She's a Rocker

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Hey guys. Yeah I was broad and decided to update. yeah. Ssundee x Rocker! Reader.

Hope ya get noticed,



(Ssundee pov)

The guys and I were walking towards a shady looking building. It was the old factory that made 'Icey Snacks' that didn't last long, but let me say those things made a great laxative. The factory was abandon now, so at first it was a popular place for adolescents to get in a good smoke and an icy beer or two. Then more and more teens started coming calling the joint, 'The 420' whatever that means. So its where all the starting, and failing, musicians go to play. Oh! Did I forget to tell you that young childish men drag there friends here too? Well, now ya know! Yeah, its become the new hang out for younger adults as well! Yes, this is all very illegal, but they still do it.

"Ssundee! Come on! We're gonna be late for the newest performer!" I heard one of my friends call from ahead of me

I sighed and jogged to catch up to them. Seto didn't have to go! Why do I have to!? As a group we walked towards the door. There the guard sat there arms folded glaring at us though his sunglasses. The guy must have been 8 foot tall! Even me with me 6'6" body looked small next to him. He blocked our way in.

"Password." He grunted

"Dancers." one of my friends said with a smile

The guard grunted and stepped aside and mumbled what sounded like 'lucky guess'.

When we got in there the joint was alive with action and lights. Smoke was hanging about in the air and the whole place smelt like alcohol. I saw a couple making out in the corner. Shaking my head i looked towards the stage. Right now a band was playing what sounded like okay music, but i really couldn't hear it over the insane screaming of the lead singer.

"Good! We made it before who we came here for started playing!" One of my friends screamed above the blaring music, I believe it was Sky.

Soon the terrible music was put to the stop and performers shooed off the stage. Soon who ever ran this joint, a male, walked up onto the stage and tapped on the mic. A silent asking for quiet. Almost immediately everyone was silent and moving towards the dance floor. Even the couple in the corner stopped to look on stage.

"Hey dudes and dudettes! I hope your enjoying your party time at the 420! Now for the main event," as he spoke band members started to move to their places on the stage "You all know 'er. You all love 'er. Let's hear it for (l/n) and The Cackles!!!" He said jumping off the stage

(Didn't write this song & lots of cursing)

The band members started to play and one of them spoke, not necessarily quiet or not screaming, but spoke.

"Once upon a there were three little pigs, who went out into the big world and seek their fortunes..."

I had been so focused on that one guy I hadn't noticed the woman walk on stage. It surprised me at the sudden sound of an electric guitar being struck drawing attention to center stage. All heads snapped in the direction of the sound. There she was. Head down so were couldn't see her face. Half of her beautiful (h/c) hair shaved off and the other part left long and checkered with a bright pink. She wore long brown leather boots, jeans that were tore apart, tore black tee reveling the white shirt underneath it, and lose leather jacket hung at her shoulders the black leather shinning in the different lights. She had an arm up ready to strike her guitar again.

Quickly more people flooded in and onto the dance floor. She must of heard them because she twitched, oh so ready to play. Waiting for everyone to be ready so they can listen, I must that was polite. Soon people stopped flooding in and remained silent. It was a tense silence waiting for her to play. Me, being one of the people in the front of the stage, saw something dazzling. She looked up and showed the most beautiful toothy grin I've ever seen. The sparkling (e/c) had a glint of mischief to them that I couldn't help, but fall in love with. She looked different from all then rest of the people here, from her band, like a streak of yellow in a world of black.

She struck her guitar and the crowd went wild. She looked up smile still plastered on her face. I must of been the only one in this whole place to notice the slight hesitation she had. Was she nervous? Why would someone like her be nervous? Shaking my head as she started to strum a fast melody her hesitation seemed to melt away.

