Chapter 48: Rock with you

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(Drawing up above made by me! ^^)

"Do you mind?" Fede huffed, tone the slightest bit irritated as he send the arcade worker-who was busy playing one of the games in the backroom-a look.

"Uh.....sorry." The guy lazily replied, making his way back to the arcade.

"Okay, sit down for a moment........" Fede helped Felix's lanky body onto a chair.

"Why can't I ever just stay in relationships? If Lilly and Abby manage, why can't I?" Felix continued sobbing over-dramatically.

"Abby and Lilly's relationship doesn't go without any flaws either, y'know. And you probably just haven't found the right guy yet........" Fede offered, a concerned expression still glued to his face, which in Felix's eyes made him look even more adorable than usual.

It was tempting to kiss him, really. But Felix knew he couldn't do it. Especially with him being drunk off his ass.

"Noooo, you don't understand....... I have found the right guy." Felix sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose rather frustrated.

"Well why don't you tell 'im how you feel? You're the most confident person I know, it can't be that hard....." Fede shrugged a bit saddened.

So basically his chances with Felix were zero. Of course he'd already found someone, Felix was completely out of his league.......

Felix rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, looking at Fede as if he'd just said the dumbest thing. Fede just frowned in confusion at the other teen's look.

"Fede, you cardboard box on legs, it's you. You're the guy."


Fede just stared at Felix, mind going completely blank and jaw basically dropping to the floor. Was he hearing this right? Or was Felix just playing around? 

"......wablief?" He stupidly blurted out, not even sure if he'd ever explained to Felix what the word meant.

"It's you, Fede...... It's always been you. And I-I know it's stupid of me to tell you this now, when I'm on the verge of puking my lungs out, but I just can't keep it in any longer." Felix quietly confessed, sinking a bit lower in his chair.

"Wait, wait, but what about those guys you've been hooking up with??" Fede's brain simply couldn't comprehend all this shit.

"I try filling the void of loneliness from time to time......" Felix replied, tone rather flat and simple.

"W-why are you telling me this now?! Dude I've been crushing on you for years now! It always looked like you might've been into me too but every time I tried to make a move you friend-zoned me." Fede's head was spinning so hard he had to lean against the Donkey Kong arcade game.

"Fefi, you're the type that wants to get married, get a dog and shit..... I'm just not that kind of person." Felix puffed out, wiping some sweat drops from his forehead.

"Don't pretend like you don't wanna get married too! I don't......I don't understand. You're always dating some random guy but you don't wanna date me? You literally just said I'm the right guy........" 

"Because I'm a MESS, Fede!" Fede jumped at the sudden raise in volume, and the way Felix's yellow eyes welled up with new tears.

"I can't even keep a casual relationship going for two weeks..... How the fuck am I supposed to maintain a relationship with someone I actually wanna marry?" Felix asked, voice shaky as he looked up at Fede.

The pale boy merely stared back at him with wide eyes, he was completely frozen in his position against the arcade cabinet. The dark blue neon sign in the shape of half a moon above him made Felix feel oddly at peace. He felt as though he could live in this moment forever. Which was a bit weird, considering the fact that Fede wasn't reacting to his confession made him feel anxious as hell.

But then the blue-eyed teen stepped forwards, cupping Felix's face and somewhat sloppily wiping the tears away that were streaming down his face.

"Felix, you don't, uh.....gotta date me. If you're not ready, I mean. We can just....take it slow 'till you've figured some things out....." Fede at last spoke, voice laced with hope and slight excitement.

Oh God he could freaking cry right now. Except that he already did. Like, 7 times.

"........yeah, sounds good." Felix half-smiled at the standing teen, too overwhelmed by emotions to say anything else.

"Soooo we're just gonna go back to our 'Will they won't they' bromance for now?" Fede playfully asked.

"Yup. No homo, though." Felix winked at Fede, smirking when he saw the other's cheeks redden.

Wow. That was a sentence Fede had never thought he'd hear Felix Fabulous say.

"Not even a little bit?

"Fine, just a little!" Felix burst into laughter, trying not to puke in the process.

"By the way, who's that girl by the prize counter? She kinda looks like a female version of you." Fede mentioned, raising an eyebrow at the pinkette.

