The Glaceon Tribe

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"Winter! For the last time, that's not how you throw it!" Frost snapped.

"Then how do you do it?!" Winter snapped back.

Frost was trying to teach Winter how to throw a snowball correctly, as she had all afternoon.

"I could watch this all day." Kenya purred as Icicle nodded.

"Will you guys just shut up?" Frost asked, exasperated. "I'm doing something here."

"Fine, fine. Oh my God." Kenya exaggerated.

"So, Winter," Frost continued, trying to keep her cool. She picked up the snowball very carefully and threw it at Winter. It made a splat! noise as it hit his face.

"You're throwing it upward. You're supposed to throw it downward." She explained.

"Yeah, whatever." Winter mumbled as he whipped the last bit of snow off his face. "I never really cared."

"Then why'd you ask for lessons, idiot?" Frost exclaimed.

"I dunno," WInter shrugged. "I just did."
"Have better reasons next time!" Frost exclaimed and stormed off. 

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