Chapter 58: Feel Good

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(So apparently The Nightmares live in a duplex???? Lmao I looked it up, and apartments can actually have stairs, it's just really rare?? So I guess they basically live in a house but it just L O O K S like an apartment? Idk. The lay-out is this, for those curious lol:

So when you open the door there's a short hallway, and the stairs are seated a few feet away from you. On the left, there's an opening that leads to the living room. It has an old couch, a low coffee table and a (stolen) TV that often turns off because the electricity is kind of bad. The living room also leads to a small kitchen. The Nightmares usually eat on the couch but have the option to eat at the small kitchen table too.

That's the first floor. So when you go up the stairs, there's three rooms in total. The room where the guys sleep, Oxy and Onnie sleep in the bunk-bed and Deuz sleeps on a separate mattress on the other side of the room. There's two bean bags in the room and a Wii with four controllers. I might draw how the room looks later on. The second room is Maggie's, she gets one for herself because, obviously. She has a fairly average-sized bed and has a punching bag in her room. She, like the boys, has a wardrobe where she stores her clothes. She also has a mini fridge don't ask why lol.

The final room is the bathroom. It's a bit small, with a shower in it and a toilet. There's also a very low sink where you usually have to bend to wash your hands or to fill a glass with water. The bathroom is the only room with a working lock, The Nightmares have a paper on the door that decides who gets to shower on what day, because they're with four so the water bill is high.)

"I'm gonna fuckin' die!" Deuz aggressively exagarated like he was so famously known for

Maggie looked down at him in disapproval. They'd finally found Onnie grumbling and huffing in one of Toddy's five thousand bathrooms. Bon was just trying to take a shower, looking bloody and dirty. They hadn't even asked what had happened, Oxy just picked Onnie up from the floor and hauled him over his shoulder.

Now this motherfucker was busying himself with devouring a tube of cookie dough ice-cream while watching Love Is Blind on Netflix, and to no one's surprise, crying as if he were in a Shakespeare play.

Now Maggie somewhat regretted stealing Dacre's Netflix account.

"I'll make sure you die if you don't shut your pie-hole........" Maggie grumbled and hid her face in the palm of her hand at the ridicilous sight of The Nightmares' leader.

He was 16, for fuck's sake. Why was he still having ice-cream meltdowns and crying like one of those chicks from cliché rom-com movies?

"She broke up with me! For real this time......" Deuz sniffled from his blanket. He was wrapped in their like a fucking burrito while it was hot as balls outside.

Classic Deuz.

"No, she didn't. You two are both stubborn assholes, I'm sure you'll get over it eventually and then y'all will be back together in no time." Maggie concluded, 'cause that's what always happened.

"Looks like Deuz ain't the only one havin' a post break-up pity party. Apparently Lilly and Abby are on a 'break' now......." Oxy grinned from ear to ear as he showed Maggie the video of Abby crying her heart out to the karaoke machine.

"Wow." Maggie slightly raised her eyebrows. Incredible how similarly dramatic both Abby's and Deuz's reactions were to not being able to kiss their girlfriend for one hour.

"Y'know, outing Eak like that in front of everyone wasn't cool....." Maggie turned to Deuz with a stern frown on her face.

"Him talking shit to Onnie and callin' Felix that slur wasn't cool either." Deuz shot back, abruptly stopping his crying and huffing instead. "And this is comin' from an ex-homophobe."

Maggie rolled her eyes again. Almost everyone used to be mildly homophobic in elementary school, Deuz grew out of it the second she revealed she was into girls as well. Not to mention, Deuz hadn't even looked up when 14-year old Onnie and Oxy were making out for the fuck of it.

"Oxy! It's my turn on the phone!" Onnie howled from where he sat in the kitchen.

"Would you shut the hell up?! It's my phone, Mai gave it to me! It's your turn when I say it's your turn!" Oxy roared back. Onnie sunk even lower in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Can't you guys do anythin' productive? Like, taking a walk? Practicing how to make nice faces at customers?" Maggie suggested tiredly.

"Like your nice face is better than ours." Oxy quirked a brow at his gum-loving friend.

Maggie put on a smile and forced her features to soften, tilting her head to the side. She rarely ever put the friendly cashier facade on for anyone but the irritating customers, but Dacre kept complaining about how they wouldn't get a good reputation if all of his cashiers were intimidating fucks.

"Mornin', Sir. Can you find everything you need?" She kindly asked.

"I can't find the other piece to my broken heart." Deuz exclaimed.

Maggie decided to ignore him, watching carefully as Oxy tried to pull a friendly face of his own.

