Notch and Herobrine

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The Minecraftian Players have wronged the Gods Notch and Herobrine since the dawn of time.

When the gods brough the original three into the world, they never planned to make the players. Notch simply wanted a testing ground for new monsters and demigods to follow in their footsteps. This is when the first demigods were created. Herobrine did not want to follow Notch's path of inhumane creativity, and began to whisper ideas. Hero himself could not create, only destroy.

Herobrine convinced Notch to begin making players, but it took decades more to give them souls. Notch at first wanted to create these players to do his bidding, and then have Hero kill them. It was the Sorceress of Land who first told Notch to give them souls, to let them grow, but in the end Hero helped convince him.

Once the original three left the earth, the players began their journey. Seeing Notch as their creator, they praised him for life. Notch did not realize how much he would enjoy their cries of joy and gifts. He did not want to share this, so he began feeding them lies. Saying Hero was their demise and would kill them all. So, Herobrine became the wicked.

As kingdoms grew and beasts began roaming, Notch saw a problem arise. The kings were so focused on keeping their people safe from the beasts, they had no time for him. Notch ordered Herobrine to kill the beasts. Instead, Hero went against their powers, and created. He let Zombies rise, green exploding creatures creeped up on players, skeletons and giant spiders attacked towns. He succumbed to his destructiveness.

Notch became furious, and soon went against his own powers and destroyed. The beasts became smaller in size, only allowing the 'Kings' of their tribes live. A bacca, a cat, an amphibian, a squid, a fox, a bear, and an unknown monster. These beasts become players, but that's another story.

Becoming more and more furious, Notch and Herobrine began fighting. Sending the world below them into darkness. Players began dying quicker than they could reproduce. Kings gave up on their cities and let it fall. Sorcerers and assassins killed mercilessly. And the demigods became fewer until two remained.

Seeing the chaos, the Sorceress of Land rose again to confront the gods, the gods blood coursing through her veins. She warned them that if they continued, there would be no world or praise. She solely could take their world away, but they didn't want that.

At the end, they came to an agreement. Notch would watch the skies, taking the praise he desired for creation and life. His heart and soul are black as his eyes, but are forgotten when he smiles and distracts the world with the power of respawn.

Herobrine would watch the underworld, later calling it the nether. There he can freely watch his creations, his monsters, survive and stay away from Notch's gaze. His eyes are blinding but once you prove your worth he will grant the player anything. And with Notch's permission, he granted the world technology and mods.

The two demigods were broken and built again by the gods in hope they will be identical to them, but they show the truth.

Sparkles is not faking kindness or tricking someone's trust. He wants the world to run smoother than what it's been left as. He builds in hope of becoming a creator and not a destroyer. He acts cold and sinister when he knows Notch is watching.

Ant is not faking anything. He's willing to rebel against his god to finally shed light on how this world came to be. By a false god who only wanted players to torture. He's cold and distant only because he does not know how feelings work. That is, until he met Sparkles.

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