Chapter 49: Hunger

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(Small announcement! Due to me constantly being late on uploads, and being awfully sick, I have finally decided to take a proper three-week break. I'm just as sad to go on hiatus again as y'all are, but it's better than rushing out badly written chapters :'') But thank you all so much for supporting me throughout this entire book. I never thought it'd gain as much attention and love as it did, especially considering it's an English FHS AU, but I'm so grateful for all the loyal friends and fans I made along the way! I can't fucking believe I went from every Eak/Town/Chica scene being comedic and every Nightmare scene being angsty to every Eak/Town/Chica scene being angsty and every Nightmare scene being comedic lmao)

Mind you, this isn't the end XD I don't plan on giving up this book anytime soon. Also a word of advice to those who plan on ever creating a story with more than 15 chapters:

Plan your entire story and updates out BeFoRe you publish your story. Maybe even write out a few draft chapters so you'll know what you're doing.)

After about twenty minutes, Eak could finally properly skate without having to hold onto an edge or Toddy's hands. Admittedly, he pretended to be worse at rollerskating than he actually was. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't faking it at the beginning, but after the second time he'd fell down he realized what movements he had to make on wheels without falling flat on his face.

Toddy's movements were graceful, but not overly impressive. She reminded Eak of that one Disney princess. Ariel, was it?

Toddy obviously didn't match the attitude of the mermaid, or the overall kindness, but Eak had always favored Ariel above any other Disney princess. She just....stood out to him, in a way that no other princess did.

It was the same with Toddy. He couldn't explain why he liked her the way that he did, but something about her made his heart light up the way it hadn't in a very long time.

"Looks like you're getting the hang of it!" Toddy smiled a bit, it looked uncharacteristically soft on her.

"Thanks for the help by the way, I would've probably still been fallin' by now if it weren't for you." Eak grinned, internally cringing at himself because he sounded like Dora The Explorer.

They were holding a little race, which Toddy obviously won, but then Toddy started losing balance and she fell backwards with a screech.

Eak managed to catch her, though, the sheer luck of his reflexes preventing Toddy from crashing down onto the floorboards. His arms were wrapped around her back and one hand supported her shoulder. The sudden realization that if Toddy were to tilt her head up, the two of them would be kissing, struck Eak like a lightning bolt.

She let out that ridicilous laugh again, and Eak started to ponder if today had been the first time he'd ever heard her laugh like that.

Oh, well. There's a first time for everything, right?

After ordering some drinks, (a cola for Eak and a glass of orange juice for Toddy) the two teenagers sat on a bench outside the skating rink. Toddy watched as kids and young adults alike raced past each other, some shakily holding onto the edge whereas others were downright dancing on the floorboards.

"Imagine being able to skate that well." Eak absently commented. His gaze kept going back and forth between two young skaters that appeared to have some kind of dance-off. The sight was oddly endearing.

"Can't relate." Toddy huffed out a laugh, surprising herself in the process.

She'd been laughing an awful lot as off today. Usually she was way more composed or picky at what moments to laugh and when not to. Eak for some reason made her want to laugh a lot.

Toddy didn't know if that was good or not. She didn't have any feelings for Eak, none other than platonic, at least.

Closing her eyes, Toddy allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to date Eak.

He'd probably wanna go out a lot, to movies or to do very specific activities like roller-skating for example. She'd get to wear his jacket and he'd hold her hand in a confident manner. She'd be talking about him constantly, and leave him gifts in his locker or room.

They wouldn't talk about their feelings a lot, because they'd both paint themselves as the perfect couple. They were both confident, almost to a cocky degree. They'd never show anyone, not even each other, that truly they were just as insecure as everyone else was. Maybe even more so.

Toddy didn't truly know if Eak's mind functioned the way hers did, or if he was genuinely confident about himself, but something told her he'd understand.

They'd be the couple everyone on Instagram would be talking about. People would be upset if they broke up, but only because they posted desirable pictures of them together. They wouldn't show what was going on behind the curtains.

What would be going on, exactly?

