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Omg thank you sail_the_sea for requesting Subthan I have a perfect prompt for them

Ethan woke up to a cold bed, as usual. Though this time was different than most. Sub was supposed to be here, Ethan could clearly see his green jacket on a near by chair.

He flipped over and shoved his head into the pillow, letting out a groan of frustrations. Of course he had to leave early. It would be odd seeing Sub leave his room in the base. What would the Sky followers think?

Ethan smirked slightly, remembering what happened last night. Thank god both of them are mute to the point where they wouldn't wake up anyone next door. But as protocols go, crafters are expected to be up before noon or a bucket of ice is on their head.

He got up eventually and picked up various pieces of clothing, throwing on his own and making sure Sub didn't forget anything. While folding the green button up, it hit him.

His favorite black leather jacket wasn't in the room. Ethan frowned, glancing around the room quickly, seeing no sign of it. He checked his closest, the bathroom, even under the bed. Not a trace.

Sub flashed in his mind, and things just clicked into place.


Sky snickered quietly as he watched his younger friend practically skipped over to where he sat in the cafeteria. Sub gave him a giant grin and set his tray down, sitting next to Jin, who as also staring.

"So. Sub. How are you," Ross said, forcing a laugh down. Sub smiled and shrugged, taking a bit of an apple.

He was wearing Ethan's jacket.

"You're either one lucky son of a biscuit or magic," Sky announced, getting Sub to raise his eye.

Nothing else was said, for the kitchen doors were slammed opened to a pissed off looking Ethan. Sub immediately ducked his head, but sky was already pointing to give him away.

Ethan made his way over and didn't give sub a chance to speak before he was dragging the younger one out of the room. The room went back into its normal chit chat and a few started to laugh.

"Thinks he's gonna get... 'Punished' for it," Jin snickered, making Ross giggle. Sky shrugged and few back to eating, kicking both of them under the table.


Back in the empty hallway, Sub was practically shaking with worry and clinging onto the jacket like a lifeline. Ethan paused so he could face him, giving him a small smile.

'Heeeeeeeeey Ethan,' Sub signed, giving him a guilty smile. Ethan didn't answer, instead he kept Sub backed into the wall, hands around his waist.

Sub was about to sign again before Ethan lightly kissed him, keeping him pinned still. Sub melted instantly and kissed back, grip loosening on the jacket.

Both in the moment didn't even care if they were caught.

Ethan slowly trailed his hands up Sub's sides, stopping at his shoulder. In one smooth motion, without breaking the kiss, Ethan slid the jacket off Sub. Sub didn't care or notice.

Though when Ethan was backing up and putting the jacket on did Sub notice, and instantly cared.

'Thanks babe,' Ethan signed before tping to Sky. Sub stood alone in the hallway. Upset, confused, and a little turned on.


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