Chapter 59: We Belong Together

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(Sorry, like 90% of this chapter is The Funtimes lol. Can I get an award for most inconsistent updater?)

Eak stares up at the cloudy sky above him, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette through his nose.

He was laying with his back on the trampoline in his yard, waiting for his folks to come home and show him the surprise they promised over text. Eak wasn't sure he really wanted any more surprises for the day. He kind of hated himself right now, had for a while.

Fuck, man. I really called Felix a fag.

Eak bitterly laughed at the unusually grey sky. Wow, here he was, thinking he was so exclusive and progressive, including all sorts of people in his gang project. Then, obviously, as you do, he called his ally a slur regarding his sexuality.

He almost broke Jack's nose for messing with Felix's car that night. He was bloody disgusted by the homophobe. No wonder everybody was so disturbed by him at the party. So yeah, he was gonna think of a proper way to apologize to Felix, for being such a dickhead.

But on another note, Eak needed an alibi for tomorrow night. Federico and Jacinta had become way more strict about his late night adventures since his encounter with Hiroshi, which almost got him arrested. He could think of a proper excuse, and hey, maybe they'd believe it, if he didn't get hurt too much during the pit fight.

So, he fished his phone out of his pocket and texted Town.

Me👌: Hey

Eak was rather anxious about Towntrap's reply. His carnal had every right to reject his request, Eak wasn't gonna be angry at him if he did. He just hoped it wouldn't ruin their friendship.

Carnal🍎: Hi

Okay. So he still wanted to talk.

Me👌: I was wondering if I could stay over at yours tomorrow night? After the fight, I mean

Carnal🍎: Like a sleepover?

Me👌: What the fuck ever.

Me👌: Just....are you cool with it? It's fine if ur not, I just need an alibi to be out tmrow, and well, maybe I just wanna hang out too

That wasn't a lie, honestly. Eak just hadn't been as secure about hanging out with Town since he found out about Town and Chica's.....crush? on him.

Carnal🍎: That' nice???


Carnal🍎: Ok. U can stay over

Me👌:  :)!!

Carnal🍎: But we're eating vegan for diner

Me👌: Dude. Nasty!

Carnal🍎: Maybe we'll go to a salad bar

Me👌: Man, why would you do something so horrendous in public?

Carnal🍎: Do what??

Me👌: Eat a salad

Carnal🍎: Ur overreacting

Eak grinned, feeling the nerves from before disappear with each text they send back and forth to each other. He put his phone on selfie mode and snapped a picture of himself, flipping off the camera.

Town felt a flush creep down his neck at the selfie he received. Eak looked stupidly cute. He felt bad for thinking about that after what just happened, but he could tell how much the Mexican regretted it. Besides, Eak with his curly hair, looking at the camera lens with his slightly crooked middle finger wagging in front of his grinning face, was absolutely impossible to stay mad at.

Me🍉: Nice middle finger. Who broke it?

Eak❤️: Haha fuck you

Eak❤️: Looks better than ur bony ass fingers

Me🍉: You observed my fingers?😏

Eak❤️: 🖕

Town huffed out a laugh, feeling giddy. Chica stirred beside him she was leaning against him as she texted on her own phone. Now curious, she looked over his shoulder to see what Town was laughing about.

"What'chu laughin' at?" She peered down at the phone screen.

"Uh, well-"

"Town! You're texting Eak! I thought we agreed not to talk to him because he's acting like a prick." Chica accusingly shifted her magenta eyes to Town's amber ones.

"Y-yeah, but......." Town bowed his head somewhat ashamed. "Just look at this!"

Not even Chica could resist her 'aww' as she saw the selfie Eak took. Then she blushed, only now realizing what sound she'd let out. So she covered it up by saying:

"Why does his middle finger look so weird?"

"That's what I was wondering." Town nodded in agreement.

"What middle finger??" Bonnie, still high as a kite, all but bounced over to the pair.

Town showed the picture, Bonnie cackled maniacally.

"hAaHaHahA!" Bonnie fell back against the floor, letting laughter emerge from his throat carelessly.

"Jesus Christ, what'd he take?" Town whispered to Chica.

Chica shrugged.