"Oh, that's my cousin Cassidy. She's a bitch and she moved here last week." Felix dismissively did a hand gesture.

"So telling me about your 12th break-up was important but not your cousin moving here?" Fede asked a bit amused.

"Glad to hear you've been counting my break-ups, Chad!" Felix hysterically laughed, the mixture of joy and an alcohol-affected mind making him feel more energetic than he should really be.

Suddenly, they heard the door click. When Fede moved to see what was up, he realized someone had locked the door.

"What the-"

Fede was easily cut off by Michael Jackson's Rock With You playing through the speakers in the backroom.

"Goddamn it....." Felix covered his suddenly red face after he'd read Cassidy's text to him.

Cass🍰: Figured you and your boo might want some music in your love shack😘

Felix already regretted ever telling that girl about his Fede-related sex dream. He should've probably expected her to do something stupid with the information. The fact that she was a girl hearing about her cousin's sex dream was more than enough. But Felix thought she'd understand, being the lesbian she is.

Guess not.

"I love this fucking song." Fede said in such a deadly serious tone Felix couldn't help but snort at it.

"Fefi, I will do everything in my power to make sure I'll remember every single second of this insanely aesthetic night with you when I wake up tomorrow morning. If something's blurry, I'm assigning you to clear things up." Felix slurred again, head-ache slowly worsening.

"Bro, this conversation lasted for like, 30 minutes at best." Fede bashfully grinned with a shake of his head.

"Well, I, Felix Fabulous, have gorgeously confessed my love in the span of 30 minutes. I am proud, I am drunk, and I think I've sorta left you with an ultimatum." Felix commented, pupils blown wide as he stared up at the ceiling and started muttering the lyrics to the song under his breath.

"Oh my God, you did!" Fede fake-gasped.

"Bro, I cant' believe I'm calling you that, before I go and vomit or something I have to do one last thing." Felix started off, gaze going from the ceiling to Fede's face.

Fede somewhat awkwardly stared back into Felix's eyes, the other's stood so intense he felt almost intimidated by it.

"Come closer."

"Oké." Fede did as he was told, shuffling over to where Felix was sitting and leaning down a bit to match his height.

And then......boom. Felix's hands gripped his collar and he was pulled downwards into a kiss. Long and passionate. One that left him out of breath and completely flabbergasted when Felix finally pulled back.

Felix had the strong urge to poke the inside of Fede's wide open mouth with a straw. He looked really fucking hilarious, and-


"Fefi???" Felix's drunken brain only half registered that Fede had, in fact, just passed out on the floor in front of him.

Felix was just about to go check up on his not-official-yet-boyfriend when he suddenly let it all out. The pinkette looked down with a groan, noticing that his fancy yellow shirt was now stained with an ugly green, sour-smelling liquid.

Not knowing what else to do in this state, Felix simply sang along to MJ's Rock With You.

"Soooo.....he just pushed you into that pool and ran?" Mai asked, sucking on the straw of her milkshake as her legs dangled off of the counter.

"Yeah....." Deuz grumbled before putting on a wide grin and waving a customer off.

"Dude, what an asshole......" Onnie put on an angry face and stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth.

"You're payin' for that." Deuz lazily warned him.

"Is Eak ripped?" Maggie nonchalantly questioned, offering a cat-like smile similar to Puppet's.

"Didn't you see him at the beach, though? He just can't keep his shirt on!" Oxy snickered, stealing a high-five and a chip from Onnie.

"I was too busy hiding out with your loud ass!" Maggie huffed, crossing her arms.

"The man's built like a Greek God." Deuz absently answered with a frown appearing on his features.

"Gotta agree there." Puppet grinned, tone a little dreamy as he took a sip from his sister's drink.

"We can just beat him up, if ya want to." Oxy simply offered, cracking his knuckles and grinning when his actions got a giggle out of Mai.

"Usagi would be pissed." Deuz dramatically sighed, letting his head drop into his arms.

"Beating him up would be justified, he still hasn't given me back my bear." Mai noted with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"How was therapy, by the way?" Maggie decided to ask, curiously eyeing the silver-haired girl.

Puppet had privately told them about Mai's condition a few days back.

Mai shrugged and pouted a bit.

