TC Ot8: Monsters

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Humans have begun to spread rumors of the forbidden forest. Saying that there have been sighting of many monsters. Monsters weren't an uncommon thing, but most were killed at an early age. A dragon was seen flying over the trees, before diving down to the shadows. A werewolf and vampire were spotted by a nymph, seeming to protect it. Various shrieks of a wendigo and succubus hunting prey could be heard, but very rare. Those brave enough to wander to see the lake that laid in the middle, say they saw a long-necked 'Ness' listening to a siren song. Now, these are only rumors.

A dragon hybrid sat high on a tree branch, tail dangling lazily and wings spread out to keep balance. The shades of the leaves kept most of his face hidden, but his eyes were glued to the Nymph below him. The nymph was humming as he worked on a patch of roses, being careful not the stab himself on the thorns. The dragon suddenly tensed up, eyes narrowing to slits before jumping off the branch, landing on top of the nymph. The nymph let out a scream before bursting into giggles, pushing the dragon off and checking the roses to make sure none were squished. The dragon's tail thumped against the ground as he curled around the nymph, watching over his shoulder.

"You're really lucky you didn't crush them Adam," the nymph scolded the dragon, reaching up to poke his nose. Adam scrunched up his face before sneezing, digging his head into the nymph's shoulder. His tail did not miss a beat as it thumped away, making the nymph break into a bigger grin.

"You watch your tail too before I ban you from the garden." This got Adam to put his head up, ears perking up as well.

"But Mitch! I protect the garden from bad creatures! Like Jerome!"

"It was one flower and he didn't know. Your tail is a disaster waiting to happen," Mitch scolded again, booping Adam's nose one more time before pushing him off. "Speaking of him. He and Ian be back from the city soon. Ty said Ian mentioned you before leaving."

This got the dragons attention, tail thumping even harder on the ground. Spreading his wings out, Adam gave one kiss to Mitch's cheek before taking off. He flew above the trees and hovered a moment, enjoying the feeling of wind rushing past him. Having wings in a dense forest was a nightmare, and binding them to protect them was worse. He flew over the trees before making it into a clearing where a small abandoned house laid by a lake. Two monster hybrids were by the edge of the lake, one in the water and one sitting on a rock. Adam dived down and opened his wings back up before crashing, sending a gust of wind over the two water hybrids.

The one on the rock covered his face while letting out a high pitch whistle, flipping his tail up and smacking the one in the water. Adam laughed under his breath and knelt by the siren, letting his chin rest on the tail. The one in the water moved back from the hit, letting out a string of clicks. He gave Adam a glare before splashing him with water, sinking down until the water reached his nose.

"Sorry Jas, Sorry Quen. I thought I was noisy enough to warn you," Adam muttering out an apology through a smile, getting the two to whistle and click back at him. "Are you still mad at me from this morning? I didn't know I ate your cereal!"

"It was fish food!" Quen rose back up from the water, showing his small but sharp teeth, "Ian and Jerome had to go to the city for more!"

"I didn't know the Loch Ness liked Fish Food," Adam purred out with a smirk, getting Quen to sink back down in embarrassment and clicks. Jas uncovered his face and tapped Adam's head, getting his attention.

'At least he doesn't eat catnip' Jas signed, getting Quen to laugh and Adam to hide his face in his wings. Jas let out an amused whistle and moved his tail out of the water, setting them on a towel he brought to dry off with. Quen moved more out of the water and pulled himself onto land, his bottom half a pale green with four fins. He laid on his stomach so that he was practically laying on Adam, looking up at him. Adam moved so that his wings were more out of the way but wrapped around them.

Another creature moved out of the abandoned house near the lake, ducking down to allow its antlers to fit through the door. Standing up, it reached about 9 feet, a cloak covering most of its body. His eyes were slightly sunken in and skin a slight grey. Moving towards the group of thee, his bones creaked and groaned until his height shrunk down to four feet. Quen looked up and smiled at the Wendigo, moving to the side so the monster could sit and be apart of the group.

"You look tired Seto. Tonight you hunt?" Adam shifted so that he could see the wendigo. Seto nodded and rested his forehead on Adams' arm, making sure his antlers didn't hit any of them. Jas reached over and gave a pat to Seto's head, grinning big when he looked up.

'Ian is coming back with food. He wants to hunt as well.' Jas let out a small chirp after signing. Seto nodded and gave Jas a small smile, leaning back on Adam and closing his eyes. Quen pulled his tail fully out of the water, throwing a towel over it. He patted it dry and moved around, before kicking the towel off. He now had two legs, a slight green but it was fading away. He folded the towel and then leaned back against Adam, closing his eyes as well.

