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Ok sorry for not making a Bajancanadian x reader of a while.. heh. Well, here it is. Deathrow! Bajancanadian x Secret! Guardian Angel! Reader. Here ya go!

Hope ya get noticed,



(Mitch pov)

God. So this is how it ends. To be hung at the stroke of 4 in the court square. I could see the people gathering from my small bared window above the square. I sighed and leaned on the mossy, cold stone brick wall. I tugged a little at the rusty iron chains that bond me. The red metal was painfully chaffing my skin. I groaned loudly resting my head on the wall. I brought my knees closer to my chest in an attempt to sit more comfortably. I gazed around the dimly lite room. The rusty iron door was shut tightly opposite where I was sitting. I was waiting for when that door would open and death would be there.

I couldn't but wonder. Is (y/n) ok? Last I saw her is when were in a cave and we got jumped. They took me and left (y/n) there. With a broken wing and bleeding. I made me feel worse was the devastation that spread across her slim face. I sighed and closed my eyes.

(3rd pov)

A calming dirt path suddenly exploded with action.  A horses hooves dug deep into the soft dirt as it flung its self down the path. The horse's breath was heavy and fast. It wore no saddle, no bridle, its mane was windblown and knotted, eyes showing descent of its wild ancestors. On top of this mighty beast was a women. Her a soft white wing wrapped hastily in bloodied bandages. Her other uninjured wing was pinned close to her slim shoulders. Her (h/c) locks whipped and bounced with each step of the horse. She glared with bright and beautiful (e/c) eyes down at the little golden hologram in her hand.

The golden image flickered and twitched, but still showed the same thing. Her friend. Whom she was sent to protect, and by notch's will, she damn will. She stared in anger as the male was bond with rusting chains in a damp stone cell. He seems to be losing hope as his head was buried into his knees.

Suddenly the horse slowed and the women clapped her hand shut the image of her friend disappearing. The horse slowed to a tried, drawn out walk. It's head drooped as it breathlessly panted spit dropping onto the dusty ground as the mouth hung open trying to refill its lungs.

"No! Nononononono! I sorry buddy, but we can't stop!" The women said raising her arms above her head.

A bright golden aura surrounded her hands. The women closed her eyes and brought her hands down onto the horses shoulders. The horses white head shot up energy coursing through its veins. It grew taller and once dull brown hooves turned golden. The dusty white coat clearing to a bright clean white. It's mane changed from a dull black to a white with many streaks of gold running though it. The horses once brown eyes spiraled into a gold. The horse neighed loudly and took off down the path leaving the women clinging to its silky mane.

(Mitch pov)

The cuffs painfully cut my skin as I was tugged through the street. All around me villagers were booing and yelling indecent curse words towards me. Some were even throwing things at me. I've already been hit with a couple tin cans, and a rotten tomato. The guards seemed to be having fun parading me through the streets. We were nearing the square because more and more people were crowded around the edges of the streets.

I bowed my head. This was it, this was the end. I thought I would live a full and happy live. Heh. I even thought I would get with (y/n). Maybe have a couple kids, grow old and be those weird grandparents that always tell their grand kids different stories of the hay day. Heh. That would have been the best in the world, but people die young, no one can stop fate. I just- I just thought (y/n) would be by my side through the whole thing. That she would be there holding my hand smile never fading. Heh. She would laugh at the face of death if he ever came near. That's why I love her, she was fearless, but she was kind. I always felt safe with her, whether it be in a pitch black cave or in a bloody battle. She was there, fighting hard and showing no fear.

I sighed as I was drug towards a wooden stage. Up the rickety steps. Standing on the trap door. The noose being fastened around my neck. I closed my eyes and lowered my head. Tears prickled in the corners of my eyes. Suddenly a stinging pain sliced across my cheek. I felt the warm trickle of blood on my face. I heard the steady thumping of hooves, but payed no notice. I heard a man give the commands to kill me. I heard the click of a lever and the floor beneath me disappeared.

But I wasn't dead. I merely fell in the dusty ground below he stage. Gasps rippled though out the crowd. I looked at the rope that hung down rear my chest. The end was frayed. Like it had been cut. But no one here would cut the rope and spare me.

I stood the stage floor came to about my shoulders when I stood on my tip toes. I gazed around the crowd. All jaws were to the ground and eyes were wide. Hell, even the guards looked surprised about something. I looked to were they looked. My eyes widened.

There, atop the crest of the hill, was a horse and rider. An almost blinding white light surrounded them, but I could plainly see them. The horse was a mighty giant it bobbed its head in anticipation. His rider was different. A women. She wore a white silk cloth that matched her fluffy wings. In her hand she tightly gripped a bow. I could tell she had an angered scowl on her face from here. As if bringing me back to reality the horse pawed sharply at the ground.