"My nice face is superior!" Oxy proceeded to grin like Chucky.

"Mhm, much better." Maggie sarcastically nodded, slightly smiling as Oxy triumphantly cheered.

"Is Toddy really out of my league.....?" Onnie suddenly perked up, quietly.

Honestly, he'd tried not to let Eak's words get to him, but some of the things The Animatronics' leader said really cut him deep. He just hoped Toddy didn't care about the fact that he used to still sell drugs only a month or two ago. She had to know, right? It was a pretty well-known fact about The Nightmares. They sold drugs and robbed people, everyone knew that.

Toddy didn't judge him for it, did he?

Maggie glanced back at her blue-haired band member, sympathetically looking at him.

"I don't think anybody is really out of Toddy's league. I mean, objectively, yeah, it's normal to assume everyone who grew up on the streets isn't good enough to be with her, but would she really invite all the gangs over to her mansion if she gave a shit about that? Would she let us just walk around freely without her supervision if she didn't trust us? I dunno 'bout you, but I doubt Toddy just lets anyone get close to her and hang out in her house. She likes us. She likes you."

Onnie sniffled at Maggie's words, eyes watering.

"Damn, gurl, that was inspirational..... You gotta be quoted on that." Oxy grinned approvingly at her.

"Maggie, that was so sweeeeet!" Onnie sobbed, lunging forwards and trapping Maggie into a tight hug.

"Ugh, forget I ever said it......" Maggie felt her cheeks warm up in embarrassment by the compliments.

"Hey, Onnie, you wanna go for a walk later tonight? Spray some shit?" Oxy coolly suggested, hoping to cheer his best friend up a little more.

"Hell yeah!" Was the excited response.

"Just don't get caught, I'm not gonna bail you guys out of the police station if you do." Maggie declared, knowing full well she would do just that.

"We're like Ninjas, don't worry 'bout it." Oxy carelessly responded, imitating a Ninja pose that looked more like the movements out of Kung Fu Panda.

"Mhm, ninjas are supposed to be fast and nearly invisible. I'm not sure how many people will miss your 196 centimeters." Maggie said rather unconvinced.

"I'm silent like the night." Oxy then proceeded to laugh like he just inhaled a bottle of laughing gas.

"Deuz, you're banned outta the apartment for tonight too." Maggie was unfazed with Deuz's offended gasp.

"What the hell for?! You're not the only one who lives here!" Deuz glowered at her.

"You can come back when you've made up with Usagi or have at least calmed yourself. I'm not about to spend my evening listening to you sob and binge-watching Love Is Blind." The second Deuz furrowed his eyebrows even further, Maggie knew she'd won the argument.

"Fine, whatever for fucking ever. Maybe I'll just go hang out with the twins or some shit...... Considerin' I'm not even allowed to stay in my own home." Deuz grumbled, scrambling off of the couch.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"You hear that Western City?! Local motherfucker gets banned out of his own apartment!" Deuz yelled into the living room.

"You still have, like, 3 hours before it's gonna get dark." Maggie reminded him.

"Oh, cool. Maybe I can still binge-watch after all." As if someone had flipped a switch, Deuz calmly returned to his pillow fort.

Maggie just shook her head and went upstairs. Dumb fucking boys.

Bon stared out in front of him, letting the hot water hit his back. Blood was going down the drain, along with small pieces of dirt. He'd never felt so fucked up and eerily calm at the same time. Now he just had to figure out how to get his dad's car back home, considering Joy just went away with Golden and will probably not drive anymore for the rest of the summer.

Maybe he could ask Town, if he had the time to drop him off. He drove a Camaro, after all. No way was he telling his dad that Joy accidentally hit Abby with the car. He'd never hear the end of that one, and he'd obviously be very disturbed.

Embarrassingly enough, that wasn't even the main thing on Bon's mind. It should be, he almost buried someone alive because Meg couldn't read a fucking pulse. And yet here he was, thinking about how he'd never felt anything real with a girl before. He'd thought he was in love with Meg, sorta, at least. But he never really felt the extreme butterflies he'd felt before with....well, a boy from school about two years ago. Bon had also just shrugged it off as being hormonal, or just appreciating how a fellow guy looks, but thinking back on it, it must've really been a crush.

