Part 6

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(Recap: Peter works for HYDRA. Sent to kill Tony. Failed. His friend was caught. They went back for her. Saved her. His friends escaped. Now he's determined to kill Tony, who he doesn't know is his biological father. (Ugh, recaps are annoying to write.))

Peter stalked down the hallway, kicking open every door, handgun in front of him, ready to shoot if necessary.

The lights were still out. Everything was dark. He didn't even have a flashlight. It was also completely silent. The only sound he could hear was car horns in the distance. New York never slept, he supposed.

He shoved open another door. Nothing. On to the next one. That was the one they had found and rescued Ava from. Her book was still open, laying on the ground.

The silence was starting to get to him. He hated silence.

"Stark!" He roared loudly, not caring who heard. He was rewarded with a distant tap that he wouldn't have been able to hear if not for his enhanced ears. Too bad they were still slightly ringing from Hawkeye's sonic arrow.

Peter zeroed in on the small sound. He spun around a corner and whipped his gun up in front of him. There wasn't a person, but a door closing and locking.

Found you, slinthead.

(Yes I just did that. Screw off.)

Peter pointed the gun at the door handle and pulled the trigger. It blasted away from him, the door limping open now with nothing to hold it shut. The teen kicked it all the way open and lifted his handgun, surprised at what he found.

It was a kid's bedroom. There was a lot of Iron Man; the sheets on the child sized bed, a poster on the wall, an Iron Man teddy bear. Little toys like cars and army men littered the floor. Peter tilted his head. It was strangely familiar. Strucker hadn't told him Stark had a son.

The man himself was sitting on a chair near the dresser, staring at the bed sadly.

"He was six."

Peter furrowed his brows in confusion.

Tony looked back at him, expression not changing, despite the gun pointed at his face. "My son. He was six years old when he went missing."

"Pity won't work with me," Peter growled and slipped his finger onto the trigger.

"This isn't about me," Tony pointed out. "His nanny was sick that day, but I still had to work, so I dropped him off at a nearby daycare."

"I don't care about your sob story!"

"This isn't my story, Peter! It's yours," Stark snapped and stood up.

Peter froze. "Liar. You're just trying to save your own ass."

As he said it a wave of de ja vu hit him. Being in that kid's room was getting to him.

"They told me someone else picked you up from the daycare. Someone I sent to get you. But I would never trust my son with anyone else."

"Quit it! I'm not your son!" Peter shouted, anger lining his voice.


The teen pushed the tip of the barrel against his chest. "How do you even know my name?"

"Because I named you, Godamnit!" Tony's eyes clouded. Huh, where did that dust come from? It was making his eyes water.

I do not care who you are related to as long as you do as I say!

Peter! Stark, he's your fath–


No, no that wasn't possible. His father was a nobody that Strucker hadn't even bothered to tell him about. Not the man he had sent them to assassinate.

"Stop!" Peter shouted out loud and put his hands to his ears.

Tony let himself relax for the second that the gun was away from him. But the billionaire wasn't satisfied yet. He needed to see the boy's face. His son's face.

He reached out slowly to pull the mask off of his head. Peter snapped his eyes open as the man took the fabric away.

Tony let a small gasp escape his lips. Peter looked even younger then he had before. A tear was making its way down the boy's glaring face. Peter didn't waste time lowering his gun back down to his target's head.

"Give. That. Back!" He demanded.

Stark threw it rebelliously across the room to land on the bed. Peter stared at it, then the sheets that were so familiar, as if the memory was just out of his reach.

Tony noticed the shaking of his hands and the nervous glances. The boy was scared. Not of Tony, surely? No, he was afraid of the truth in front of him, not the man.

"My father doesn't matter!" Peter shouted, voice shaking along with his handgun. Tony wasn't sure if he was trying to convince the billionaire or himself. "He was some nobody!"

"No," Tony admitted sadly. "I am your father."

Peter sucked in a breath, afraid he was right. It made too much since. The billionaire knew everything about him and everything seemed so familiar.

Why? Why did this man have to be his father? Why did he have to kill him?

Peter's coms crackled to life, distracting him for a moment.

"Peter, it's Luke. We have a problem."

Peter took a deep breath, eyes never leaving the man claiming to be his father. "Wha-What is it?"

"Well, a quinjet full of Earth's Mightiest Heroes just landed on the roof," Danny's voice quavered. "You need to get down here now."

"I-I'll be right there," Peter's voice shook and he removed his hand from his ear.

"Peter, please," Tony stepped forward. "Stay. Your mom is upstairs. Did you know that?"

His mom. Peter never thought he would hear those words.

Tony glanced at Peter's wrapped up arm, realization hitting him. "They hurt you. What, for not killing me? They will never hurt you again if you stay, I swear on my life, Peter. I swear."

Tears fell down the boy's cheeks. HYDRA was all he ever knew. They fed him and trained him. Now here was an alternative to the painful punishments and the torture. No more experiments. This was his real family...

Tony saw the uncertainty in his eyes. He took a bold step and reached for the gun. Peter didn't react, eyes frozen. The billionaire put his hand on the top of the gun and pushed it down.

"Peter, hurry! They're all getting out," Ava shouted panicky through his coms.

Danny chimed in "You're going to get caught if you stay. Stark's life isn't worth yours!"

"If you don't get out now," Luke swore. "We're coming in to get you."

"We won't leave you," Sam cried.

Tears fell down Peter's cheeks like waterfalls. He stepped back from Tony and raised his gun again.

"I–" he choked up. "I know who my real family is."

"Peter, no. Don't. We are your real family."

Peter glared at him with wet eyes.

"Family isn't always blood."

Someone shouted Tony's name down the hall. Everything slowed down around Peter.

He cocked the gun.

Aimed it at his target.

Took a sobbing breath.

And pulled the trigger.


I'm working up to Riordan level cliffhangers. Close enough?
*evil laughter*

(Gotta have that Star Wats reference at the most dramatic part, amirite?)

Thank you guys SO MUCH. I'm glad people like my writing and it's fun to read comments. Are any of you guys surprised that I lied and this isn't the last part? (Good job me why do you even make schedules? EDIT: I don't really know, past me, they're a waste of time.)

Next part will come soon!

- Wanda

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