"The first little piggy, his house is made of wood. He lives in the chicken turkey piggy  neighborhood. He likes to fuck his sister and drink his moonshine. A typical, redneck filthy fuckin' swine!" She sang, it took me by surprise the venom she sang this song with "I rode into town with my ax in my holster. Everybody knows about the wicked piggy roster! The sheriff at the border he tried to take me out, I drew my ax with the quickness and cut his Adam's apple out!"  She was so voracious as she sang I couldn't help,but stare "Walked in the village, and to the piggy's place. He opened up his door, and shot me in the face. It blew me off the porch, and blew my  head in half, but I'm a Juggalo so it only made me laugh!"

She looked towards the drummer and he made a light child like giggle and she smiled.

"Ax in hand, I rose like the dead. And i swung with all my might and made a thump noise in his head. Since we out west, I grabbed a shot gun..... And blew his fuckin' tongue out the back of his cranium!" She sang out stepping back slightly and her band mates leaned towards their mics

"Three little piggies to make a piggy pie! There's nothing like the sound when you hear a piggy die! I might choose a gun.." the crowd yelled 'no!' "I might choose an ax" the crowd yelled 'yes!' "The carnival's in town, come and get your piggy snacks!"

"The second little piggy, his house is made of  brick. And this little piggy is a motherfuckin' dick!  He lays down his rules and reads you your rights in that funny little car with the little blinkin' lights!" She giggled slightly and continued "I drive a Volkswagen 17 deep.. Packed fulla Juggalos, lights out and we creep, to the piggy station and lay on the horn.... First piggy out, WE BLOW HIS LUNGS OUT HIS UNIFORM!!!" She yelled "Now they in pursuit like Staski and Hutch. But theres only two of them- the the rest are out for lunch! They call up Dunkon' Doughnuts to gather up the rest, 25 pigges with there bullet-proof vests!" She sang throwing her head up, I could practically see the strings on the guitar start to fray "We lead 'em in a chase, they bustin' off rounds! But now they all fucked 'cuz we at the carney grounds! And they gettin' swallowed by their very own greed. DARK CARNIVAL and WICKED CLOWNS cause we need... "  She stepped back slightly letting her band mates sing.

  "Three little piggies to make a piggy pie! There's nothing like the sound when you hear a piggy die! I might choose a gun.." the crowd yelled 'no!' "I might choose an ax" the crowd yelled 'yes!' "The carnival's in town, come and get your piggy snacks!" I was just waiting for her to start singing again, I didn't even notice I was leaning forward.

I was put down by the fact that the band mates sang the chorus again. I didn't want the band mates voices I wanted hers. The beautiful, hypnotic alto voice that she owns. Or maybe she was a tenor, I was never good with telling things like that. From what I've been told not many girls can sing the lower notes, its just harder for them, but not her. Her voice had more of a husky edge to it, but I couldn't help, but love it. She could probably talk her way out of any situation with a voice like that. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice the chorus ending.

"The last little piggy, his house is made of gold. He lives on a a mansion on his own private road. I started walking down it- the guard told me 'wait!'" She seemed to look right at me and grin " I snapped in fuckin' neck in two and slammed his nuts in the gate! Cuz This little piggy must definitely DIE!" She spewed venom in her voice as she sang  "I'm  a lop his nugget off and toss it in the sky! And then I watched the moon take the form of the devil.." She stopped singing and leaned forward with a smirk on her lips "And I pulled it out th' sky...." Her k-9s poked out as a large toothy grin grew on her face the crowd was teeming with excitement "AND BEAT IT WITH A SHOVEL!!!!"  She cried standing up straight "People in my city, they fight for their meals, he sleeps on a mattress stuffed with hundred dolla bills! A richy is a devil- he never will admit it. So I'm 'a cut his hand off and slap his face wit' it!" She clapped her hands above her head and the crowd did the same "Opened up his door he's sleeping in his bed, I grabbed a brick of gold and laid it up side his head! He begged for his life, I told him it's too late. And tied his neck in a knot and watched his suffocate! Cuz I need..."