Sure, he'd thought of the possibility he was bisexual, even Meg thought so, but the feeling he'd had with that guy wasn't exactly the same feeling he got around girls he liked. And it wasn't just exclusively that guy. The first time Bon had held a guitar-off with Bonnie the same burning feeling returned. And that time he saw Puppet slicking his hair back. And that time he saw Eak smoke at Toddy's party. And that time-


Meg looked up when she heard footsteps coming towards her. To her relief, it turned out to be Bon. His hair was damp from the shower and he was wearing a different outfit than before, his own bloody and dirty clothes now in a plastic bag. Bon's short-sleeved red hoodie was now replaced with a washed out denim jacket which he rolled up the sleeves from. Bon's half-long dark blue cameo shorts were traded for soft-looking black jeans that were cuffed at the bottom. Underneath his denim vest was a black and white-striped T-shirt.

"Hey. Where'd you get the uncharacteristically stylish outfit?" Meg greeted her ex-boyfriend.

"Toddy said I could lend her cousin's clothes. Turns out the guy's got a closet full of similair outfits." Bon shrugged, shoving his hands into the jacket's pockets.

"You look French for once." Meg noted.

"Yeah, only the beret is missin'." Bon played along with a playful roll of his eyes.

"Don't forget your mustache, Bonsua." Bon heartily laughed at that one, snorting at his friend's shameless remarks.

Meg noticed that after the laughter died out, Bon was chewing on his bottom lip with a thoughtful look on his face. He was about to ask or say something weird, Meg could tell.

"Can you spit it out already? I gotta get this blood down the sewers before someone finally crosses the fucking street." Meg muttered, throwing some water out of the bucket onto the still bloodied side-walk so the mixture of water and blood would go down the sewers.

Bon hesitated for one more moment before finally just saying it.

"Hey, can we kiss?" He blurted out.

Meg's face went blank for a moment, the gears in her head starting to shift. Bon focused on the red ribbon in her hair so he wouldn't have to look her in the eye.

"What the hell for???" Meg asked, tone incredibly confused.

"Just....s'il vous plaît? It's important......" Bon quietly pleaded, scratching at the light stubble on his cheek.

Meg blinked for another moment. She wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, but she couldn't help feeling suspicious at the request. Last time she checked, ex's don't randomly kiss each other whenever they feel like it.

"Okay." She shrugged.

"Okay?" Bon's green eyes darted up in surprise.

"Yeah, do it before I change my mind!" Meg barked, putting her bucked down and staring at Bon with an expecting look on her face.

"U-uh, yeah, alright......" Bon shuffled a little closer to the short girl. His cheeks were already darkening in embarrassment.

Meg impatiently tapped her foot against the concrete, hoping Bon would just hurry it up already.

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Meg's lips. It was close-mouthed and lingered for a good six seconds before the half-French teen pulled away again.

"Meg?" Bon started off slowly.


".......I think I'm gay."

" figured that out by kissing ME?!" Meg looked completely bewildered, mouth agape as she squinted her eyes at Bon.

"It's got nothing to do with you personally! I mean, somewhat, but-"

"You asshole!"

"I just had to test it out on a girl! Just, forget about us being ex's, you're just.....a random test subject." Bon awkwardly concluded.

"Gee, thanks. How absolutely nice of you......." Meg rolled her eyes with a huff.

"Ah, no sorry, I didn't mean it like tha-"

"If you figured out you're gay by kissin' me of all people, does that make me a lesbian???" Bon could practically see the question marks buzzing through Meg's head.

"I-I don't know. Maybe??" Bon hadn't really thought about that possibility yet.

"That's so weird! Don't you think it's such a strange coincidence that we realize we're better off as ex's the second we meet Eak and that after today's meeting you have a gay awakening? Both of these things in one summer! And have you seen the way Joy looked at that creepy Cami chick?" Meg rambled on and on, sounding like a conspiracy theorist.

"Huh. And Toddy just told me earlier that Usagi and Deuz broke up, and Abby and Lilly are on a break. Those things spread like a wildfire......." Bon frowned, deep in thought as well, noticing a weird pattern.

"There's only one possible explanation......." Meg said in such a serious voice it took Bon off guard. He eyed her rather warily, worried about what she'd say next.

"What.....what is it?" Bon leaned down a bit when Meg urged for him to come closer.

She whispered in his ear, like a secret.

"Eak is a wizard."

Bon rolled his eyes to the back of his skull.

"Get outta here!"

Lilly felt rather disoriented as she strutted up the stairs to her house. Her brain was kind of fuzzy. Her mom was in the kitchen, dark brown hair up in a neat bun while she typed away at her laptop.

"Oh, Lilly! Did you have fun with your friends?" Lilly narrowed her eyes, knowing that the seemingly friendly question was a cover-up for the upcoming inevitable one.

My friend called Felix a fag, Abby's absolutely destroyed because I asked for a break and I fucking hate those pills.

"Yeah, I had a good time." Lilly nodded, smiling in her most convincing way.

