Part 1

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(^Luke, Sam, Ava then Danny. You'll understand when you start reading.)

(Okay, this one is going to be different. Peter was kidnapped and trained by HYDRA at the age of six, so he doesn't know much about the real world, only that he's helping it. HYDRA gave him his powers and he's now fifteen–same with the team. His 'team' is the same from Ultimate Spiderman, but it's still Tom Holland. You don't have to watch it to understand, I'll explain. And Strucker got away. Oh, you'll see. Good luck. *evil cackling*)

Peter picked at his food, too tired from their last training session to eat. Sam - code name Nova - and Danny - aka the Iron Fist - looked about the same. Ava and Luke - White Tiger and Power Man - barely looked affected. Well, Luke was always hungry and Ava was just the perfect student.

"You guys do know we have a mission tomorrow," she pointed her fork at the three of them, tossing her dark hair away from her almond toned face. "You're going to need your strength."

"Okay, mom," Sam answered immaturity.

Peter rolled his eyes. "I think your bucket killed some brain cells because, last time I checked, you can't do any energy light shows without food."

"Last I checked, neither could you," he snapped back.

Luke scoffed. "Could you two go one meal without arguing."

"Could you try not to be such a dad?" Sam shot over the table.

Luke's flush was visible even with his chocolate tone.

"Lay off a little," Danny tried to cool them down, like normal. "You can take out your anger out on the bad guys tomorrow."

"Says the blond man bun," Sam muttered under his breath and continued eating.

Peter shook his head. Why was he cursed to lead Sam? Luke's strength and immunity to bullets was fine. Ava's flexibility and cat reflexes was good. Danny's Kung Fu and chi fist was great. But were Sam's energy powers and flight really worth it?

He sighed. Obviously Strucker thought so, and there was no arguing with him unless Peter wanted to face the consequences. And most of the time the consequences were deadly. So that was a no go. Maybe he could get Sam changed to a normal firing squad by tomorrow, but he doubted it since they were the only super soldier group in the program. No one else had survived the process and the trials.

Peter ignored the rest of the cafeteria as he ate his food. The normal soldiers always gave them a wide space, as if they were afraid the team would take their anger out on them if the the super humans got frustrated. It had only happened one time...or two...or five, but that wasn't the point. Peter was fine with it, really. He hadn't really ever been that social.

"Heyo. Earth to Spidey!" Ava waved a hand in his face. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? Were we talking about something?" He looked up, realizing he had been glaring at his food.

Thankfully, Luke had his back, as always. "Yeah, the boss said he was gonna tell us who we were taking out when we finish afternoon training."

"Oh, cool," Peter answered sincerely. He hoped it was someone interesting instead of the boring politicians and actors they normally had to assassinate.

Yup. They were professional assassins with superpowers. Pretty awesome, right?

A bell rang out on the loud cafeteria, the only place anyone in the building got a break. Soldiers stood up quickly, dumping whatever remained on their trays and hurrying away. Tardiness had a harsh penalty. Thankfully, Peter and his team had a flexible schedule, so they could be ten minutes late and still be okay.

After lunch was class. Being teenage assassins wasn't always fun and games. HYDRA still taught them history, math and all that boring stuff. The only subject Peter really excelled in was science. He had actually made his own weapons that impressed Strucker. Nobody ever did that except for him. Ava may be class pet, but he was definitely star student in the boss's eyes.

"Let's go, webs," Sam tugged him up out of his chair. "Don't make us late again."

Peter glared. "That was you, buckethead."

"Your arguing made us late," Ava snapped and dumped her tray. Luke followed with a shrug and they walked out. Danny eyed Peter and Sam hesitantly, but soon left with them.

Peter massaged a temple. "Let's just go."

"Fine," Sam shot him a we'll finish this later look and stormed out.



Some agent was droning on about tactics used by Captain America in the last world war. Know your enemy. Not only that, Peter and his team were always compared to Cap and the Winter Soldier since they were 'huge super soldier successes.' It got real old, real fast.

Ava was the only one not falling asleep by the end of it. She practically skipped out of the classroom with a pile of papers covered in questions like:

If you were to come across someone more skilled then you, do you:

a) Surrender
b) Fight until your last breath
c) Try to find an advantage
d) None of the above

Boring. Why did she even like things like that? Peter wasn't sure. He was good at it, he supposed, but that didn't mean he enjoyed homework.

Training, on the other hand was fun.

When you weren't getting beaten to death. Or shot. Or thrown into walls.

Still, fun. Better then classroom work, Peter had decided a while ago.

"Nova, on your left!" Peter shouted and flipped over another robot, dodging its bullets.

The black-clad figure launched himself into the sky, avoiding the grenade thrown at him. Sam may argue with Peter normally, but it just wasn't an option on the field. And, like it or not, Peter cared about the idiot. Their arguing was more siblingly then anything.

He barked an order to Danny. "Iron Fist, Watch Tiger's flank!"

Rule Number One: No real names while on the field.

Danny nodded under his black mask. They all wore the same outfit to prevent security cameras from identifying them, though there probably wasn't much on a bunch of missing kids from almost ten years before. Their costumes were like ninjas and Peter was so cool with that.

He webbed a robot and threw it in Ava's direction. The White Tiger leaped on top of it and sliced it to bits with her knives.

"Spidey, behind you!" Peter heard Luke's heavy shout just as his spider sense went off.

Peter swung around and brought his signature handgun up. Two shots to the head killed the robot off and the airborne figure fell to the ground.

They were all panting heavily when an accented voice shouted, "End training sequence!"

They all turned to the slow clap to find Strucker strutting (hehe I'm so funny) out to them. They immediately dropped to one knee and bowed their heads in a sign of respect. Strucker gave them an approving smile that looked more like a sinister grin.

"Rise, young ones," he ordered and they complied. "You are certainly improving. Very much so, in fact. That is why I hope you are prepared to take on a mission such as the one planned for you tomorrow. Come, we shall discuss it in my office."

He lead them down the hall and through a door. Peter had been in this room twelve times before. Twelve missions and debriefings. All successes. Most of the time with his team, but four times he had gone solo. He hoped this time was a team mission.

Strucker sat behind his desk and waved his huge body guards away. They closed the door quietly, not wanting to upset the boss.

Strucker laced his fingers behind his head comfortably. It was silent for a few moments.

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow. "Do you not want to know who it is you are finding tomorrow?"

"Yes sir," Peter answered as the leader of the team.

Strucker smiled at the instant response. "Now, this will be very important for the future of HYDRA and everyone else, so I beg that you do not fail me in taking care of this man cleanly."

Peter gave a quick nod, knowing Strucker wouldn't want to be interrupted.

The head of HYDRA continued. "Very well. The man's name is...

"Tony Stark."


Okay, I know this is different, but I hope you guys are liking it so far. This was sort of an intro, the interesting stuff will happen next time.
Anyways, thanks for reading. Until next time, web heads.


- Wanda

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