SyndiVenom: Minor-Major Nsfw

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I love how all my drafts are SyndiSparkAnt related besides one or two

I love this ship too much help me

Minor/Major NSFW/ The aftermath of NSFW (I get descriptive)

So we're just gonna just right into this-

Syndi bit at Ant's lower lip, pulling it until he got a moan. Ant moved his arms so that they wrapped around Syndi's neck, moving the water so it splashed them both. Syndi had suggested they take a swim in a nearby lake at night. It just gotten heated at this point. Syndi slipped his hands down Ant's sides, moving lower before being suddenly stopped.

"Syndi," Ant pulled back, looking serious, "we're not fucking here."

Syndi groaned in frustrations, leaning in and kissing Ant, "whyyy," he mumbled. Ant took his hands and pulled them above water, pinning them together.

"First of all its unsanitary. It's a fucking lake. Second of all Syndi there's fish in here."

Syndi stared at him for a second before chuckled, moving his hands until he broke free, wrapping them around Ant's waist, "scared the fish will watch?"

Ant glared at him and blushes slightly, hands going down and holding Syndi's hands to make sure they didn't move, "did you not hear my first reason?"

"Yeah yeah," Syndi rolled his eyes and kissed his nose, "you've just never had an audience watching~"

"I'm going to drown you."

"Aw baby don't be that way. I lo-," Syndi stopped his sentence, words catching. Ant raised an eyebrow, giving him an 'are you kidding me' look. Syndi opened his mouth and closed it again, not finishing his sentence. Ant scoffed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"It's getting cold out. Let's get out and get our clothes back on and head back home."

--Days later--

"I'm not watching that movie," Ant crossed his arms, getting Syndi to sigh and put the Bee movie back. It was movie night for just the two of them. Sparkles had gone out with some other friends and Skit was at Swifts, leaving the two alone. Syndi was sliding through movies on the tv with Ant curled up in front of him.

"I mean. The movies just playing in the background," Syndi smirked as he felt Ant kick his feet, "okay okay. How about... This horror movie?" When Ant didn't complain Syndi clicked on the movie, opening title coming on.

About halfway through the movie Ant turned around so he was facing Syndi, a bored expression on his face. He moved his hands so that they were around Syndi's waist. Syndi moved so that his one arm was on Ant's waist and the other was under his head. It could fall asleep but he didn't care.

"This is boring," he announced, as the Tv played a girl screaming as she was chopped up. Syndi rolled his eyes at the comment and tv, equally bored. They'd seen it already. Well, Sparkles saw it with Ant when they first started to date. Syndi didn't care for horror movies.

"Yeah? What do you want to do," Syndi questioned, seeing Ant smirk. He leaned in and kissed Syndi, pressing their bodies together. Syndi chuckled and closed his eyes, kissing back. Ant parted his lips to slid his tongue across Syndi's lower lip. He gladly accepted and open his mouth, tongue sliding across Ant's.

They broke apart for a quick breath before Ant started to leave bite marks on Syndi's jaw. Syndi let out a content sigh and moved his free hand downward.

"Hey Ant," Syndi breathed out, getting Ant to stop and look at him curiously. Syndi swallowed, shifting nervously. "I... Iiiiii... I...," he swallowed again, becoming more and more nervous. Ant huffed, suddenly pissed. He untangled himself and got up.

"I'm tired. Night."

--Days later--

Laying down with a thud, Syndi stared at the ceiling, cheat heaving for air. Sparkles was still sitting up and helping Ant with his blindfold. Since, in Ants word, someone tied it with quadruple knots. Once it was off Ant glared at Sparkles, only getting him to chuckle and kiss his head.

"I promise you I didn't tie it," Sparkles was trying to hide his amusement, "besides. It wasn't my job this time."

Ant then turned to Syndi, but he was already asleep. He rolled his eyes and turned back to Sparkles, still pissed and wanting someone to blame. Sparkles rolled his eyes and took Ant's wrists, rubbing the irritated skin, "hey, they're not bleeding."

"Cause you put them on. Syndi always puts them on too tight," Ant complained quietly, not wanting to wake him up. Suddenly the atmosphere changed and Ant looked upset, "sometimes I wonder if he even cares about me-"

"Come on now," Sparkles cut him off, kissing his forehead again, "don't think like that. I know he loves you. He just must be nervous."

"Nervous," Ant huffed, "that cocky son of a bitch?" Sparkles rolled his eyes and ran a hand across Ant cheek, seeing bruises forming on his neck and collarbones, "yes. He's nervous. You do realize this is the most serious relationship he's ever been in."

Ant still didn't look so sure, but didn't argue. Sparkles placed more kisses on his face before reaching his lips, "least you know I love you," Sparkles (I keep typing Sorakles why) mumbled. Ant nodded, looking back at Syndi. Neither knew he was fake sleeping.


Syndi opened up his text messages, putting his feet up on the coffee table. It was getting dark out and he was waiting for Ant to come home. He was nervous, no, beyond nervous. To the point of his hands shaking. Sparkles was continuously messaging him encouragement.

Sparkles: you'll be fine notchdammit

Syndi: but what if he doesn't say it back? I'll look like an idiot!! He's been avoiding me. Haven't you noticed????

Sparkles: okay first of all breath. He's talked to me about it. You'll be fine.

Syndi put away his phone when hearing the door open. Ant walked in and his sword landed with a heavy thud. He looked drained, probably got a game with Bajan. He started to walk towards the stairs but Syndi jumped up getting his attention.

"I... I need to talk to you," Syndi blurted out, his heart skipping a beat when Ant glared at him.

"I'm tired," he snapped.

"It'll take one moment," Syndi promised, Ants sigh wasn't helping his nerves.

"You have a minute," Ant crossed his arms. Syndi suddenly couldn't find his voice, clearing it a couple times.

"I've been meaning to say something to you for a while... And I've just never... It's just that...," Syndi's voice faltered. Ant's annoyance turned to shock. Syndi thought he got his point through-

"You're breaking me off," Ants voice was barely audible. Syndi freaked out, but Ant wasn't done talking.

"I fucking knew it. You were just... Just... Playing me along so you could still be close to Sparkles," he paused, hand pulling at his hair.

"No no no no no no," Syndi was frantic, "that's not what-"

"Then I'm just a toy to you?" Ant's voice rose up, "if you're not using me then what??"

Syndi's voice caught again, unable to speak or explain. Ant frowned, backing up a step before running up the steps. Syndi snapped out of it and ran after him, getting a door slammed in his face.

"Ant I can explain-"

"Go away! You fucking asshole!"

"I'm not playing you along or using you!"

"Then what!!"

"I... I," Syndi sucked in a breath, shutting his eyes, "I love you okay!!"

Silence. Syndi opened his eyes, tears welling up in them, "notchdammit I love you. I love you're stupid smile that you rarely show. I love it when you're protective of me when I talk to girls. I love the nights we spend along together just talking. I love how you keep me out of trouble. I love that stupid look you get when you're annoyed with me. I... Please... Please don't leave me."

Syndi didn't hear anything for a long time, before there was a click and the door was opening. Ant peaked out, looking at Syndi. He opened it all the way so he could hug him, burying his head into Syndi's chest.

"I love you too, my idiot."

This is a long one shot...

I'm too productive right now


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