The Trio

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A blonde sorceress sat on the cliff edge, red eyes staring at the sunset. Her hands sparked once in a while, untold powers trying to surface. She took in a deep breath and raised one hand, watching a blue fire engulf her hand up to her shoulder. It stayed wrapped around, not burning her skin or clothes at all.

"Ender!" She extinguished the flames and turned to see another person walking to her. He had short brown hair with green eyes. A brown bandana was around his neck. He wore leather straps over a tan shirt. He also had a pair of goggles resting on his head. The alchemist walked over and sat next to her, looking over the cliff.

"What do you need Cc," Ender whispered, as if not wanting to disturb the peace around them. Cc shrugged and leaned back on his hands, staring at his friend.

"Obsidian kicked me from the area. Saying something about magic. I don't understand you magic users at all."

"It's serious business," she spoke seriously, glaring at him, "a mess up could ruin the world they placed us in. Then what? It'll become a wasteland again. Me and Obsidian have been trying so hard to make it perfect."

"I've been working hard too," Cc argued, "don't erase the alchemy used in your magic!"

Ender sighed in frustration, sparks coming from her eyes. Cc backed off, mumbling an apology. They stayed silent until it became unsettling.

"I can't wait to leave once this is over," Cc mumbled, "I want to leave my knowledge to the next Alchemist and just go."

"Wouldn't you want to stay here and see how they're raised? Notch has shown me his plans. They're amazing," Ender held out her palm to show a smaller blue fire, reflecting a portal. It showed Notch himself with the bases. Giving one mismatched eyes. "He plans to give them all different auras. It'll be a sight to behold."

"I'm not as fascinated as you are," Cc growled and pulled his legs back up. Ender removed the flame and rolled her eyes. Her friends were never excited. They just wanted to leave.

"Ender! Cc! We got a problem," Obsidian suddenly came their way. Black hair that went into his red eyes, he wore a shorter black cloak with a red shirt. His right hand was wrapped up.

"What's wrong," Ender teleported up, going to her other friend.

"I.... I raised monster by accident," he breathed out, "the blood magic raised monster."

"Ooooh we are dead," Cc mumbled, fear seeping in. Ender looked at both of them, before pulling her hood up.

"Let's get to work."

I got bored.

Have some history of Minecraftia

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