Adam held perfectly still, having all three leaning on him. The only thing that was moving was his tail, that was still thumping against the ground at a solid pace. At one point Seto reached over, bones creaking as he stretched and put a hand on the tail, making it go still. As soon as he let go, the tail went back to thumping. The others used to tease Adam about it, saying that it was like a dog wagging his tail. It never really bothered them, cause they knew it meant Adam was happy.

As the four relaxed, none heard yet another creature come out of the house. The creature resembled Adam, having smaller black wings and a thinner tail, but ram horns rested on the side of his head. Although always being mistaken as a demon by humans, he was really an incubus. The demon smiled when he spotted the four, moving quietly towards the rest of them. As soon as he got close enough he wrapped his arms around Adam, startling the dragon.

"Hello loves," the demon purred out, tilting Adams head back to give him a spiderman kiss. (There is no other way to describe it.)

"Hey Ty," Seto responded, eyes still closed, "Stop moving my pillow, I'm trying to sleep."

"Go sleep inside," Ty countered, not letting go of Adams' face. Seto made a noise and opened his eyes, glaring at Ty. Ty stuck out his tongue and wrapped his arms around Adams' neck again, rocking them both.

"Ty, Seto, there's enough of me to go around." Adam grinned, wrapping one arm around Seto and another around Ty. He also wrapped his wings around them both, struggling a bit with Ty until the demon moved so he could. His wingspan also could cover Quen and Jas, which got them to click in appreciation of being included. Seto chuckled and moved closer to Adam, closing his eyes again.

"When is Ian and Jerome gonna be back," Ty asked, looking at each one for an answer. Adam shrugged while Jas signed 'in a while'. Ty signed and leaned against Adam, wings sagging down as well. He sighed again and let his weight drop, making Adam lean forward and move Seto and Quen.

"Calm down Ty they're not gonna be long!" Quen snapped, getting Ty to glare at him.

"It's almost dark and Ian promised to go hunting with me and Seto! Mitch said he spotted some trespassing campers a few miles out," Ty explained, also getting Seto to nod. Quen puffed his gills before sitting up, looking past Adam and towards the trees.

"Speaking of the two, here they come."

Near the line of trees, the very much talked about Ian and Jerome appeared. In one hand Ian was holding a dark blue umbrella and in the other a few bags. Jerome was a little bit behind him, carrying four times as many bags. Before anyone could move Adam sprang up, knocking everyone off him. He stumbled a bit figuring out if he should fly or run before sprinting to the vampire and werewolf. He launched himself at Jerome, scrambling a bit before settling on his back, clinging like a koala. Jerome didn't even move an inch at the added weight, only mumbling a hello.

Ian tilted his umbrella back to look at Adam, making sure to stay under the shadow. He gave Adam a grin, showing sharp fangs hanging over his bottom lip.

"Be careful now Adam. Jerome's tired from walking."

"I'm never tired," Jerome corrected, continuing his walk to the house. The other near the lake had gotten up to walk over and help the two, including the sea creatures. Quen and Jas both had their legs formed, keeping a towel wrapped around their waists. Seto moved slower than the rest, bones creaking as he grew an extra foot to be near more Ian's 6-foot height. The group helped to carry the bags inside, moving into the kitchen.

"Then I helped Mitch plant some roses, then I scared Quen and Jas by accident. Did you buy the fish food for the fish," Adam rambling out, still hanging onto Jerome's back. Both the werewolf and dragon's tail were swishing behind them, ready to knock something over. Ian nodded and pulled out a box, handing it to Quen to hide.


A small group of campers stood around a campfire, glass bottles in hand and loudly chatting about everything. Some shattered glass laid under trunks, suggesting they had a bottle-throwing contest earlier. Two were loudly arguing over if the forest was haunted, or if a monster lived there. Another joined, seeming to yell over the two. Before it got worse the fire suddenly grew, catching all their attention. Knelt low to the ground, dragon eyes stared back at them through the shaded trees, fire illuminating from its throat. The campers, now dead silent, began backing up before hearing a thud behind them.

Rising to its full height of ten feet, a wendigo towered over the campers, jaw broken open to reveal sharp teeth. The dragon stood up and began making its way closer, the fire reflecting off its dark purple wings and ears. The campers tried to move another way but froze when seeing a well dress human blocking their only escape out. He looked up and grinned, revealing his sharp fangs. Hidden behind him, a winged demon grinned as well.


And what happens next can be left to your imagination :)

Thank you SmokeyFan27 for the stream of ideas.

Another ot8 story is planned, but only 1/10 of the way done

Siren: a mermaid who songs can lure sailors to their death. Jason signs to keep this from happening to the others.

Incubus: a male succubus. A demon who feeds off intercourse.

Wendigo: an evil spirit that eats flesh. Seto rarely eats cause he doesn't like hunting.

Nymph: a spirit that lives in the forest and protects it. Mitch can feel when a plant dies.

Loch Ness, Vampire, Werewolf, and Dragon are p self-explanatory

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