"Stupid. She just showed me pictures of people with burn wounds! My therapist probably thought I'd be super shocked to see 'em, but I see people burning alive constantly in movies. But then she told me I just had to imagine if those people were my friends or something, and that made me think for a bit. She's also saying I should try and find a new 'addiction'. Like how Maggie's obsessed with chewing gum." Mai explained, making her dumb thinking face.

"You should try it, stuff tastes amazing." Maggie smiled a bit, taking out a pack of gum and offering a piece to Mai.

"Makes you look fat." Oxy commented, without any real bite, and sounding innocent the way he said it.

It had been a good night for him, Maggie noticed. He'd cooked for them without it looking like a duty, but more something Oxy genuinely enjoyed doing. And the twins were hanging around, that automatically lifted his spirits.

"Says the one who weighs 110 kilogram at 16." Was Maggie's come-back.

That earned an over-dramatic gasp from Oxy and snickering from Onnie, Deuz and Puppet. But Maggie also saw how sputters of milkshake hit the floor, caused by Mai spitting out her drink in shock.

"No way!" She yelled.

"Those are facts, Mai! No one's ever managed to pick this giant up!" Onnie widely grinned, hopping onto Oxy's shoulders rather sloppily, the impact oddly enough not even making the ginger wobble on his legs.

"I'm like a human bear." Oxy noted, as if he'd just realized it himself.

"More like a Yeti." Deuz snorted, smirking a bit.

"How 'bout you try singing to yourself? You love singing, and publicly bursting into song is something to easily get addicted to." Puppet suggested, taking a place on the counter next to Mai.

"Huh.....maybe that would work!~" Mai's eyes lightened up with excitement at the idea.

"I don't think I've ever heard you sing before.....or have I?" Oxy's thinking face looked equally dumb to Mai's, but way more frightening.

"Well, I haven't heard you sing either!" Mai shot back, suddenly feeling way more upbeat than before at the idea of Oxy singing.

"That's because I can't!" Oxy mumbled, loudly.

"C'mon, now I wanna hear~" Puppet grinned, raising a curious eyebrow at the taller teen.

"Sing! Sing! Sing!" Onnie and Mai chanted in unison.

"Alright, alright! Listen and shiver, I suppose." Oxy obnoxiously cleared his throat and heaved out his chest.

"TaLk To Me BaBeH! i'M gOiNg BlInD fRoM tHiS sWeEt SwEeT cRaViNg, WhOa!" Oxy yelled at the top of his lungs, striking a pose and pretending to hold a mic as laughter ensued.

"LeT's LoSe OuR mInDs AnD gO fUcKiNg CrAzY! I, i, I, i, I, kEeP oN hOpInG-"

"You'll shut the hell up! Yer whining's scarin' off the customers." Dacre grumbled, appearing from the backroom.

"I ain't paying you ankle biters to sit around on your asses and do nothin'! Albinos, buy something or rack off." Dacre's brown eyes were basically hot coals pressed into empty sockets as he glared all of them down.

"I don't understand half of what he's saying." Maggie whispered to Puppet.

"It's Australian slang." Puppet muttered back with a wink.

"Onnie, stop eatin' those chips and fix the water-cooler like ya promised a whole week ago!"

"Damn, boss, what's gotten you so angry?" Onnie cringed as Dacre's fierce eyes met his.

"And why you talkin' like a mad man?" Deuz wanted to know, shrinking back when the greasy-haired college drop-out offered him the same look.

"Can't a manager become frustrated with his useless employees?" Dacre asked point-blank, rubbing his temples as if he had a head-ache.

"Trouble in paradise?" Maggie tried, tone cautious but amused at the same time.

"Of course no-"

"His name starts with a C, right?" Mai chirped, oblivious to Dacre's volcano-like rage.

"You guys told 'em about him?! Y'all aren't just lazy, yer tattle tails too!" Dacre threw up his hands in a fit of frustration.

"Actually, you told us about him last time we were here." Puppet casually reported.

"And you're lazy too......" Oxy mumbled, sounding ridiculously offended.

"Huh. I forgot 'bout that. And watch ya mouth Noxo, I can fire you if I want." Dacre snagged the bag of chips out of Onnie's hand and leaned against the counter rather groggily.

"Tell us what's up." Deuz insisted, not interested in Dacre's boyfriend drama but not wanting his boss to end up firing them.