Maybe Eak would be missing something important to her. A birthday party, or a contest. And she'd think he didn't care. And Toddy would yell at him for not being there for her, and he'd tell her to not make such a big deal out of it. And she wouldn't tell him that her one fear in life was people leaving her.

They'd get wasted and go to a party. And kiss different people. The tension wouldn't get resolved and the people on Instagram would be asking why they haven't been posting anything. One of them can't handle the pressure, and the other one wouldn't know what to do.

They'd break up, with the promise of still being friends. And they are, but then they're dating different people, and at yet another party they consider just making out with each other. But they don't, because the people they're dating keep them grounded, keep them from doing something they'd regret later on.

The new people are.....Onnie, maybe? Chica? Even Towntrap? Just anyone that didn't put up the kind of facade they did.

"You okay? You've been spacin' out........" Eak's question made Toddy snap out of her trance.

His eyes were searchingly looking into hers, and Toddy couldn't quite find exactly what she was looking for.

She was just over-analyzing things. Maybe Eak Mendez didn't understand her, after all. And that was a good thing. Toddy didn't need people to understand her, she needed people not to understand but still make her heart light up with joy.

If Eak was anything like her, the thought of even being his friend made her question what type of effects their relationship would cause.

Jealousy, probably. Lots and lots of jealousy.

"Just thinking about all the ways I can get you to loose your balance." Toddy confidentely replied, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"We'll see who loses their balance first." A competitive glint sparked across Eak's eyes as he took a firm gulp from his drink.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" Toddy looked a little bit nervous, completely catching Eak off guard.


"I really didn't like you when we first met."

Eak merely snorted at the confession. He really didn't look mad at all, making Toddy loosen up more.

"Most people don't." Eak shrugged as if he was used to hearing stuff like that.

"I dunno, I just thought you were arrogant, and had stupid ideals n'stuff........ You were also really fucking talkative like damn! I was constantly wondering to myself when you'd ever just shut your pie-hole!" Toddy dramatically explained, hands flying up in a gesture Eak had become very familiar with by now.

Eak laughed like a fucking hawk at that. Toddy's honesty was just priceless.

"To be fair, you were pretty arrogant yourself too." Eak shot back.

"For good reasons! Anyhow, then you actually bothered climbing over that fence and taking over the concert and I.....I guess you turned out not be so bad after all. Chica was right 'bout you after all." Toddy gave Eak a half-smirk, trying not to laugh at the stupid grin that played across his features.

"Don't grin like that, you look ridicilous!"

"I'm just not used to hearing Toddy Gonzalez admit somethin'." Eak huffed proudly.

"So what was your first impression of me?" Toddy curiously eyed the grey-haired teen.

" were kind of a bitch, I guess. Like a high-school cliché. Someone you love watching in teen dramas but would probably hate in real life. Still thought you were hot, though." Eak quickly added, causing Toddy to hiccup with laughter.

"Of course you thought that. Anyone would be crazy not to, I'm a total smoke show!" Toddy lifted her chin in a holy manner, as if she was Queen of the world.

" were actually sorta nice. And smarter than I thought you'd be."

"Charming." Toddy's blue eyes met Eak's glistening yellow ones in a rush of adrenaline from the amount of laughter she'd just expressed.

The atmosphere took a noticeable change when Eak didn't take his gaze away from Toddy's. It felt like when Toddy was back with Onnie at that restaurant. Except it was a little.....different. Stranger.

He was looking at her like she was a priceless work of art. A look she wasn't too surprised by, she'd get those eyes all the time.

Toddy just blankly stared back at him, irritated by his dumb-looking face.

"The fuck are you lookin' at?" Toddy asked point-blank.

"Nothing." Eak's answer was fast as lightning, and yet, he still wasn't looking elsewhere.

Soon however, Toddy started to notice that Eak was leaning forwards. Leaning forwards, in like, a kissing way.

Ooooh fuck.

Why didn't Toddy realize that Chica was right sooner? The stone-cold truth had been there all along, disguised by a seemingly harmless face and messy hair. Of course Eak was in love with her, how could she have been so blind?

