can think about. I'll talk to him. Clear all this up. You won't have any trouble with him again, I swear Camila."

"Professor Cabello."

"Professor Cabello, then! I'll talk to him."

Camila looked annoyed. "Please make sure that you do. And I promise you, so long as this sort of... behavior does not come up again, I will consider the matter forgotten. Lucas is one my best students and I wouldn't want this incident to tarnish his reputation with his professors."

Lauren was taken aback. "Thank you."

She left the office feeling drunk. This was certainly not what she had been expecting. She made her way to her sons dormitory to speak to Lucas. This was going to be a very uncomfortable discussion. But she couldn't imagine that it would be less comfortable than the last half hour had been.

"Luke. Have a moment?"

"Mom? What are you doing here? You can't be here. You're a parent!"

"Supposedly. Look Luke, I got an email from the Headmistress about something you did and I need to talk to you about it."

Lucas flushed. "If it's about the letter I sent to Professor Cabello, I only thought about what you said. She has expectations because she's a woman."

Lauren rubbed her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. "About that. I think there might have been a slight miscommunication there. I thought when you said that she was a woman... that she had 'done so much and seen so much' that you meant that she was more experienced than you."

"She is."

"Of course she fu-freaking is, Lucas! She's a woman. She's my age, you do know that right? The point is, I didn't know you meant an actual woman. I thought that was just your way of building this girl up. I was obviously completely off base and I apologize for the mix up. But you can not be involved with a teacher. It's wrong and inappropriate... not to mention completely illegal. Do you understand?"

Lucas blushed. "So... so then I just made a fool of myself with her?"

"Yeah Luke, you kind of did. But that's alright. Professor Cabello is willing to forget the whole thing ever happened so long as you refrain from any... ah, amorous pursuits in the future."

Lucas nodded. "It's not just me, Mom. Everyone's got a crush on her. I mean she's so amazing-"

Lauren scowled. "Ugh. Seriously Lucas, I love you, but do not let me hear you ever call that woman 'amazing' again."

"What's wrong with her?"

Lauren knew that she shouldn't speak ill of one of Lucas's teachers in front of him. The boy had proven that he was an absolute sponge when it came to her advice, regardless of how stupid it was. It would have made her proud of her exceptional parenting that her kid actually listened to her if not for the humiliating situation at hand. She should tread carefully.

"Nothing. I mean... I'm sure she's a great teacher. She always was rather... enthusiastic about education, even in school. Forget I said anything."

"You knew her in school? When she was my age?"

"We were in the same year. And I can assure you, she did not look like that back then."

Lucas's eyes widened. "Were the two of you friends at all?"

"No. We despised each other actually. But don't let that influence you. You should respect your professors."

"I won't let that influence me. She's absolutely perfect."

"I'm certain you only think that because she's the youngest professor here and she's female."

"No, Mom. Really, she's incredible. You know that she and Gabe's Moms are best friends?"

Lauren rolled her eyes. "No, really? I hadn't heard about that. This year. Look, Luke, it's perfectly natural for students to crush on their teachers. Just recognize that that's all this is. I mean this place is crawling with girls your own age. That's what you should be focusing on. Well... I mean. You should focus on your schoolwork first, but you know what I mean." Mother of the Year, right here.

"What was she like back in school?"

"Exactly the same as she probably is now. Bossy, full of way too much information, and absolutely off limits. Do I make myself clear?"

Lucas nodded.

"Good." Lauren was satisfied there couldn't have been any way her son would have misconstrued what she said.

"You know, I feel I have to say... I had no idea you were such an artist?"

Lucas groaned. "Did pussy show you the drawing?"

"Of course pussy showed me the drawing. I mean you'll find this out for yourself in hopefully a few years, but... women don't really bend that way."

Lucas groaned again. "Mom, I love you. But could you please leave while I still have some semblance of dignity left?"

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