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I love this ship
Too much
They're problematic

Something didn't feel right. Scratch that. Nothing ever felt alright; but something was off more than usual.

Ant sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eye. The clock on the nearby dresser read 2 in the morning; way too early, even for the insomniac Sparkles. Speaking of his boyfriends, Ant noticed that Sparkles was fast asleep to his left, but Syndi was no where to be found. A wave of scenarios flooded his mind, but he blurred each one out. He was not going to worry about the future.

While Sparkles had his teleportation, Ant could see the future. Not the direct one. He could only use a tree as an example. Different paths branching out until it ends. Some ended bare and death, while some still grew on with flowers. Ant had learn to block it all out, ever since Syndi came into his life. It had been nightmare after nightmare of all the horrible things that could happen to their mortal.

Now that Syndi has demigod blood, it was no use to see into the future. Not after he couldn't prevent what happened.

Ant slipped out of the bed silently and grabbed the nearest hoodie, seeing how it was two sizes too big. He put it on anyway and made his way out of the room and down the stairs, walking quiet to see if he could hear his mortal.

No. Not mortal. Demi god.

Ant paused at the bottom of the steps, letting some thoughts become clear. Different paths of him looking in different, most if not all lead to nothing. Except one. Blocking them all out again, Ant headed to the back porch. He walked through their kitchen and to the back door, slowly turning the knob and opening it.

Syndi was sitting on the porch swing, one leg down to push himself while the other was crossed over his lap. He was frozen still, a glaze over his eyes as he stared into the backyard. What startled Ant the most was the silent tears that were spilling down Syndi's cheeks. Ant walked outside and sat by Syndi, seeing that his boyfriend wasn't even fazed at the sudden jolt. Ant reached out and touched his face, gently wiping his face. Neither spoke for what seemed like hours, and the longer it went on the more nauseous Ant become with worry.

"There is so much that can harm us," Syndi whispered, sounding terrified, "there are so many bad things that can or will happen."

Ant froze, realizing what Syndi was referencing. Guess he got that ability with the deal. Syndi broke through his faze, looking at Ant with so much fear. His eyes had become a grey, one darker than the other. Ant felt himself flinch at the sight, remembering what had happened just a month ago.

"I don't want this," he whispered, tears going from a clear water to a more grey, "I don't like this. I just wanted to be equal. I didn't want to be a third wheel."

Ant felt himself moving closer, pulling Syndi into a hug. Syndi hugged back, digging his face into Ants shoulder before letting out a sob.

Yay quick one shot.

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