Part 3

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Trigger Warning(s): uh, hints of torture? I guess? It's not too graphic or anything, but just in case.

(Recap: Peter, the HYDRA assassin, was sent with his team to kill Tony Stark, but Sam messed it all up, so now one of Peter's teammates is captured and they failed their mission.)

Peter stood outside Strucker's office with Danny, Luke and Sam. They were waiting for the boss to finish whatever he was doing to give him the mission debrief. Or, Peter was anyway. His friends were there to support him and back him up, if needed. They all new it wasn't going to go well. Loosing a valuable member of the team and failing their assignment? Inexcusable. There was going to be punishment.

"I'll tell him it was all my fault," Sam announced miserably. "Because it was. I'm so sorry guys."

Peter shook his head immediately at the mention of Sam taking the blame. "No. As team leader, I'll take credit. I should have been paying better attention anyways."

"But–" Sam started, but Peter cut him off.

"Don't. You know what will happen to whoever tells him that. I heal faster then you," he tried for a weak smile.

"He's going to give us one more chance to kill Stark," Danny reminded them. "And if we mess it up, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. We'll all be in trouble."

"No," Luke stared at the floor solemnly. "We'll all be dead."

Just then the door opened to reveal a smiling Strucker and his two bodyguards. He looked practically jolly. Unfortunately, his whole dimeter changed when he saw the boy's' faces.

"Where is Ayala?" He said quietly. The teens tensed up at the question. When he whispered, he was beyond mad.

Sam opened his mouth to say something, but Peter cut him off sternly. "She's gone. Stark has her."

Strucker took a deep breath, barley concealing his anger. "Then, for your sakes and mine, I hope she is dead. Peter. In my office. Now."

Peter's face paled and he gulped in fear. His friends gave him worried looks as they were ushered away by one of Strucker's bodyguards. The man himself put a hand on Peter's back fatherly and lightly pushed him into the room. His single guard followed, closing the door. Peter didn't miss the sound of it locking.

Strucker stood behind his desk and clapped his hands together, then twisted his fingers until they were locked as well.

"Peter." He took a deep breath and glared at the boy. "Care to explain what–exactly–happened?"

"It was my fault, sir. I take full responsibility," Peter glued his arms to his sides to keep them from shaking. "I underestimated–"

" you underestimate," Strucker's breathing was deep and uneven with rage. "The AVENGERS?"

He roared and picked up a paper weight to throw at the wall. It left a big hole just behind the teenager. Peter flinched away at the sudden burst.

"YOU WERE MY BEST!" Strucker stuck a finger in Peter's face. "I HAD FAITH IN YOU!"

Peter jerked back in fear as Strucker picked up his lamp and threw it at his bookshelf. Paper and glass flew everywhere. The boss didn't seem to care.

"I JUST NEED HIM GONE!" He looked at Peter fiercely. "I don't care who you are RELATED TO. AS LONG AS YOU DO. AS I. SAY!"

Strucker motioned impatiently for his bodyguard to hold the shaking boy. His servant quickly obeyed for fear he would take his anger out on him. Peter's arms were pulled behind his back. He could break the guy's grip easily, of course, but Strucker was angry enough.

His spidey sense warned him about the first punch, as if it would do him any good. He yelled in pain as Strucker's fist hit him in the nose. Peter could hear it break on contact.

"How dare you fail me with this?"

Strucker's fist shot into his gut, making him double over and cough.

"What was the one thing I told you before you left?"

Peter clenched his teeth to keep from groaning as Strucker connected with his eye. His vision danced. He was seeing spots that he was sure represented the pain he was in.

Strucker screamed close to his face, making his ears ring thanks to his super hearing.

Strucker shouted at his bodyguard "Take this rat out of my sight. I think a day in the black room will do him well!"

Then he turned heel and stared at his ruined bookshelf. Peter's breathing was heavy, but he could already feel himself healing. He was too afraid to lift his head, so he let the guard lead him out. That's when the full intent of the words sunk in.

A day in the black room...otherwise known as HYDRA's hell.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut as the guard dragged him down the hall. He pretended not to notice the stares he got from the normal soldiers. He couldn't bare to look at their expressions that screamed karma at him. He already knew.

He heard a door open and glanced up to see that they had arrived. The room had only dim lights, hence the name, but thanks to his enhanced sight, he could see everything just fine. He could see all the sharp points and edges and the blood and other liquids. Pieces of...people on the floor. He was already about to puke.

The guard strapped him to a table, ankles, thighs, waist, wrists, neck and forehead. All of it was metal. Strucker obviously didn't want him missing out on anything. The guard left and was replaced by another man that the other soldiers called Dr. Octavious. He held a scalpel and a sinister look.

Peter closed his eyes in vain, but he couldn't do anything to block out Octavious's evil voice.

"This is going to be fun..."

(I'm literally in physical pain doing this to Peter.)


Tony replayed the security tape yet again. Something about the boy's face was so damn familiar. It was killing him no knowing. And how the kid had glared at them rebelliously before morphing it into a look of fear...and how pained he looked leaving his friend. Tony didn't know why it was bothering him so much. Maybe it was because he was just a teenager? Or the fact that he had never seen assassins have actual emotions.

"Honey, you need to sleep," a voice came from behind him.

Pepper stood in the doorway with a worried look. She was in sweats and an old T-shirt, hair ruffled up. Her appearance caused Tony to look at the time.

One o'clock? It had just been ten thirty a few minutes ago!

Pepper noticed his reaction and raised an eyebrow.

"I know, I know, it's just..." He sighed and stood. "I don't know."

"Probably because your brain needs sleep too," Pepper smiled at him. "That thing'll be there in the morning, I promise. And you can talk to that girl when she wakes up."

Tony nodded, knowing she was right. Then he laughed a little. "I just realized, you're the only person who gets me to sleep. Monster."

"It's my job," she laughed as well. "Now come on, let's go to bed."

Tony complied without any argument. He sighed in relief when he finally did close his eyes. Unfortunately, it felt like he had only gotten five minutes of sleep when he woke up the next day to the sun streaming in and Steve shaking him awake.

"What?" He barked at the super soldier, trying to hide his face under his pillow.

"The girl," Steve panted, as if he had run there.

"She's awake."


Aw, shit I think this is going to be another long one. I'm sorry/you're welcome.
Lol I was just going through the comments and everyone languages the characters and not me it's great.
Anyways, thanks, comments, feedback...blah, blah, blah...
Bwahaha, hoped you liked the cliff hanger.

- Wanda

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