"Ugh, just...... We were chillin' in my apartment and C didn't wanna get nuddy for some reason so I thought he just wanted to make out. So we do that for a while and when I'm walkin' him back to his work I'm just, y'know, casually reaching for his hand and he slaps my fuckin' hand away and he's like 'Dude, not in public'! And I'm, like, totally offended because wow, I know we're just banging but holding hands rocks so?? And I tell 'im 'Don't be so dramatic it's just hand-holding' and the fucker has the audacity to say 'I'm not holding hands with a college drop-out'!"

Puppet and Mai gasped at the story, completely invested in Dacre's over-the-top explanation. The Nightmares however, were all attempting to not burst into laughter.

"And I'm like 'Damn bitch, at least I went to college!' and he just walks away from me without even saying goodbye or apologizing?? We both know damn well that he doesn't give a fuck about the fact that I dropped outta college! I swear, guys with inner sexuality crisis's are impossible to date......." Dacre huffed, popping a nacho into his mouth.

"Date? I thought you guys were just hooking up?" Maggie's head perked up with interest, a smirk playing across her lips when she noticed Dacre's cheeks darkening.

"I just misspoke-"

"You love him!" Mai screeched, clapping her hands together.

"No! He's dumb, and he's arrogant, and he's always flexing his hot muscles, and his skin's like chocolate, and his curls are-"

Dacre cut himself off, quickly realizing that his rants on how annoying 'C' was were turning into compliments.

"Mr. Dacre, I think we're gonna have to diagnose you with a case of love~" Puppet playfully grinned.

"How's that even possible.....? I never fall in love!" Dacre looked absolutely dumbfounded by the idea.

"The heart can be surprising sometimes! You should try asking him out, if you think he's into you too." Puppet suggested, perfectly playing the role of cupid.

"Maybe.....I dunno what he likes, though. As in, interests and stuff." Dacre quickly clarified.

"Then ask him?" Onnie said in a 'duh' tone.

"Don't get too arrogant with me, Jaws. Fine, I guess I might as well try askin' him out......." Dacre muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

"Does that mean we can stick around?" Mai hopefully tried, annoyingly slurping from her drink.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Dacre attempted not to smile as the group of teens loudly cheered.

The following morning Eak got up early. At 11:30 AM, to be exact.

"Mornin', family." He whistled as he went to sit at the table.

"Huh. You're up early. Everythin' bueno?" Federico seemed a bit suspicious at Eak's earliness.

"Can't a guy just wake up early and enjoy life?" Eak cheerfully replied, stuffing a taco into his mouth.

"Alright, tell us what's going on." Jacinta rather curiously stated.

"Well if y'all must know, I'm hanging out with Toddy today." Eak proudly huffed.

"Does Toddy know?" Jacinta asked amused.

"Not yet, but she will!" Eak's voice was laced with determination as he whipped out his phone.

"Where do you plan on taking her, Casanova?" Federico adjusted his bath robe and took a sip of his coffee.

"Either bowling or rollerskating." Eak thoughtfully replied, typing out a text.

"Bowling's more of a team sport. You should try rollerskating!" Jacinta advised.


Me👌: Heeey, u wanna go rollerskating wt me?

Queen💋: What's the occasion?

Me👌: Nothing, just wanna hang out

Queen💋: Sure, Mexican. Meet me @ Galaxy Skates, 13:00

Me👌: K, see u then!xx

Eww. Maybe the 'XX' was a little girly. But Eak quickly grinned as he read Toddy's reply.

Queen💋: If u pay for the drinks, I'll pay for the skatesXxx

Me👌: Deal

"I got myself a date!" Eak loudly cheered.

"Does she know it's a date?" There Federico was again, asking annoying questions.

"She'll notice soon enough." Eak dismissively waved him off.

"Might wanna use your product while you still can, your hair looks extra untamable today." Jacinta commented, eyes widening as she took in the mess of curls that was Eak's hair.

"Actually, I think I'm going without. A fri-uhm guy suggested that I'd try going out with natural hair sometime. I'm sure Toddy's gonna like it!"

Jacinta locked questioning eyes with her husband before shrugging.

"Alright, have fun sweetie! Don't come home late, though. Your dad's making lasagna!" Jacinta cheerfully announced, linking arms with Federico and leaning against his shoulder.