The bow disappeared in a golden mist. The women still facing towards me signaled the horse to move. The crowd parted to make room for the duo. It was like what it must have looked like when mosses parted the sea. The only sounds was the steady click on the horses hooves as it waltzed though the crowd.

When they reached me all I could do was stare at the beauty of the women. Her (h/c) hair softly flowing, the slim and well set body structure she owned. Her face softened when her blazing (e/c) eyes met mine. Her fingers lightly grazed across the cut on my cheek causing me to flinch slightly. Soon I felt the stinging die away and the warm gush of blood stop. I was flabbergasted. How? When? What? Why!?

She snickered and gently reached down and tugged the rope away from my neck. I subconsciously brought my wrists up to her. She gently grazed her fingers over the rusty metal. The once tight, painful iron chains seemed to disintegrate. She extended a hand to me and I took it. She helped me out of the hole and onto the stone walk. She dismounted her horse and helped me up. I gripped its white and gold mane that felt softer than silk. This was nice.

She soon mounted the horse behind me. The angel like women gave the horse a sharp kick and it started to move. What really freaked me out was the front started to disappear in a gold haze. Growing nearer and nearer to me. Soon I was started to disappear, though it didn't hurt like I thought it would. I heard someone behind us then something being thrown.

As soon as it started it was done. We seemed to have teleported to what seemed to be a beach. I couldn't help it I threw my fist in the air and cried victory. Then I heard a cough and the sound of sliding. I looked behind me the angel wasn't there. I heard the cough again and the shuffling of sand. I looked down to see the Angel kneeled there. I quickly dismounted and ran over.

Her silky white ropes were turning to a dull brown garments. She was clutching a spot on her stomach. Blood was trickling from the corners of her mouth. Her flowing silky hair became duller. The blazing (e/c) eyes grew whites and a pupil. That's when it hit me. It was (y/n) who saved me. She coughed sending scarlet droplets flying. That's the moment I saw it. The tip of a sword.

I frantically looked behind her. There it was. The black hilt of a sword. I moved back towards her face tears brimming in my eyes. I lifted her chin so I could look into thought eyes one more time. She smiled weakly. Her once blazing (e/c) eyes were dull and clouded. A tear slipped from my eye.

"Y-your gonna make it... Don't worry (y-y/n)." I said with a cracking voice

"Now M-mitchy boy... *cough*... Don't l-lie to yourself." Her beautiful voice was no more than a whisper as she spoke

"D-d-don't talk... S-save your e-energy.." I whimpered a few more tears trickling down my face

"H-heh.. Y-you can't u-undo what h-has been done Mitch.... *cough*... O-only move forward... P-plus.. This i-isn't the e-end of (y/n) (l-l/n). I'll j-just go b-back to heaven a-and wait for y-you..." She snickered her smile never fading

"B-but I-i don't want you to goooo! I-i l-love y-you!" I cried out tears starting to stream down my face as she coughed again

"O-oohhh. M-mitchy b-baby... I l-love you too. Y-you think I-i want t-to leave y-you?.." She whispered bringing her hand up and weakly wiping tears off my face. Her blood smeared across my cheek,but I didn't care I just didn't want her to leave.

"B-but-" she silenced me by putting her finger on my lips

"Shhh.... F-for the sake of me.. F-for once just s-stop talking and let me do this..." She said a smile still placed on her face

"D-do wh-" I was cut of again by her slamming her lips to mine.

It took me by surprise at first, but a pressed back enjoying this soft and sweet moment. I had her wrapped tightly in my arms as we kissed I just didn't what her to go. We pulled apart and our eyes met. Tears streamed down my face in what felt like a never ending stream. Her legs started to fade off in a gold mist.

"N-n-noo oohhoohh!" I cried holding her closer.

"Heh. W-we had a g-good r-run d-didn' we Mitch?" She giggled the golden mist had reached her waist as she continued "L-life was good I-if I d-do say so myself.. A-and Mitch?" She whispered

"Y-yeah (n/n) ((nickname))?" I stuttered on the break of losing it

"Thanks of making my experience in life a good one." She smiled as she faded away

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I stared at my empty arms. I stared at the sword that killed her drenched in her blood. I started to shake. Is this what it feels like to have your heart shattered in a million billion trillion pieces? If it is I guess that's why it feels like I've just been stabbed 37 times in the chest and left to bleed out on the ground. I clamped my eyes shut balled my fists and turned my head up towards the sky and screamed and cried out my frustrations and heartbreak.

:,( kinda sad, but oh well, death is death. Comment who you want next and I'll do it.

Hope ya get noticed,

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