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Questions I ask myself.
Why do I love these three?
Why do I always write about them?
Will I ever stop?.... Haha nope

Syndi grumbled to himself, kicking a rock and watching it roll through the snow. He let out a breath, feeling the scarf that covered his nose and mouth warm up. He needed to get away from the house, away from... Surprisingly away from the two he loved dearly. Don't get him wrong, he'd die for Ant and Sparkles. But their 'godly powers' were getting on his last nerves.

'Let the Demi-gods handle this' 'you're a human you wouldn't understand' 'we could've been a Demi-God trio' 'Syn be careful' 'you can't handle this' or the worst 'you're so weak Syn'

Syndi paused walking, feeling his throat tighten up and tears welling in his eyes. No. He was not gonna cry over this. Hell no. It's not like they'll leave him over this. Right? They love him too much. Right? They tell him everything. ...Right?

He heard crackling in the distance, making the hair on his neck raise. It could be Sparkles and his lightning, but he was in another world with Ant-

A bolt of lightning struck down, making Syndi jump back with a yelp, tripping and falling into the snow. He sat up fast to see a shadow moving towards him. He tried backing up and away from the shadow but his back hit a tree, blocking him in. He felt ice seep into his shoes, and with one look he saw black ice running up his legs pinning him to the ground.

"My my my... what was your bet with this one surviving again?" the black shadow spoke, forming a figure with white eyes.

"I predicted a month," another voice scoffed, "he's useless besides his brains."

"Who are you," Syndi tried yelling, but his voice came out shaky. Another crafter stepped into his view, having black eyes. It wasn't Sparkles or Ant.

It was the gods.

"What? You don't remember us?" Herobrine chuckled darkly, looking Syndi over, "guess your creation isn't as smart as it leads on Notch."

"Then why on earth would our Demi gods be with him," Notch put a finger to his chin, seeming to think. Syndi felt his mouth go dry, eyes going down to not meet the gods. Was he really that useless?

"They must be guilted into it," Herobrine tisked, "Sparkles needs someone who can be as strong and ruthless as him."

"And Ant needs someone who can be as fast and patient as him," Notch added on, "hm. Seems as though only those two compliment each other."

"Then why add a third who's only self absorbent and obnoxious," Herobrine looked over to Syndi who still was trapped at the base of the tree. He had began to curl up on himself, hand tightly around his stomach with his head bowed. Notch shook his head, a sly smile playing on his face.

"Though we have been developing that... power transfer spell." When Notch spoke Syndi looked up, looking both devastated and curious.

"Indeed we have brother." Herobrine nodded, sending glances to Syndi every second, "a painless way to earn Demi-god powers."

"But who should be our test subject," Notch used a tone of hinting, "certainly no one in their right mind-"

"Do it."

Both Gods paused, looking back to Syndi who had sudden determination in his eyes. Notch and Herobrine gave each other a glance, both smiling.


Ant paced in the living room, a trail of ice forming behind him before melting in seconds. Sparkles was on the couch, arm crossed and staring at one fixed point on the floor. Both had come home to find Syndi gone. No note. No text. No call. He hasn't returned their calls or texts either and Ant had begun to panic.

"It's freezing out. He's gonna get a cold and there's no way a respawn will happen fast enough," Ant rambled, ice lasting and spreading to the base of the walls. "He couldn't be at spawn city because we were just there. He would of answer our calls. Unless he's with someone-"

"Ant." Sparkles stopped Ant's rant, his voice was stern but wavered a bit at the end. "Stop."

Ant looked at Sparkles for a moment, calming down his breathing and calling back the ice that spread across the room. He mumbled an apology and cross his arms, looking at the front door.

"Lets go look before it gets dark," Sparkles suggested, "he hates going far from the house. Once we get close enough to him we'll sense him."

Ant didn't respond, keeping his eyes locked on the door until his eyes became black. Sparkles eyes also went white, letting the house go silent. Ant stared, jaw tightening as he clenched his teeth. Ant let his mind slip, allowing it to drift and span to other emotions. He could feel the fear Sparkles was feeling, but there was a faint pain spreading in his chest from someone else close by. He suddenly snapped his head to look at Sparkles, face becoming pale.

"He's in the forest. He's hurt."

In a flash Sparkles was up, walking over to Ant and placing a hand on his shoulder. He shut his eyes and teleported the two, letting Ant think of the location. The two flashed into the forest, snow falling and covering the two instantly. Ant broke away fast, looking panicked as he looked around. Sparkles walked in another direction, fear rising as well.

Ant picked up the pace when he felt a tug in his mind, leading him to the left. He saw a far off shadow slipping away, and his fear was replaced with rage. He knew exactly who it was and was not gonna let them get away. Beginning to sprint, in a second he caught up to the shadow, but before he could grab it, it vanished. Ant let out a frustrated yell, punching a near by tree.

"Syndi!" Ant yelled out, pausing to see if he'd get a response. He heard Sparkles starting to call his name as well, sounding far away. Ant closed his eyes, drifting off once again and focusing on any noises. The snow began to fall slower, until it stopped completely. Ant stayed completely still, letting his body grow colder. He heard a small shift, and his eyes snapped opened.

Ant turned back and ran in another direction, and saw Syndi leaning against a tree just yards away. His skin was deathly pale, and it looked like he wasn't breathing. What freaked Ant out the most was the grey liquid leaking from his mouth and eyes. Time felt like it slowed down the longer Ant stared, and before he knew what was happening Sparkles was rushing past him and towards Syndi.

They didn't protect him.

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