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Ok so @kitkat7442 requested this. Thatguybarney X Goat hybrid! Reader. So let's dive right on in!

Hope ya get noticed,


(2nd pov)

You giggled a little as you tended to your garden. Being only part satyr you had goat ears, horns, tail, and pupils. You lived alone and far away from everyone because you were "work of the devil.", but really satyrs are incredibly peaceful and happy. They love to make music, dance, and, your personal favorite, garden. You started to hum as you pulled carrots out of the ground. Laying them gently in your basket you started to mumble the words to your song, the song your mother and father always sang you before they passed.

"It started out as a feeling... Which grew into a hope." You mumbled standing you brought the basket to a stone bench and gently set the wicker basket down. Right now you would do some weeding.

"Which then turned into a quiet thought... Then turned to a quiet word...." Quietly sang as you started to dig out some dandelions that plagued your garden. Holding on in front of you, you stared at it for a few moments then shrugged tossing it into your mouth.

"And then that word grew louder and louder.... 'Til it was a battle cry!!" You were singing openly and audible as you continued your work.

"I'll come back when you call me.... No need to say goodbye!..." When your parents were killed you kept calling and crying and screaming at them to wake up, but that's when you realized, you're alone.

"Just because everything's changing... Doesn't mean it's never been this way before!.." You could practically feel your human mother and satyr father next to you while you worked and sang.

"All you can do is know who your friends are.. As you head off to war!!" You sang loud and proud as you threw a weed over your shoulder

"Pick a star in the dark horizon and follow the light.... You'll come back when it's over, no need to say goodbye..." You hadn't noticed the goat that poked it's head in at the entrance of the large stone walls around your garden and house.

"You'll come back when it's over.. No need to say goodbye.." Your voice quieted as you sang. The white milking doe cautiously took a step in your garden

"Now we're back to the beginning.... It's just a feeling and no one knows yet..." You sang quietly as the goat took a couple more steps in advancing towards the weed you some how tossed that far

"But just because they can't feel it too... Doesn't mean you have to forget!" You sang louder again tossing another weed over your shoulder as the goat started to munch on the ones closest to it

"Let your memories grow stronger and stronger... 'Til they're before your eyes!" You hadn't noticed the dinosaur that was just outside the entrance as the goat made a move towards the carrots

"You'll come back when they call you... No need to say goodbye.... You'll come back when they call you... No need to say goodbye.." You ended the song in no more than a whisper then a sudden crashing of your basket broke you from your thoughts causing you to shot your head towards the noise

A goat! Eating your carrots! You giggled and trotted over. Kneeling down you quickly grabbed the rest of the carrots before the goat could grab them. Sitting in the bench you giggled again. The goat gave a loudly bleated staring at you. You laughed loudly and rubbed the goat between the horns. Reaching behind you and grabbing a carrot for yourself you continued to pet the goat.

(Barney pov)

I's is gettings nervous. Is thinkings goat was entranced bys a goats syrins on thes other sides of the walls. Thoughs the voices dids sounds verys prettys. Gahs! Is flickeds mys tails in frustrations. Is gots it. Justs goes in there's and bops the goats Syrins! Opar! Let's dos this things.

(I'm lazy so Ima just type normally)

I grabbed a stick and walked towards the doorway. Preparing for anything I walked in there having my stick ready. My jaw dropped. The goat Syrin was beautiful. Her long (h/c) hair like a silk cloth draping over her shoulders and back only parting for two black goat horns, and two white goat ears. She wore a nice white dress with gold trimmings. She had a little goat tail too. Her face was soft and a happy smile there. Freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks and a small dimple was shown when she smiled. Her shinning bright (e/c) eyes had a rectangular goat like pupil.

She was like a satyr, but doesn't have goat legs. She was absolutely beautiful. I dropped my stick which made a loud crunch sound. The goat lady shot her head up fear crossing her face and she hide just out of sight on the other side of the bench. Slowly she poked her head up were I could only see the top half of her face as she stared intently at me. Goat bleated and gently head butted her. She giggled then started to scratch between Goats ears.

She rose and approach me. A soft smile she dawned as she walked towards me. Goat following at her hip. She stopped right in front of me. Gods, she was even more beautiful up close.

"Hi'ya! I'm (y/n)! You?" She cheered extending a hand

"I-is b-Barney..." I stuttered taking her hand a blush tickled my cheeks, oh I hope she doesn't notice!

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok!? Your face is really red!" She placed the back of her hand on my forehead causing me to blush even more "Oh my gosh! Your burning up! Do you need help!? Is that why you came here!?"

"N-nos. I cames here for goats." I said

"Oh. Hmhm! Well, I guess you found her.." She giggled petting Goats head "I've never met a dinosaur before." She added

"And I-is nevers met a goats womens." I said scratching the back of my neck

Goat seemed it roll her eyes and gave (y/n) a large push from the rear causing her to fall forward into me, I fell backwards into the ground. I blushed. She was laying on top of me staring into my green eye. A dark pink cover her cheeks as well.

"B-befores y-yous moves.. I-is wanna asks yous s-somethings..." I stammered

"Yes?" She asked

"W-will yous be m-my goats w-womans?" I asked blush darkening

"O-of course." She blushed

Yup! That sucks, but I also think it's kinda cheesy. Whatever. "The Call" song was used. It's not mine.

Hope ya get noticed,

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