"Man, I'm starving! I'm gonna go get one of those Submarine Sandwiches. You want anything?" With a swift movement, Toddy turned her head away from Eak and swung her legs over the bench.

Toddy ignored the dissapointed look that flashed across Eak's face as he shook his head.

"Nah, I'm.....I'm good." He offered her a crooked smile before heading back into the rink.

The dark-skinned girl rolled over to the bar and did actually order a sandwich, but soon after she pulled out her phone to get some help.

Me🍒: Ok so u were right about Eak crushing on me

Chic🐤: How'd u ever figure it out?

Me🍒: He tried to kiss me at the skating rink

Chic🐤: OMG

Chic🐤: Did u kiss back???

Me🍒: He *TRIED*, not succeeded 

Chic🐤: What now?

Me🍒: Where are u? Maybe u could come over to save this terribly awkward date

Chic🐤: I'm wth Town, should I bring im over?

Me🍒: Yah. I'd luv to see how ur epic love-triangle packs out

Chic🐤: We're not rivals Todds, get over it! >:/

Me🍒: Not YET at least

Chic🐤: We'll be there in 10 mins

Me🍒: Alright see u there

Taking a huge bite out of her ham sandwich, Toddy forced herself to chill out.

It's just an attempted kiss, not the end of the world. And besides, he's kinda hot! Almost getting kissed by a hot guy who your BFF just happened to be into was.....not so amazing but whatever. At least Chica wasn't a jealous bitch or anything.

But the question was, was Town?

"Do you think they'll win?" Cami's question took Owynn off guard, making him take a few seconds to come up with a reply.

Owynn shrugged, sucking on the green straw of his strawberry smoothie. They were sitting on the hood of Owynn's van, taking a break from the performance. He was rather surprised by how interested Cami had gotten in asking him questions about Freddy and the rest of his gang. He'd known Cami since they were 11. She just wasn't the type to show much interest in people.

"Probably not. I mean, sure, they're with, like, 22 apparently, but I don't think they have the guts to really go all out. Those idiots think a gang is like some stupid after-school club. Or an extended friend group or something. Hell, apparently even The Nightmares have gone soft once they quit doing money concerts and stopped dealing drugs." Owynn replied, sounding a bit cranky in Cami's ears.

The green-haired girl looked up at the clear blue summer sky above them. It was the type of weather in which teenagers like them were supposed to be out with friends. Bowling or going to pool parties and shit. It dawned upon Cami that at some point, she'd have to tell her parents about what was happening. Not that they cared. Most of the time they weren't even home. Too busy driving Cami's little sister Tath around for one of her summer clubs. They usually didn't bother going home afterwards, just stuck around town all day 'till it was time to pick Tath up again.

Cami didn't hate her sister for it. Wasn't her fault that her parents just gave more of a shit about Tath. They'd stopped giving Cami any genuine attention since she turned 13. But at least they took care of Tath, and ultimately, Cami decided that was enough for her.

She still needed to deal with her own stupid shit after all. Cami and Owynn hadn't been in the business for that long, but their situation was still incredibly sticky and hard to get out of.

"I still hope they'll get us out......" Cami quietly let out a breath. The answer came minutes after Owynn's original comment, so once again the purple-haired boy jolted a little in surprise.

"I wouldn't count on it. These random-ass strangers wanna help us, but what for?" Owynn asked more to himself than to anyone else.

He so, so badly wanted to believe Freddy. Wanted to believe that they genuinely just wanted to help him and Cami out of their mess just because they were good people. But a voice in the back of his head kept telling him they'd just betray him in the end.

Owynn and Cami were destined to be stuck in situations they couldn't get out of. It was a tale as old as time, and Owynn wasn't so sure if one handsome brunette with a personality disorder could change the lore of the story.

"I think they're just really, really nice. And fucked up too. Like us." Cami thoughtfully replied, waving a bit with her hand as a gesture to make Owynn pass his smoothie on.

He gave his BFF the drink.

"Question is, how fucked up are they? What's the risks they're willing to take to get us out?" Owynn mumbled a bit incoherently.

"Don't worry so much. It's better just not to think about it."