"I don't know, something organic. Don't vegans eat those oddly-shaped plants too?" Chica whispered back.

Town sputtered at the question.

"I don't smoke marijuana, Chica!"

"That genuinely surprises me."

Before Town could huff something back, Bonnie interrupted him.

"Could I get a ride home? Golden, Freddy and my boooooooooyfriend already left!" Bonnie suddenly looked close to tears and Towntrap visibly cringed.

"Sure, Bonnie."

His face immediately lit up.

"Thank you marijuana man!" Bonnie cheered, throwing his arms around Town's neck.

"I'm not-I don't smoke pot!" Towntrap protested wildly.

"It's okay. The first step to recovery is admitting." Chica comfortingly patted his shoulder.

Town just leaned back and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.

They find Meg, appearing to be deep in a conversation with Bon. For some reason a bucket was next to Meg's feet and the side-walk was wet all over.

"Hey, what's up?" Spring walked up to the two with a wave.

"The sky!" Meg replied quickly, looking as if she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Okay.....?" Spring snorted, a little amused by her reaction.

Fox gazed up at the sky with an open mouth, looking absolutely fascinated by it. Spring really wondered where he and Bonnie had gotten the weed from.

"You look really fashionable." Spring nodded at Bon.

The tanner teen's cheeks slightly reddened by the compliment, rubbing the back of his neck as he nervously chuckled.

"Thanks, man!"

Meg watched the two boys with a huff.

"Are we here to chit-chat or are we gonna leave?" Meg interrupted the moment.

"Guess we'll leave." Spring shrugged, taking out the keys of his mini van and heading towards Toddy's garage.

Then, just when they were finally turning around, Spring turned right the fuck back and asked Bon, like the nice fucking guy he was:

"Ay, you want a ride?"

Bon seemed surprised by the offer, before nodding, bashful but grateful.

"Yes, please. Joy kinda left and I can't drive, so....." Bon trailed off, following after the Moon's Mystery employee.

"Huh. I wonder why......" Spring thought out loud.

"She's just, uh, tired......" Meg shrugged, trying to come off as nonchalant.

"Y'know, y'all are gonna laugh at me, but I had like, this crazy moment earlier where I thought I saw Bon, in Toddy's yard, ready to bury Abby's body! She was, like, all bloody and shit." Spring cackled as Bon and Meg's faces drained of color.

"W-wow that's crazy!" Bon stuttered out, laughing high-pitched and nervous. He was about to say something else but Meg cut him off, knowing damn well that Bon had the habit of rambling whenever he got nervous.

"You must've been high outta your mind." Meg decided, tone stern.

"Maybe. I haven't had any weed in 2 months, though. I brought a weed plant to Moon's Mystery once, and Mai set it on fire the second I looked away. Shit's crazy." Spring appeared completely casual about the situation.

Then, Spring added with a grin:

"Even if I was high, I couldn't have been more outta my mind than this fella over here!" Spring laughed, clapping Fox on the shoulder.

The red-head frowned in return.

"I'm not high." He protested.

"Yes, you are, bro."

"No.....y-you are." Fox squinted his eyes at Spring, looking both ready to pass out and to start a fight.

"No, you."


"Shut the fuck up! My God, I'm just trying to get home!" Meg yelled, her temper hitting it's limit at the pointless banter.

"You're so mean......" Fox mumbled, swinging himself into the passenger's seat of Spring's van.

It was a creepy, small piece of shit, which Meg was still surprised even worked. Spring got to keep it after he fixed it up for an old client of his, back when he still had to accept repair jobs to get by. It took an entire year before Spring could properly drive it, he'd watched some 'how to drive a van' videos on Fox's phone, which was obviously way more difficult than it looked.

But, he managed. And Spring planned on legally getting his license once he turned 18.

Fox's knees were nearly pressed to his chin at the little amount of space he had. Bon didn't complain about having to duck his head very low just to get into the backseat, but Meg did pipe up to complain, even though she was short enough not to have much trouble with getting into the car.

"Let's ride!" Spring smirked, obviously thinking he was being very cool with his shitty car.

Bon gripped the car door's handle so tightly his knuckles turned white. Meg did the same.