Vivian Ferez glanced up at her daughter, tilting her head as if she was trying to figure out whether or not Lilly was lying. Lilly hated that too, constantly being analyzed by her family.

"Glad to hear that. Don't forget to take your lithium, it's on the counter." Vivian reminded as she went back to her work.

Lilly furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

Lithium....? Did she mean the pills?

It's like Lilly's brain kept forgetting the name of those pills, it felt so weird that the things had a name. To Lilly it was like the pills were the cough syrup you'd take when you were sick. You didn't have to address that it was cough syrup, you just knew it. And you knew that it would help you get better in a week of time.

But she'd taken the.....the lithium(?) for months now. She didn't feel any better because of them, if anything, she felt better when she didn't take them. Lilly didn't need the lithium anymore. She was sick a few months ago, when she stayed in bed for those two weeks, but now she wasn't anymore! Lilly went out with her friends, she joined a gang alliance, she felt happy!

Without. the. lithium.

"Okay." Lilly picked up the glass and the small pink and white pill. She placed the pill against the inside of her cheek and pretended to gulp it down with the water.

Her mom didn't say anything about it, thinking she'd taken it.

"I'll be upstairs." Lilly patted her mom's arm in bypassing.

"Bye, sweetie."

Lilly headed straight for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Cautiously, her magenta eyes trailed up towards the mirror. Her reflection peered back at her. She looked tired, really tired. She felt fine before. Why not all of a sudden? She took the pill out of her mouth, glaring down at the stupid thing.

Then Lilly looked towards the toilet. She almost crushed the pill in her tight grip. Wondering, wondering.......

Maybe she should just flush them. She's been doing it for a week already, her parents didn't even notice. Not yet, at least. She was better off without the pills. She didn't need them. Lilly would get better on her own.

She dropped the pill into the toilet and flushed.

"Don't go to the concert tomorrow." Freddy paused with his hand on the tap, standing over Owynn's sink whilst Owynn stood by the diner table.

"Why not?" Freddy decided to remain patient, filling his glass up with water.

"You're gonna get hurt. You're all gonna get hurt. The people that partake in those fights are fucked up, they'll stab you without hesitation if you're about to win." Freddy rolled his eyes, rather unimpressed with the fact that Owynn was still trying to convince him not to come tomorrow.

"Isn't there a no-stabbing rule or something?" Freddy asked boredly.

"You're not allowed to stab someone fatally, but y'know, it happens sometimes......." Owynn trailed off, casual as usual.

Freddy turned towards the satire Ted Bundy fan and raised a single eyebrow, not buying it. Owynn puffed out a breath, almost pouting.

"Alright, alright, there's a strict rule you can't fatally stab anyone. The boss was real clear about that, and everyone's afraid of him so I don't think we'll get a death soon........" Owynn grumbled, shrugging.

"See? It'll be fine. We're with twenty two or something." Freddy waved it off.

"Yeah, but if you-"

"Owynn." Freddy interrupted the taller one, fixing him with a pointed look.

Owynn stayed quiet, curiously watching as Freddy sat across from him. They stared at each other in silence for a moment. Owynn was intrigued with how stoic Freddy suddenly became, he was acting nothing like the nervous, stammering boy he usually was.

"I'm going to the concert tomorrow, and we'll win the fight. Doesn't matter how many rounds, doesn't matter how many stab wounds, we'll win! And then we'll buy you two back, as fucked up as it sounds. And then......I hope we can, uh....." Freddy suddenly went red in the face, pushing his hair back.

"Then we can what.....?" Owynn quietly finished for him. He watched Freddy bite his lip and wish he was the one who could do that instead.

He could feel the inevitable friend-zone coming from a mile away. Owynn was a little tired of dancing around the fact that the both of them obviously like-liked each other, but both of them were too stubborn to act out on it.

"Be more than friends......." It was so silent Owynn almost missed it, delivered in an incoherent mutter.

But he heard it. Owynn sat there with his mouth slightly agape and his mind racing. Freddy seemed to realize what he'd just sat abruptly, because he chased the water down his throat in such a quick gulp that he almost choked on it. Coughing and spurting Freddy stumbled out of the chair, headed towards the front door.

"So it was *cough* nice being here! Thanks for *uche* having me! I'll, uh, text you! See ya tomorrow!" Freddy shyly smiled as he walked past, embarrassed and cute as fuck.

"Farewell." Owynn nodded as Freddy opened the door.

Once Freddy left, and Cami came down to comment on Owynn's creepy-ass grin, all Owynn could think about was the balls Freddy had for sayin that shit.

Freddy, and Fred, really weren't boring.

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