"Thr-" the band mates were cut off by the yelling of what sounded like a pubescent teen


The crowd erupted with panic. Teens and younger adults rushed around screaming and scrambling towards the exits. I stood frozen as she looked panicked about he stage watching as her band mates abandoned her. I could almost see the heart break as the her "friends" pushed passed her. Her eyes locked to the door a couple hundred feet behind me. I could hear the police breaking through the wave of children. My friends had bolted towards the halls on either side of the building. She looked down towards me. Her beautiful (e/c) orbs were glassy like she was about to cry. What she did next surprised me. Leaping from the stage she grabbed my wrist.

"C'mon!" I could hardly hear her above the terrified screams of the teens

She tugged me towards the stage and quickly we went back stage. It was almost silent back here, but still she lead me farther. Soon we came to a wall. She released my wrist and ran her hand over the wall. Soon she found a slight dip and yanked it open. So it was a door. A secret closet apparently. She pushed me in she soon following. She closed the door with a slam after us. So here I was in a cramped space with the beautiful rocker chick hiding from the cops.

She brought a hand up and wiped a tear on her cheek way with her palm. I could only imagine the betrayal she felt when her friends abandoned her on the stage. I hadn't noticed that my sunglasses must have fallen off in the uproar of people. I rubbed a hand over my face with a groan. I could hear the screaming of people outside probably cause the cops have broken through the wave of teens and we're getting handcuffed and shoved into cop cars.

"So... I guess we'll b-be in here awhile why not get to know each other a little...?.." She said quietly

"Well, for starters.. What's your name?" I asked shuffling slightly in the tight space

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n)." She smiled


"Waitwaitwaitwait! You expect us to believe your dating the lead singer of (l/n) and the cackles!?" Sky asked with a disbelieving laugh

"Former, and yes, I am telling nothing, but 100% of the truth." I said placing a hand over my heart

"And you met her in a "secret closest" at The 420?" Someone else asked

"Yup." I answered popping the 'p'

They all burst into a laughing fit. Rolling my eyes I pulled out my phone. Going to my contacts and opening the person labeled (cheesy nickname). I started to write a text to her.

'Hey could u come over? The guys dont believe that Im dating u. Please?'

After a minute or two she answered.

'Hahaha lamo. 😋 ill be rite over. Should i wear and drive u no what?'

I quietly chuckled and replied

'Of course! C ya in a few! 😊'

(Tinie tiny timeskip)

It's been about 20 minutes and the laughing is still going on, but it's fading. Suddenly everyone was silent as the sound of a motor whirled outside. She's here! The sound stopped meaning she had parked herself in the drive. The clicking of heels on the pavement outside was an almost silent, but subtle touch she added to increase suspicion. I leaned back and linked my hands behind my head. I heard the door open and close and the heels on the hardwood floor. I could practically hear the guy's jaws drop as she walked to the doorway of the living room.

"Hey, babe, where should I put my helmet?" She questioned stood there, I had closed my eyes as I relaxed where I was.

"Where ever. It doesn't matter." I replied

I heard her toss her helmet by the shoes at the door I decided to look at the doorway. There she was. She was wearing black heeled knee high boots, faded and ripped leather jeans, the same leather jacket from when we met, expect it was more faded now. She wore a black tee. The side of her head where she had it long was now cut short and the side that was shaved was growing back. I could see the fading pink color in her luxurious hair and a red color on her honey sweet lips. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes still had the same gleam of mischief from when we met.

"So you called?" She cooed

"Yeah, these guess didn't believe me when I said we are dating." I said gesturing to the guys

She rolled her eyes and strode over to me, having the same gracefulness as a cat. She suddenly straddled my lap. I have to admit it surprised me a little bit too. She cupped my face in her hands and slammed her lips to mine. My face immediately flushed as I heard all the guys gasp. Yes, we've kissed before, just not in front of anyone. Soon I loosened up wrapping my arms around her waist and kissed back.

"Ew! Get a room!" I heard one of my friends yell as they left the others soon following.

Soon we pulled away and everyone was gone. She grinned at me.

"Guess we proved them wrong, Mr. FlushingFace." She giggled

"Yeah, I guess your right. My Little Rocker."

Bam! Done! Kinda cute, but not really meh. REQUEST!!!

Hope ya get noticed,


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