Cami was right, as usual. Owynn genuinely got head-aches when he thought too hard about something. But then again, could anyone really blame him for worrying about a situation like this?

"I'm gonna be really fucked off if they get murdered, though." Owynn grumbled, sounding slightly amused.

"Or if they're gonna be the murderers." Cami slyly added, grinning at the image of Joy killing someone in a ridicilous manner.

"As if!" Owynn had to laugh out loud at the simple idea of that.

"AY! YOU TWO!" A voice screeched from behind them.

Owynn and Cami both jumped in unison, whipping their heads around to see Claudia. Her blue hair was tied up in two buns and her face stood irritated.

"Get back in there! Some chick stabbed another guy and if you guys don't get up there and perform some goddamn songs all hell will break loose!" Claudia warned them, making wild gestures to get them inside.

"Oh shit!" Owynn swore, scrambling off of the hood of his car but not before snatching his smoothie out of Cami's hands.

"Oh shit is right!"

Eak felt like an intruder on his own fucking date. Which, if he really thought about it, wasn't all that uncommon of him to feel. He was squished in between Town and Chica at the moment, Toddy seated at the end of the bar besides her best friend.

They totally showed up out of nowhere. Or at least, Eak just hoped the reason the two of them were here didn't have anything to do with Toddy avoiding him.

Shit, what if she noticed he was trying to kiss her? Obviously, he didn't succeed. But had purposely pulled away from him? Or was Toddy's sudden craving for a marine sandwich completely random?

"You good, Eak?" The ginger next to him asked with a good-natured smile.

"Yeah." Eak replied, a little too quickly with a rather cranky undertone.

Towntrap felt kind of bad for bothering Eak on his hang-out with Toddy. Or most likely, his date. Just because Town didn't have any chance with him, didn't mean that Eak wasn't allowed to try and find some happiness with someone else.

Even if that person was Toddy Gonzalez.

Not that Town had anything against Toddy, he actually quite liked her! But it all seemed so.....out of place? Sure, Town and Chica's crushes had also just appeared out of thin air, as often tended to happen when you found yourself falling in love with someone you'd only known since the start of the summer. But still, if Town were to tell The Animatronics or anyone else in the gang, he probably wouldn't get many surprised reactions. He didn't think he was that obvious about it, but it probably wouldn't be all that shocking.

Chica was more distinguished, though. She looked completely unbothered, comfortably leaning against Eak's side and chatting away with Toddy.

But with Toddy and Eak? It was quite random. Sure, both of them were confident and loud, but did that immediately cause attraction? Eak didn't look the way at Toddy the way Town looked at him. Not that he carried around a hand mirror at all times to inspect his love-sick gaze, it's just that Eak didn't appear to have that bottomless want for Toddy.

A small part of Town wanted for him and Chica to fight over Eak. Just so he'd get the thrill of it. To experience a love triangle like it was portrayed in the movies and books. A friendly competition over someone who'd end up choosing either of the two. Would the dreamy Mexican end up choosing the happy chubby girl or the nervous skinny boy?

Life wasn't a fairy tale, though. Fighting over someone's affection was never friendly. The hot guy that you looked up to never ended up picking the chubby girls. Or the guys, for that matter. They'd always chase after the attractive rich girls. That was just the reality of it all.

"Life's an endless kick to the nuts." Town remembered his dad telling him that after he'd fell off of his bike for the first time.

"Ay, Carnal, you're spacin' out. Everything all right there?" This time it was Eak who offered Town a mildly concerned look.

The way Towntrap looked back at him rattled Eak so suddenly he forgot how to breathe for a moment. It was the first time he'd noticed.

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine, thanks." Town grinned back at him.

He recognized that look. He used to look at Luna like that, even a shitty photo could easily capture the bottomless want he'd always have in his eyes around her.

Eak wondered just where the hell a kid like Towntrap ever learned such hunger.

"Yo, Eak, you should hold a meeting!" Chica suddenly interrupted his thoughts, batting her eyelashes at him in a playful, almost cartoon-like manner.

