Nefarious parenting practices

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Camila Cabello sighed heavily as she addressed the stack of fifth year essays on her desk waiting to be graded. Today had been a test on her patience.

After spending just over eight years teaching at a middle school, Camila had wanted a new challenge. Last year, she accepted the post of English professor at her old school, excited to see what new adventures lay ahead.

She did not imagine those adventures would have included being the recipient of indecent proposals from horny little brats and then having to confront their idiotic, potentially sociopathic Mothers in a parent/teacher conference.

Make no mistake, Lucas Jauregui was a great kid. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he was absolutely nothing like his arsehole of a Mother. He was polite, attentive, engaged in the material. Although looking back she wondered if Lucas  actually did have a hunger for knowledge, or if his supposed interest in her class had anything to do with the embarrassing crush he apparently had on her. Either way, he was a nice boy and she wouldn't let this incident color her opinion of him moving forward. No matter if his Mother happens to be an infuriating bitch.

Lauren Jauregui. There's one who hadn't changed a bit. She was still the same arrogant, smug, sneering little bitch she had always been.

Well... I mean maybe she changed a bit. She had gotten hotter.

She sighed. Fuck, she really was hot, which infuriated her all the more. How dare she walk into that meeting all sexy and single-mom-like and make light of the fact that her son drew that disgusting picture of her? Granted, she had apologized for the whole thing. And she said he would talk to Lucas. But still! To Lauren, this was probably some huge joke. No doubt she thought it was hilarious that her son would objectify her like that. She wished she could just punch her again in her smirking, stupid, sexy... stupid face!

"Professor Cabello?" a male voice broke her from her violent fantasy.

"Mr. Jauregui! I didn't see you there. How may I help you?"

"I just wanted to apologize for the note. My Mom explained to me how inappropriate it was and I'm humiliated that I did it. You were always just so nice to me and I thought... never mind. Please accept my apology."

"Of course, Mr. Jauregui. Consider it forgotten."

"Thank you Professor. Although you should know, I still do think that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I don't care what my Mom says."

"That's kind of you Mr. Jauregui but I assure you...wait. What did your Mother say exactly?"

"Only that she knew you in school. She said you didn't look the way you do now and that I probably only thought I was in love with you because you were my teacher. And that you were... bossy, knew too many things, and that you were 'absolutely off limits' I believe were her words."

"Uh huh. Well, thank you very much for your apology Mr. Jauregui. I will see you in class tomorrow."

Lucas nodded and left the room.

So the bitch thought she was bossy did she? That she was unworthy of being the object of affection?

That little shit.

Of course she had no wish for her students to lust after her. That was gross. And weird. But for Lauren to say that she was 'absolutely off limits'... she wondered if it was because she was a teacher, which was correct, or if it was because of the way Lauren used to treat her, which was disappointing.

That fucking asshole. And what exactly did she mean when she said she 'didn't look then the way she did now'? Was she encouraging her son to judge women based on their appearance?

That fucking, insufferable bitch.

Miss. Jauregui,

I request your presence in my office at your earliest convenience. I am not satisfied that Lucas fully understands why his actions were inappropriate.

Email me back with your availability.


Professor Cabello


Oh what the fuck did she do now? Seriously! She was certain that she could not have been more clear. And how dare that little swot boss her around like she was in charge of her? Damn her and her bossy, know-it-all attitude!

She could just imagine Camila giving her a stern talking-to, chest heaving, hands on those lovely hips, telling her off with that luscious, gorgeous, swotty little lips of hers.

Fucking hell, she saw it. That's why those little brats all had boners for her. She needed a drink.

She emailed her back immediately:

Professor Cabello,

I shall be in your office tomorrow at 6:00. I don't see how I could have been more clear to my son regarding his untoward behavior, but I simply can't wait to find out.


Lauren Jauregui


Camila thought over what she would say to Lauren...she refused to refer to her as Miss. Jauregui in her own head for when she arrived.

She practiced out loud. "Are you trying to actively teach your son not to respect women or can you just not help yourself?"


Camila jumped. She turned her head to find that her doorway was occupied by a smirking Lauren Jauregui, leaning very sexily against the wall.

"Are you only now rehearsing what you're going to say to me? You're slipping, Camila."

"That's Professor Cabello to you."

"Professor Cabello." Lauren drawled out.