(Picture of the car lol)

(Also here's Felix's car, just imagine it more....fucked up)

Felix, Abby and Fede drove to Lilly's house in Felix's beaten up, pink Honda Civic. The originally neon pink color was now....somewhat brown and both of the lights were practically punched out.

"Don't you ever want a new car?" Abby asked, tone a little too judgement laced.

"Abby, you know I love you, but this car is my pride and joy. If I had to choose between you and this car, I would pick it over you." Felix replied, tone simple as if he was just telling Abby about his new shower curtains.

"Okay." Abby didn't look taken aback by the statement.

"We heard you banged your head against a tree." Fede suddenly piped up.

"You did?" Abby pulled her mouth into a painful-looking grin, a common tell-sign that she was hiding something.

"Yeah, Fox told us. You don't have a concussion, do you?" Felix glanced at Abby through the rear-view mirror.

"Nooooo......" Abby muttered, hugging her portable Bluetooth speaker closer. Felix had to drive all the way back to Abby's house to get the damn thing, but whatever. He'd do anything for romantic, lesbian purposes.

"Alright, just make sure to change the bandage every day." Felix decided not to press his luck. He hadn't told Abby about the night at the arcade yet either, so if Abby had her own secret he'd respect it.

"Oh, we're here! We're here!" Abby suddenly chanted.

Felix drove up to the gravely drive-way of the house. Beige stairs made out of stone led to the rather big house Lilly lived in.

(Something like this, the stairs are just beige and the house is a little bit smaller)

"Wish me luck." Abby huffed in determination as she opened the car door.

"We'll stick around 'till someone let's you in because, y'know, the chances of you getting chased off of the property are rather big." Fede pouted as Abby simply waved him off.

"It'll be fine!"

Fede just shook his head in reply. It was already dark by now, and Lord knows Liam Ferez didn't appreciate his daughter's girlfriend showing up outside of his house with a Bluetooth speaker.

"I hope Liam doesn't come out with a shotgun." Fede laughed a little at the idea.

"I mean, it'd be funny, though." Felix snorted in return.

They both watched Abby bounce up the stairs, sneaking over to the left side of the house to get to the window to Lilly's room.

Something about watching your best friend sneak around to try and serenade your other best friend with a Bluetooth speaker while sitting in a car with your other best friend who you have feelings for, was oddly romantic to Felix.

"Oooh, she's goin' in for the kill......" Fede chewed on the Smarties he'd picked up from Toddy's mansion as he watched the pig-tailed girl stumble over a hedge in an attempt to get to Lilly's window.

"This should be a disaster!" Felix grinned, rolling the windows down so they'd get a better listen to Abby's awful plan.

Abby stopped for a second to think 'what now?' as she stood below Lilly's window. First, get her attention. She picked up a pebble from the ground, tossing it at Lilly's window and missing.

"Fuck!" She muttered to herself, picking up a larger one. This time she successfully hit the glass.

Abby cheered, hearing Felix and Fede snicker from inside the car at a distance. She heard rustling from above, but Lilly didn't appear by the window.

Huffing, Abby picked up another rock but failed to hear the window opening. She swung her arm back and threw the pebble as hard as she could.

She heard a yelp from above and with fright, Abby realized she'd just thrown a rock at her girlfriend's head.

"Hey!" Lilly barely managed to dodge the small rock.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" Abby clasped her hand over her mouth, almost dropping her speakers in the process.

"What the hell are you doing out there?" Lilly shot Abby a pointed look.

A bit taken aback by the gruff reply, Abby stammered out:

"I-I know you wanted a break but Lilly please! Whatever's bothering you, we can figure out together!" Abby pleaded, considering sitting on one knee too for a dramatic effect.

Lilly's face remained blank as she stared down at her girlfriend.

"I have this song with me too, to remind you of our iconic love!" Abby's face hardened, determined again to let Lilly hear the song.

"Just don't wake up my parents, please." Lilly glanced back inside her room.

"Your parents go to bed at 9?" Abby frowned in confusion.

"Just get to it, Abby." Lilly, usually one to be more patient, huffed out.

