Chapter 2

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Beacon was large, with a whole load of unnecessary columns without structures to hold up. The tower that looked like it should hold a clock face was instead filled with greenish floating orbs. Overall, the building looked impractical and otherwise dull, but as huntresses the group would probably be fighting in all kinds of places, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get used to the awkward lay out of the school. 

"Wow! This place looks... odd." Rame said, her excitement quickly ebbing away, she had seen illustrations of fairy tails with better designs than Beacon's architecture. Her favourite drawing was from The Girl In the Tower, and was the inside of the girl's room. It was filled with the tapestries of her father's achievements that had caused him to fear for her life, and instead of lights everything was illuminated with glowing magical orbs.

"Yeah, but maybe it's for training?" Pika asked, unsure herself why the school was the way it was. "Whatever, we should get to the welcoming ceremony."

"You know where we're going?" Tia asked, looking around. "Everything looks the same."

"It looks similar, but not the same. We literally just have to walk straight ahead and it should be the second room down the hall." Lulu said, rolling her eyes jokingly at Tia and leading the way inside.

"I'm never going to get used to this place." Tia complained, trailing near the back of their small group as they passed the young girl in black and red from the airship earlier.

"Then just stick close to me, I'll know all the shortcuts by the end of the week. Remember that trip to Vacuo?" Rame said with an almost cocky smile as she looked back to Tia, although her eyes drifted over to Pika.

"Yes, we all remember that Tia got us lost and you got us unlost, we were there." Lulu said, rolling her eyes at Rame, she never let that story drop.

"Gee, I'm sorry it's the best case of my natural gift of always knowing where I am." Rame said, making herself look taller than normal, puffing her chest out in a poor impression of grandeur.

"Mhm, sure." Pika said with a laugh as they reached the doors.

What sounded like a dust explosion came from behind them, but a quick look reassured them that nobody was hurt beyond what their aura could repair, so they just headed inside. They were some of the first people in the hall, but felt reassured by the knowledge that they weren't the first. It was rather empty, filled with greys, reds, blacks and whites.

"Should I be offended that there are so few colours?" Pika asked jokingly with a laugh.

"I dunno, it seems odd that a school that's supposed to unite people hardly uses any colour. At least they don't discriminate against faunus." Rame said, looking around with slight discomfort for the dull room.

"Yeah, I guess, but colour is kinda important." Lulu said, leaning back against the random pillar behind her.

"Who cares, they're probably just minimalist." Tia said, smiling overly brightly.

"Did you forget how important colour is?" Lulu asked, looking at Tia as though she had just grown a second head.

"Colour is to show that we stand against oppression and war. The faunus still need that, so colour is still important." Pika said, looking at Tia awkwardly as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh... Sorry." Tia muttered, shuffling her feet and looking at the floor.

"It's okay, you were home schooled and don't know about a lot of what's going on, but you're not in that kind of environment, so try to make sure you know what you're talking about so you don't offend anyone or insult anyone." Rame said, scuffing her feet on the dirty floor.

"I'll try." Tia said quietly, biting her lip.

"That's all you can do." Lulu said, putting a gentle hand on Tia's shoulder.

It took forever for everyone to enter the hall and for the teachers to do the introductory speech, which dragged on a bit. The important information was that they would form their teams tomorrow and that their dorms would be shared by a whole team, so those would also be allocated tomorrow. For that night, everyone would be sleeping in one of the many halls together.

Once in their loose fitting pyjamas, Rame's constantly slipping off her shoulder, they all huddled into a group on Pika's sleeping bag as it was next to the wall. Rame was in the middle, squashed between Pika and Lulu, Tia sulking somewhat because she was furthest away from Rame's scroll they were 

"Hey Chari!" Rame said with a bright smile, the other girls joining her greeting in a chorus only a moment later.

"Hey guys, how's Beacon?" Chari asked as her cat ears perked up happily from where they were hiding in her hair, the background of the screen showing that she already had a dorm, her grey uniform hanging in the background. While the uniform was monochrome, the room behind her was colourful, although not as much of an eyesore the inside of the airship was.

"It's alright, we don't get dorms until tomorrow, so everyone's in the same room, but we all managed to get spots close to each other." Tia said, leaning in front of Pika and Rame so she was in the centre of the frame. As Rame was holding the scroll and Pika was too insecure to speak out when made uncomfortable, it was Lulu who gently pushed Tia back to where she was before.

"Why don't you get dorms? In Atlas we get a room to ourselves, but we form our teams next week, I don't know how we're supposed to choose." Chari said, giving the group a quick glance around the room which was filled with boxes of her stuff and an open suitcase filled with her clothes and weapon.

"We're going to share a dorm with our teammates. We're going to form our teams tomorrow, so I hope we get a good team." Lulu said, a hair elastic in her mouth as she did up her hair so it wouldn't get too tangled while they slept.

"Oof, well I hope you all have teammates you get along with. I'm going to go to bed, talk soon?" Chari asked, looking off screen to the cat shaped clock they had caught a brief look at while she turned her scroll around.

"Sure, tomorrow? We'll be able to tell you who our teammates are." Rame suggested.

"Sounds great! Sleep well guys, good luck tomorrow." Chari said with a wave before their call got disconnected.

"Night, I'm going to sleep." Rame said with a yawn, crawling over to her own sleeping bag.

"Sleep well, we're going to stay up a little longer." Lulu said as Tia took Rame's recently departed seat.

"Okay, make sure you get some sleep though." Rame said, curling up on her side to sleep.

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