Camila felt a bit of warmth in her lower abdomen at her use of her new title. Shit. She was not really supposed to like that this much.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Lauren insisted. "How exactly did I fail at motherhood this time?"

Camila huffed. "Why don't you have a seat Lauren?"

"Shouldn't that be Miss Jauregui?"

"Fine! Miss Jauregui, won't you have a seat?"

"I don't think so. I feel more comfortable standing when I'm being attacked."

"Great! We'll both stand then." She put her hands on her hips and glared. "What exactly did you say to your son when you spoke to him the other day?"

God help me, there it is. She's in full professor-mode and I've been a bad, bad girl- STOP Lauren! Do not fantasize about your son's teacher! You're no better than Lucas! Who's the adult, here?

"I told him that it was inappropriate for him to harbor such feelings towards his teacher. Should I have not said that?"

"Did you not also tell him that when I was a student I was 'bossy' and that I 'didn't look then like I look now'?"

Fuck me, running Lucas. Why do you listen to everything I say so fucking well?

"Perhaps I did but you were, and you didn't. What exactly is the problem?"

"It seemed like you were insinuating that your son's affections towards me were inappropriate not because I was his teacher, but because you used bully me."

"Whoa! Hey. Where is this coming from? Lucas asked me what you were like when you were younger and I told him. Did you want me to lie to my son and say that you and I were best friends back then?"

"Then why did you tell him that I was now, as I was back then 'absolutely off limits' if you weren't referring to that?"

Lauren seethed. "You are fucking infuriating, Camila! Believe it or not, I hate myself everyday for the way I used to treat you. I'm sorry, Camila. I was merely trying to convey that you were his teacher and that it was wrong on many levels for him to pursue you. Did Lucas not also tell you that I was certain you were a great teacher and that I told him he should respect his professors? No? Didn't mention that? Of course he freaking didn't because that's not the way my life seems to work. Just slap me on the wrist and get it over with, Camila because I am done being punished for my son's silly infatuations. I am sorry that he's got the hots for you and believe me when I say that never in a thousand years did I expect such a thing to ever happen to me. It must be some sort of cosmic joke that my son lusts after Camila Cabello, the girl I teased in school. But he's a teenager boy! He's a sixteen year old and I can't control what he jerks off to. May I go now?"

Camila's professor-mode broke about mid-way through Lauren's speech. Somewhere around 'I was certain you were a great teacher...'

Maybe she had been wrong. It was silly of her to assume that motherhood had not changed Lauren Jauregui.

Her voice caught in her throat. She had something she needed to say, something she had said many times to many people, but never to Lauren.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was so small he barely heard her.

"What's that?"

"I'm sorry, Lauren. I should never have insinuated that you were attempting to brainwash Lucas and turn him into... well... you when you were his age. I was completely out of line and I hope you'll forgive me."

Lauren raised her eyebrows. Camila Cabello just apologized to her. This was sweet. This was good. This was worth the manic hell the last few days had been.

"Apology accepted."

"You know, Lucas really is a good kid. He's a favorite with all the professors here. You must be very proud."

"I am."

"Don't know where he gets it from, but-"

"Ah, see you just can't help yourself, can you?" She was smirking now. "Do I need to ask for another apology?"

"Miss Jauregui,"

Oh, goddamn that's going to be the death of me, Lauren thought.

"I am ever so sorry that I can't seem to not insult you or accuse you of nefarious parenting practices when I'm in your presence and I will endeavor to do better in the future. In the meantime, know that your son is an excellent student and I enjoy having him in my class... when he's not attempting to get into my panties."

Lauren laughed. "You win, Camila. That was a wonderful apology. And... if I haven't already prostrated myself enough this week because of my zit-faced little spawn, I apologize sincerely for my son's lecherous behavior towards you, Professor Cabello."

Oh, fuck me. She really needs to stop calling me that, Camila thought.

"And I will continue to make certain, if it hasn't already taken root in that thick head of his, that he understands he should always treat a lady with respect, and to be the total opposite of everything I was at his age."

Camila suppressed a grin. "Well alright then."

Lauren bit her lip behind a smirk. "Alright then. I suppose I'll see you the next time my son does something embarrassing or awful."

Camila rolled her eyes. "I look forward to it."

"So do I," Lauren muttered under her breath as she left her classroom.

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