"Okay." Abby fumbled with her phone and speaker for a moment, tapping her Lilly x Abby FOREVER playlist and putting it on speaker.

"This is for you, baby!" Abby screeched, lifting the speaker above her head.

She gasped mortified as the refrain to Despacito played. She'd accidentally left it on from the last time she was listening to it.

Lilly was visibly cringing while Felix and Fede's laughter could be heard even from inside the car.

"Are those Felix and Fede??" Lilly poked her head out the window to try and look at her drive-way.

"Fuck!" Abby cursed and ran over to the stairs. She made a shooing motion at the boys until Felix finally picked up the hint and obnoxiously drove off, his tires screeching all the while.

"This, is a disaster." Lilly exclaimed as Abby returned.

"Just give me a chance!" Abby wailed, trying to look for the song she originally wanted.

"You're miiiiiine, and we belong, together~" Abby sung along softly.

Lilly didn't......look quite as charmed as Abby hoped she'd be. She really thought she'd pulled a super romantic Juliet & Juliet move.

"Yes, we belong, together! For eternity...... You're mine~ Your lips belong-"

"Okay, okay I get it." Lilly boredly cut the shorter girl off.

Abby tilted her head at the statement. Sure, Lilly's always been rather sarcastic and not as romantic as Abby, but it really wasn't like her to interrupt Abby mid-serenade.

"Can I come over to your house?" Lilly's question quickly made up for it, though.

The blue-haired girl had this.....odd smile on her lips. Sly and confident, a bit unusual for Lilly. Abby decided not to question it yet, eagerly nodding.

"Yeah! I mean, Felix just drove off but we can take the bus instead." Abby offered.

"I'll be down in a second!" Lilly, with seemingly newfound energy, closed the window and packed her stuff.

Five minutes later she was outside. On the bus ride to Abby's house Lilly kept her hand on the red-head's thigh. It made Abby feel giddy, and a bit weirded out at the same time. Lilly wasn't really one to initiate that kind of physical contact.

"Youuuu alright?" Abby raised both her eyebrows at the taller girl.

"Yeah." Lilly confirmed quickly.

Once they'd snuck past Abby's parents in the living room, Lilly and Abby were finally back in the comfort of Abby's room. In their own personal bubble.

"Hey, you wanna see how many push-ups I can do?" Lilly suddenly asked, just when Abby leaned in to kiss her.

Huh. Since when did Lilly work out? Abby couldn't really picture it. Lilly's noodle arms doing push-ups. Whatever. She wouldn't complain about it. Nothing got Abby going more than watching her girlfriend exercise.


Lilly all but jumped onto her hands, keeping the tips of her purple Nike-shoes stiff against the floor. She was doing a pretty solid job, muttering the number of push-ups.

Something was off about it. Abby couldn't quite tell why. Lilly's energy just seemed different than it usually was. She was.....way more hyper, Abby figured.

"There! I did 10!" Lilly grinned widely, practically panting like an animal by now. 10 was quite impressive, for a bony chick like Lilly.

"Geez, peaches, since when do you work out?" Abby leaned against her door and carefully watched the other teen.

"Since, like, three days now? It does wonders, babe, you've got no idea! I feel as athletic as Felix." Lilly rambled on, proud and energetic.

Not allowing herself to get distracted by her girlfriend's hotness, Abby decided to focus on the off-putting behavior.

Cautiously, she asked:

"Did you take your lithium today?"

Admittedly, Abby didn't know much about how the lithium worked. Lilly's parents were trust-worthy, though, and Lilly was the textbook definition of a good girl. Surely she'd take her pills without complaint, right?

Lilly's mom was a psychologist after all. She hadn't even needed to take Lilly to a doctor for an official diagnosis. Vivian knew what to do, she wouldn't let that two-week-in-bed occurrence happen again.

She and Lilly hadn't talked about 'it' yet. There never appeared to be a right time to discuss it, didn't seem like that much of a big deal.

Okay, so your girlfriend having a mental illness was a big deal, a huge fucking deal, but other than those two weeks Lilly had stayed in bed Abby wasn't sure what the effects of that particular illness were. Abby decided she'd search on the internet for more details about the condition later, because each time she attempted to bring it up with Lilly she sorta shut down.

