Part 21

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Peter grunted as he slammed again the white wall of the training room. He felt like a bug on a windshield. He guessed that was a side affect of being swatted out of the air by the Hulk. Yep, the big green guy counted as a superhero professor. It was already lots of fun.

If breaking every bone in your body and bruising and bleeding and was your definition of fun. It sure wasn't Peter's.

"Faster!" The Hulk complained and charged at the poor arachnid. Peter growled and leaped up as high as he could do that he caught the high wall of the Avengers training room with a few fingers. The Hulk grunted from the ground and stomped a foot in frustration. The whole room shuddered and Peter hugged the wall closer.

"No," the Hulk crosses his arms mane pointed at the ground like an impatient mother. "Down. No cheating."

"You never technically said I couldn't?" Peter squeaked.

The Hulk rolled his eyes and squared, swinging his arms back and forth. "Bug Man don't come down, Hulk go up."

"Wait, what?" Peter screeched as the senior Avenger launched himself up, roaring and reaching out for the spider. The teen just had time to think uh oh, before a green fist wrapped around his waist and punched straight through the ceiling.

It broke through like a cardboard box under the strongest man's weight. They both crashed through the ceiling and, ultimately, the next floor. Scott and Clint both screamed like five year olds while Steve's mouth fell open. Hope continued to flip through channels on the TV.

"Oops," the Hulk commented, not sounding regretful at all and a big grin on his face. Peter clutched his fingers wide-eyed. His mask had caught on some of the broken supports so it was ripped from the top of his head to his ear. His nose was also bleeding beneath it, so he pulled it up to his nose as quickly as possible.

None of it discouraged his own goofy smile.

"Are you kidding me?" Tony shouted from the connected kitchen, glaring at the Hulk. "I just added to that training room! You're fixing it."

"Hulk no fix room. Hulk train Bug Man!" He argued and pulled himself and Peter out of the home, setting the teen down softly beside him. Tony didn't look the least bit intimidated as the intimidating hero stood over him.

"Do both!" The billionaire huffed irritably. "Bug Man—I mean Peter—needs to get ready for school anyways."

"Er, Mr. Stark...Tony," Peter winced at himself. It sounded weird coming out of his mouth. "It's Saturday. I don't have school today?"

Tony went poker faced for a second. "Huh. I thought it was Wednesday."

"What do teenagers do on weekends anyways? I've just been training every week," Peter complained and went to lean on the bar.

Clint was up and glaring at him. When had he come up next to him? Peter hadn't noticed anything. The two assassins were the only people that he couldn't read and it killed him.

"You would know better than us, kid," the archer glared. Why did he have to make everything a contest? Peter narrowed his eyes in acceptance. Fight me, Clint sent mentally.

I'll win, Peter returned cold and confidently.

Scott was suddenly there. "Barton, back off."

"Scott," Hope snapped when the Ant-Man pushed Clint away from Peter's face. "Don't be an asshole."

"He's the one being an ass," Scott pointed a finger in Clint's face.

"Would you guys cool your jets?" Tony cut in and took Peter by the arm. "Pete's got homework to do."

"But Mr—Tony, I did all of that already—"

"Go!" He pointed down the hallway commandingly. He seemed almost angry. Peter took a step back, flinching. He had never seen Tony's a angry side. He had no idea what to expect. Tony immediately felt bad for yelling, but his dumb ego wouldn't let him take it back.

"Yes sir," Peter mumbled and his arm twitched,  an old habit kicking in to go with the words. He resisted and turned back to hurry to his room.

Peter had barley gotten out of his suit and into a pair of sweat pants on before he started to tremble. The arachnid took a few deep breaths and headed to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He quickly lashed out to grab the marble counter in there when his vision got blurry. His breathing came faster and faster until it felt like his chest was going to explode.

He closed his eyes and laid his forehead on the sink. Nope, nope, nope, you're fine, he thought harshly. You're in the tower. You're fine! He glared at himself in the mirror. Stop.

Freaking Hawkeye. Hadn't Peter done enough to earn his trust yet? Well, now that he thought about it Peter hadn't really done anything...but that was beside the point. He hadn't done anything wrong either.

He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and pulled his phone out, ready for blown up text messages from a bored Morales, only to find nothing. He was sure he did something to piss him off too. He had a way of doing that by just standing in a room with someone.

Stop it, he demanded and opened up his contacts. He had six messages from Ned and one from Danny, but that was about it. He was strangely disappointed. It was entertaining when Miles announced he was going to be a drama queen and started to rant about normal teenage stuff. Huh.

Danny's was only to remind him that he and Luke were going out to find something to do, bored having been locked in the tower for so long. Peter could relate on a spiritual level.

Then he checked Ned's and his emotions immediately muddled up again.

hey Peter hows life
Im bored soooo

Have u talked to Miles? Hes being quiet and wont answer my texts. Is he mad at me or smthin?

Dude im seriously getting worried

maybe im just being paranoid

Bro Miles mom just called me. he didnt go home after school. did you see him?


Jeez, this is what he got for not checking his phone every five seconds. Huh, Morales hadn't talked to Ned either...and he didn't show up at home the night before? That was definitely not him. Miles worked hard to keep his mom happy as she struggled as a single parent through multiple jobs at a time. It seemed tough, but they got by.

Now his mom was all on her own. Miles would never leave her.

Miles r u okay?

He left the text there before going back to Neds and asking for an affirmation.

Are u sure bro?

Now all he could do was wait in anxious silence.

...this was going to be a while. Time that he didn't want to waste. His computer screen glared at him, daring to do what he was thinking out of both worry, curiosity and boredom mixed. In the end he groaned and transferred from his bing bag to his desk chair.

Maybe he would just do a little bit of searching. Hacking wasn't illegal if you were technically a Stark, right?


Okee since I'm farthest along in this story/book (Spiderkid does NOT count) I'm going to be updating a lot more just so that I can finish it and post my new book, sound good to y'all? That means I might be a little late on my other books if you read them sooooo...yay! Updates!

- Wanda

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