"PDA, eww!" Eak screeched before taking his leave upstairs.

"We're literally at home!" Federico called out after him, tone irritated.

An hour and 30 minutes later, Toddy found herself waiting inside Galaxy Skates, her own pair of ruby red skates patiently waiting by her feet. She was cladded in a black plaid skirt and a Leonardo DiCaprio T-shirt, along with her red heart-shaped sunglasses. The Beatles' Drive My Car was echoing through the building, the sound of wheels skating across the wooden floor was almost.....soothing, in a way.

She glanced down at her phone, realizing Eak was exactly six minutes late. She wasn't really surprised, Eak Mendez just had that whole "I'll be late for everything I organize myself" vibe going with him.

"Hey, Todds." A voice spoke up.

Toddy looked up to see-wow. Eak was leaning against the wall of the place, in a simple leather jacket and white shirt. But what really caught Toddy's eyes was his hair. It was, like, Blaine Anderson from Glee messy. Like a small Mexican Afro or something.

"What in God's name did you do to your hair?!" Toddy screeched, lowering her sunglasses to gape at the insane curls.

"Nothin'." Eak grinned back, cheeks reddening slightly as he waltzed over to the dark-skinned girl.

"I have no idea how anyone can have....that as their natural hairstyle, but shockingly enough you're pulling it off." Toddy commented, sounding impressed.

Firework sounds and whistles were going off inside Eak's head, but he remained cool as he replied with an:

"I know."

"Pick up your skates from the counter and we can get started." Toddy ordered, lacing up her own roller skates.

"Roger that, ma'am!" Eak grinned, rushing over to said place.

Toddy fondly rolled her eyes at the answer. Yeah, there was no way Eak was into her. He was just being nice! Toddy had no idea what brought Chica to the idea that the Mexican was in love with her.

After Eak finally put on his skates, the two of them rolled into the skating rink and onto the floorboards. Toddy noticed right away, however, that Eak was gripping at the edge of the rink. His grip was so hard his knuckles actually started going white. Or well, as white as his skin color could get.

So, she gasped dramatically, putting on a smirk when Eak nervously looked in her direction.

"You don't know how to roller-skate!" She announced joyfully and a bit mean.

"Pfft, who says I can't?" Eak snorted, trying to come off as uncaring.

Fuck, he can't roller-skate for shit!

It was at that moment Eak started regretting the fact that he chose roller-skating over bowling, something he was actually good at.

"There's something undeniably hilarious about you, Eak Mendez, not being able to skate." Eak had to laugh at Toddy's constant use of an extended vocabulary.

The girl's sentences kept sounding like she was trying to audition for a Shakespeare play, and Eak was the jury each time.

Two can play that game.

"Very well then. I confess, roller-skating isn't my forté whatsoever. If we'd gone out bowling however, I assure you I'd score more strikes than the T-birds in Grease 2." Toddy looked a little surprised by Eak's unusually descriptive words, and the grey-haired teen felt nothing but pride because of it.

"Okay, okay! This isn't a competition on who knows the fanciest words. Besides, we both know I'd win that! My skating skills aren't as great as The Animatronics', but I can teach you not to fall on your ass." Toddy stuck out her hands to Eak, signaling him to let go of the edge.

Eak didn't do it right away, it was only after he moved out of the way for a kid to to roll past him, that he got away from the edge. Even though he was only on the floor without support for five seconds, Eak still managed to lose balance right away and fell backwards with a yelp.

Toddy let out a high-pitched laughter that sounded so stupid yet attractive at the same time.

"Owww......" He groaned, rubbing the back of his head as his legs tried to stand again.

"C'mere, you're hopeless........" Toddy at last stopped laughing and pulled Eak upwards again.

"I tried......" Eak muttered in a husky voice, trying to imitate a wounded soldier's voice.

"Oh no, I did not pay 12 dollars for you to give up right away!" Toddy tugged on his hands and tried to keep the Mexican balanced.

"It might be too late for me." Eak sniffled.

"Shut up!" Toddy snorted, almost in the same way Chica tended to laugh.

On second thought, not really. No one could beat the ridiculousness of Chica's snorting.

"Alrighty Princess, teach me your ways."

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