"Yes." Lilly huffed out a little laugh, seemingly amused by Abby's question. Abby noticed her eyes darkening, though.

"So you're fine?"

Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Yes, relax, psycho!" Then she smirked, waggling her eyebrows obnoxiously. "Want me to show you how fine I am?"

Any protests Abby might've had died on her tongue the second Lilly's lips pressed against hers.

Lilly pushed Abby's denim jacket off of her shoulders and all discussions of lithium and push-ups were abandoned.

"So......." Felix and Fede sat on the sofa in the living room. At least two feet apart and awkward.

"Yeah." Fede took a sip from his drink and looked anywhere but at Felix.

"You think Lilly's alright?" Felix prompted.

"I don't know, to be honest. She wasn't acting that weird today, sure, it was kinda surprising of her to confront Eak all by herself but that doesn't necessarily mean she's manic......" Fede muttered, concerned.

"We should ask Lilly's mom about the symptoms after the fight tomorrow." Felix suggested, trying to come across as soothing. The nerves were still there between the two of them, but this time they weren't about Lilly.

Fede nodded in agreement, cheeks noticeably tinting pink.

Was this a date? Probably, Felix figured. He'd put pizza rolls in the oven while Fede got a juice box from the fridge.

"Do you wanna watch Riverdale?" Felix cheerfully asked, startling Fede.

God, he hated Riverdale so much, but Felix loved it. The things you must sacrifice for love......

"Sure." He shakily smiled, internally screaming at himself for saying yes.

So, they watched Riverdale in silence. Cheryl Blossom was spouting some Victorian-sounding bullshit while Betty Cooper was drowning people in a hideous black wig. Felix must've re-watched the entire show 3 times by now. 3 seasons full of that shit and there would be a fourth season somewhere in October.

"Love how murdering men is girl power in this show." Felix, without a hint of satire, whispered. His eyes were glued to the screen, Fede briefly wondered what the hell he saw in this kid.

"Ja." He decided not to argue with him.

Felix grinned to himself. Fede speaking Dutch was hot! Even though at times he didn't know what the fuck he was saying. Felix casually threw an arm around the back of the couch, subtly scooting closer to the shorter teen. Fede didn't seem to notice, staring at the screen in front of him with disinterest. His apple-cherry drink was almost finished, Felix couldn't wait to offer him another one.

As creepy as it sounded, he really wanted Fede to stick around for as long as possible. He just needed to work up the courage to tell Fede that he was probably ready to finally get into the relationship. He's been stable as of lately, no longer crying about one-night stands or one-week boyfriends.

Don't get him wrong, it wasn't like Felix actively went out in the middle of the night to gay clubs for a hook-up, hell no, but just guys he'd seen around the city or worked at the arcade his cousin worked at. Felix wasn't a sex addict or anything, not like Abby was, but.....he wouldn't mind doing it with Fede once they were both comfortable enough in their relationship.

He couldn't fucking wait for the sex. And wearing Fede's clothes. And holding his hand. And kissing him. And-

Ah, fuck. He's really into this Dutch motherfucker.

"Do you want another one?" Felix smoothly offered, noticing Fede's juice box was now empty.

"Okay!" Fede smiled that stupidly a-fucking-dorable smile of his.

"Alright, let's get one." Felix took the empty carton and motioned for Fede to follow him into the kitchen.

He discarded the box whilst Fede rummaged through the fridge for another one. Felix turned off his mind as to not get second hand embarrassment for what he was about to do next.

The second Fede closed the fridge's door and turned around, Felix caged him in, bracing both hands on either side of Fede's head. He'd seen this shit in movies before, it always worked.

Fede wasn't an anime chick, though.

To Felix's credit, Fede didn't look that disturbed.....yet. His eyebrows were simply raised, taken off guard.

"Hi." Felix stammered out like the fool he was.

"Yo." Fede countered.

"I-I, uhm....wh...." Felix choked on his own words, feeling his face light up in embarrassment.

Fede merely quirked his eyebrow higher, urging him to just spit it out already. How ironic that the tables have turned. Fede was the one supposed to turn red and stammer.

