Part 22

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"Oh my god web head, pay attention!" Ava snapped and whapped him on the back of the head with a pair of science goggles.

Peter jerked back to the present to notice his auto-piloted fingers pouring chemicals all over his hand. He hissed and pulled away, ripping the glove off and throwing it into the nearest garbage can. His science teacher gave him a pointed look and strided to his side.

"Mr. Parker, this is why we pay attention while handling dangerous chemicals," she sighed and took his hand in her own. He flinched away at her touch, having not even noticed the light burns he had given himself until her cold hand brushed his skin. She frowned. "Let this be a lesson to you all. Keep your safety equipment on and stay focused. Mr. Leeds, you're in charge until I return from the nurses office."

Peter opened his mouth to protest, but Ms. Hill was already pulling him out of the classroom. Damn, for a school teacher, she had a strong grip. Not super-strength wise but she probably went to the gym a lot. The arachnid flushed red as soon as he thought it, hoping there were no mind readers around, because that would be both awkward and embarrassing.

"Peter, what's bothering you?" She asked suddenly as they walked (translation: she dragged him) down the hallway. "You haven't been paying attention all day. I know it's only been a few weeks since school started, but this is abnormal."

"It's nothing," he replied as an instant response that would shut most people down. Unfortunately, she didn't seem deterred.

"Mr. Parker, this–" she grabbed his wrist, just barley missing his web shooters, and held his burned hand up. "–isn't nothing."

"It's fine!" he yipped as he noticed the skin slowly knitting itself back together already. The arachnid quickly pulled his arm back, keeping her from noticing his powers, poorly hidden web shooters and the uprising panic he had felt when being grabbed so suddenly. "I'm fine.

"Just worried about a friend, I guess," he mumbled under his breath, though Hill's eyes still flickered.

Neither of them said anything the rest of the way there.

Ms. Hill left him to the office's care. Thankfully, the resident nurse was out for a few minutes getting lunch. It was easy to sneak past the single receptionist working on copies. He rushed his way to the bathroom to avoid any further teacher attention.

His hand was practically healed over by the time he ran his palm under some sink water. It felt good, and Peter allowed himself to let out a long breath of relief. The web-slinger slumped on the sink and stared at himself in the mirror for a few seconds.

Way to go, Pete, he thought with severe irritation. Blow your cover within the first few weeks. Brilliant. He wiped his face off and pulled a few paper towels from the dispenser to dry his hands.

He pushed the door back open and–

–ran straight into somebody! The other person—a girl, emerging from the other restroom directly opposite of him—let out a small yelp of surprise. They stumbled together, but Peter latched onto her arms, and she to his. After a few seconds of precarious teetering, they steadied.

Peter let himself take a breath and glanced up at the girl. Dark curly hair pulled back into a messy pony tail, tone just a few shades darker than his own, and deep eyes that seemed to change color even as he stared at them. Maybe hazel, maybe brown, maybe black...he honestly couldn't tell. It was sort of hypnotizing.


Oh, crap, he was still hanging on to her.

Peter quickly released her arms, taking a long step back to give them both some space. The girl retreated as well, rubbing one of her wrists with a wary expression.

Fick. Had he hurt her? He clenched his fists at his sides, testing his own strength as he had a million times before. He hadn't been paying attention. Stupid.

"Sorry–You okay?" The words were blurted from his mouth before he registered them.

The girl narrowed her eyes, but shrugged. "It's cool."

God, she looked familiar.

Why did she look familiar?

"Sorry," he repeated unnecessarily, if only to stall her.

She waved him off, taking a few backwards steps, swinging the hall pass back and forth. Then she spun around and hurried down the hall back to whatever class she had come from.

Peter watched her until she turned the corner. Like a freaking weirdo.

He smacked his palm into his forehead. Get it together!

And, Where have I seen her before?

His mind flashed back to a dark roof, a scream.

"Michelle Jones. Future reporter. And you are my first story."

Oh yeah...that. The number was downloaded in his suit AI. He might have convinced himself that the exchange had slipped his mind...but really, it hadn't. He had been thinking about it ever since then. How had he not recognized her immediately? Dim lighting was no excuse for him! 

Also--Ms. Reporter was a highschooler? And she went to his high school?

He shook his head. It didn't matter. She had disappeared back to class now. Besides, she didn't know Peter—Peter Parker. She probably thought he was a creepy weirdo now.

He kind of was though.

He brushed the thought off with a sigh and made his way back to class.

Ned flagged him down as soon as he got into the room. They were lab partners, along with Ava to make up the full trio. Ava and Ned were huddled around one of their phones, staring down with solemn expressions.

Peter didn't even have time to say 'What is it?' before the nerd was shoving the screen into his face.

"The NYPD just put out an official missing poster for Miles." Ned's voice cracked painfully.

Ava scrolled down the screen for him seriously. "And seven other kids have gone missing within the district. Within seven days of each other."

Peter took the phone, a scowl planting itself in his face at the thought of any of his friends in danger. Who would take Miles? Harmless, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly-freshman Miles Morales? One of his few new friends?

It was too much of a coincidence for his conscience to handle.

"Someone took them all," he summarized out loud, barely containing a growl.

Ava nodded while Ned looked like he might cry. The former tipped the small device down to look her teammate in the eyes.

Unspoken communication confirmed his growing hypothesis. The 'who' didn't even need to be asked.

"The question is: Why?"


"How are our patients doing?"

"Uh, most of them...not good, sir. We've isolated four prime candidates as of now."




"What do you want us to do with the failures?"

"Eliminate and dispose of them. Discreetly, if you will."

"Yes, sir. And the Ghost?"

"...Prepare it for it's first outing, Captain. It's high time it proved itself."


A year after promised ya go? This is a sorry excuse of a chapter? I' sorry? All I do is promise and I never go through, and I only write when I can't (ie school time) at the worst possible times (failing grades) but whatever ig.

I'm so excited for the next few chapters though, I just want to skip to them lol

I love y'all! Thank you thank you thank you for bearing with me!!

- ❤️ Wanda

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