There was a spark in her eyes too. Just then, Eak pondered if he was just genuinely blinded by his own happiness, misery and anger. At least, he was blinded enough to have not noticed Town and Chica looking at him like that before.

It was probably for the best if he ignored it. Even better if he also decided to ignore his attraction to Toddy. He didn't want to ruin them, the way he ruined Luna.

"Uh.....a meeting for what?" Eak stupidly decided to say. He figured he was taking a suspicious amount of time to answer to the simple request.

"For the gangs, to figure out a plan for the whole competition stuff. It's in, like, two days!" Chica cheerfully explained to him.

"Like, we'll have to discuss who's bringing the gun." Town jokingly added, imitating Chica's tone.

Although a simple joke, one that landed with Chica and Toddy, it sounded disturbing coming out of Towntrap's mouth.

"Yeah, alright. I'll organize a meetin'. S'probably useful." Eak absently nodded, already whipping out his phone.

"HEY! Onnie, Maggs, Loon!" Oxy roared, his voice booming against the bare walls of the apartment.

"The fuck you want, Noxo?!" Maggie screamed from upstairs, irritated with Oxy's yelling.

Oxy grinned down at the phone in his hand. Eak had just send him a text, about having a meeting with all the gangs tomorrow at Toddy's place, per usual.

"The Mexican's holding a meeting at Toddy's place. Which means-"

"Deuz and Eak are gonna beat each other's asses!!" Onnie excitedly whooped.

Onnie, Loon and Maggie were upstairs, playing cards as a distraction of the incredibly hot weather. The window was open, although not much wind would come through. If anything, it made the heat worse. Onnie wasn't complaining, though. Loon had brought his fan with him, so in exchange Onnie let the brunette sit on his beanbag.

Maggie was dressed in a pink tank-top. An unusual color for her, even though she'd dyed her hair in almost the same shade. Onnie just settled for being shirtless with some cameo shorts to go along. There wasn't much to look at in the first place, and his friends really didn't seem to give much of a shit.

Loon was dressed in a pair of overalls, like always. His hair was pulled back into a small bun, revealing his different-colored eyes.

"We should probably go warn Deuz and Usagi." Loon puffed out, sighing as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead.

"Eh, we can do that later. They're on a super special date, right?" Oxy casually walked into the room as he spoke.

"Does it look like I can wait for 'em to finish makin' out at the movies?" Onnie grinned and flashed Oxy a thumbs-up. Which was sign language for: Nice bod, homie.

"We can just-JESUS OXY!" Maggie pretended to be shocked as she turned to see Oxy, shielding her eyes as if she just looked directly into the sun.

"Damn woman. You've seen me without clothes on, what's the big deal?" Oxy quirked an eyebrow in the pinkette's direction.

"Oh yeah, I'm totally used to seein' you walk around half-naked at any given opportunity. But you can't go out like that!" There was a slightly motherly undertone to Maggie's voice. It made Oxy snort in amusement.

"So Onnie can go out there shirtless but I can't?" Oxy gasped in shock. "Are you body-shamin' me??"

"Wouldn't dream of it. But Onnie looks like a toothpick so it's fine for him but you look like if the word 'beef' obtained a human form!" Maggie dramatically exclaimed, earning more dramatic gasps from the boys.

"I.....I just got body-shamed! Bro, this feels.....this feels horrible!" Onnie pretended to weep as he held onto Oxy's back, pressing his cheek into his best friend's chest.

"I know, homeslice. Guess Maggie's just totally jealous of our killer bods......." Oxy muttered with a pathetic sniff, pressing a duck-faced kiss to Onnie's hair.

"I can't with you two......." Maggie sighed into the palms of her hands, hiding a smile.

"I have a proposal." Loon suddenly perked up, causing the three Nightmares to look in his direction.

The freckled kid was holding a couple of flashlights in his hands, a sly smile playing at his lips.

"We should go get Deuz and Usagi out of the movies by ambush."

Loon patiently watched as the former gang members' faces twisted into evil-looking smirks. Or, well, mischievous.

Onnie was the first one to snatch a flashlight.

"Ship ahoy, mateys!"

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