"I, just, uh, do you wanna, like, d-date? I mean, I think I'm emotionally stable enough to, y'know, get to it, like, erh......" Before Felix had a chance to make a bigger fool out of himself, Fede cut him off.

With his lips, that is. Felix, too stunned to kiss back, stood there uselessly as Fede half-heartedly made out with him.

"Yeah. I wanna date." Fede's smile turned shy as he pulled away, looking up at Felix with those addictive sky blue eyes of him.

Truly, Felix felt like he was flying. Or just really, really high.

"O-okay, cool....." He tried sounding nonchalant but the vibrato in his voice betrayed him.

"Uh-huh." Fede nodded in agreement, looking close to either giggling or laughing maniacally.

"Boyfriends?" Felix offered, more relaxed now.

"Boyfriends." Fede agreed simply.

In the midst of their second make-out session, Felix realized that oh fuck, it was already 21:30, which meant Felix's dad could come home any minute now.

"Oh, shit, you gotta get outta here, Fefi!" Felix quickly pulled away.


"My dad's, like, a shotgun dad, you know the type, right? Like, he's a little worse than Liam. If he sees someone making out with his precious son in his kitchen, he's totally gonna flip." Felix explained, chuckling despite his internal cringing.

"Your dad likes me." Fede tilted his head rather puzzled.

"Yeah, I know, but he absolutely hates it when I get, like, involved with someone without him knowing about it. He's just really over-protective, that's all." Felix wasn't sure whether to love or hate that quality of his dad.

Then again, if Felix's own kid got relentlessly bullied for years and almost thrown off of a rooftop, maybe Felix himself would be rather overprotective as well.


The front door swung open.

"Felix! I'm home." Fuck, fuck!

"Uh h-hey, dad!" Felix mouthed at Fede 'get out' as he made sure his dad stayed distracted in the hallway.

Fede looked around helplessly for a moment, making Felix roll his eyes as he shoved the kitchen window open.

"How was the party, shrimp? Done anything interesting today?" Felix heard his dad taking off his shoes as he pushed at Fede's ass to get him through the window faster.

Oh, y'know, just got called a fag today by a person I admire and I'm just helping my new boyfriend get out through our kitchen window. Also I think Lilly might be a little manic but I'm not sure and I don't want to offend her by straight-up asking her about it.

Y'know, just every day things.

"It was great! Abby did some karaoke of All By Myself and I ate, like, sixty pizza rolls. And don't call me shrimp, I'm, like, almost as tall as you!" Felix replied with a huff, praising himself for his great acting skills as Fede practically fell out of the window onto the grass below him.

"Sorry......" Felix whispered to his boyfriend.

"Was that nice kid who helped you fix up your car there too? What's his name, Ian? Rico?" Ugh. Why did Felix's dad always have to be so chatty whenever the moment wasn't right?

Felix's dad didn't fully know about the story behind Felix's wrecked car. Felix just told him that it was probably some random street gang that decided to fuck with his vehicle and that maybe it was just karma of him for underage driving. Then he'd also proceeded to tell his dad that Eak was the one that helped him fix his car up a bit, or at least wash the slurs off of the car doors.

In reality, he'd just taken his car to the local mechanic shop and got it fixed. He left out the small detail that Eak, Bonnie and Freddy had in fact, helped him by beating up Jack and his goons.

"It's Eak, dad. And yeah, he was there too!"

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? I'll text you!" Felix whisper-yelled to Fede as the other boy started sneaking off to the side of the house.

"Bye!" Just as Felix prepared to close the window, Fede suddenly turned around.

It looked as though he was debating on whether or not to do something, but at last he decided to just do it.

"I love you!" Fede called out.

Felix was completely taken off guard by it as Fede straight up ran for the hills and out of his sight.

He was still giggling and smiling like a lunatic by the time his dad got into the kitchen.

"The fuck are you so happy about?" Felix's dad gruffly asked, taking a Gatorade out of the fridge and eyeing his son with suspicion.

"Nothing, I'm just having a good night!" Felix protested, voice rather high-pitched.

Felix's dad put on a stoic face as he glanced at the oven.

"Your pizza rolls are burned."


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