I am a Cannibal

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Ok so I was board and this idea came to my head so yeah. I am a Cannibal, sky X reader

Hope ya get noticed,


(2nd pov)

You giggled as you continued to walk backwards Sky in front of you walking forward. Your back hit the door and you were about to turn around to open it when Sky stopped you.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. You know the rules no turning around." He cooed

You giggled rolling your eyes you put your hands behind your back and opened the door. Sky started to walk for ward whist you started to walk backwards again. Sky kicked the door shut behind him and continued to walk forward. After turning and walking through a doorway you fell backwards on the couch and stared up at Sky with a giggle.

"Now. You stay here. I have to run and get more malk and crap 'cause you drink so much." He chuckled rolling his eyes

"Hey! Moo Juice is delicious! Moo Juice is life!" You laughed

"What ever you say (n/n) ((nickname)), what ever you say." He said grabbing the keys and walking out.

You hear he door shut and a car start and drive off. You giggled standing up. You knew just what you would do... After a cup of the white bovine secretion that was set down from the heavens sent down to earth for all to enjoy, but normal people call it milk.

(Small timeskip)

You slid down the hard wood floor in your (f/c) knee high socks. You smiled as you sang only with the lyrics. Gently pushing a pair of Sky's sunglasses up farther on the bridge of your nose. The loose white flannel you only buttoned a few buttons of was blown back with the momentum. As your normal home alone attire you had no pants (they're just so restricting man!). The 3 quarter selve of the shirt cut off just above your elbow. Speaking of the flannel it wasn't even ours you were pretty sure it was Sky's. I couldn't imagine him wearing it for anything so you took it. The few buttons that you felt like buttoning was the top ones covering your boobs. (Jeez me y ya gotta be so blunt about it?!)

You sighed as the last note of the song played. Stopping you wiped your brow. That was probably the last song you could get in before Sky got home. Then the next song started on the speakers and you couldn't skip it. Smiling you started to spin in time with the fast beat.

"Rawr!" You flipped onto the couch the rolled off

"Rawr!" Smiling you stood and started to dance

"I-i-I have a heart I swear I do," you sand placing your hands to your chest then dropping low to the ground "But just not baby when it comes to you!" You stood still moving with the beat and placed a hand on your face "I get so hungry when you say you love me." You gently placed your index finger to your lips "'Hush' if you know what's good for you." You continued to sing to the lyrics and dance your dance you made up as you go "I think your hot, I think your cool. Your the kind of guy I'd stalk in school." As you sang that line you didn't hear a car pulling up or the footsteps on the concrete and the jingle of keys unlocking the door "But now that I'm famous, your up my anus." Light stepping onto the coffee table (which you cleaned earlier... Thankfully) "Now I'm gonna eat you fool!" You didn't notice the slightly aroused Sky leaning on the doorway just staring at your graceful movements and beautiful voice as you did your thing.

"Huh. So this is her home alone activities." He whispered undetected

"I eat boys up, Breakfast and lunch!" You didn't think about your moments as you danced you just, well danced "Then when I'm thirsty, I drink their blood! Carnivore animal, I am a Cannibal!" You slowly slunk down to all fours and slowly crawled across the coffee table when you reached the edge you suddenly arched your back your (h/c) hair a blur within the massive movement when your hair quickly settled wildly you sang "I eat boys up, you better run!"

"I am Cannibal!"
'Cannibal, cannibal, I am' the chorus sang
"I am cannibal."
'I'll eat you up!'
'I am'
You rose as the chorus sang. You ran your hands along your legs then sides then threw your arms in the air ruffling your hair in the process.
"I am cannibal!" You voice sang
'I'll eat you up!'

You spun twice to the other side of the table the flannel and your hair whipping around as you did so. You quickly placed your hands on your stomach and started rubbing in quick circles the white cloth of the flannel moving in sync with your hands.

"When you say I'm pretty, that's when the hunger really hits me!" You quickly dropped your left hand and placed the right on your chest. You quickly flexed your wrist up and down each time it fell down it hit your chest "Your little heart goes pitter patter." You pushed your index finger downwards with a quick demanding motion "I want your liver on a platter! And for dessert I'll suck your teeth!" Shaking your shoulders forwards and back you leaned forward "Be too sweet, and you'll be a goner!" You stood straight and placed your hands on your hips "Yep, I'll pull a Jeffery Dahmer!"

You spun back to the other side of the table. You ran your fingers through your hair in an alluring manner. And pushed the sun glasses up farther on your nose.

"I eat boys up, Breakfast and lunch! Then when I'm thirsty I drink their blood!" You started to roll your body like a soft wave fingers still entangled with in your hair and you continued to sing "Carnivore animal, I am a cannibal! I eat boys up, you better run!"

"I am cannibal!"
'Cannibal, cannibal, i am'
You snickered at the thought of Sky ever finding out 'this' side of you "I am cannibal!"
'I'll eat you up!'
'I am'
You couldn't imagine him ever finding out his "pure little angel" is actually very naughty "I am Cannibal!"
'I'll eat you up!'

You stopped rolling your body took your fingers from your hair you balled your hands into fists and dabbed your elbows backwards. Closing your eyes you rose your head to the skies.


"I am cannibal!" You sang out viscously

"I am cannibal!"
'I'll eat you up!'
"I am cannibal!"
"I am cannibal!"
'I'll eat you up!'

You lowered your head. You opened your eyes and stared into your imaginary audience. You blew a small kiss and snickered.

"I love you!"
"I warned you!"

You giggled and stepped off the coffee table. Man, when they said dark wood withstands anything, they were right! Shaking your head you were still turned away from the doorway. You felt arms wrap tightly around your waist and a soft kiss placed on your neck. Shivering you realized who it was. How much he heard was the question.

"H-how much of that did you hear?" You stammered embarrassed

"Enough.~" he whispered against your neck

You felt a deep scarlet flood across your cheeks. He heard the call and answered to it. You shivered at his hot breath on your neck. You could sense the need ebbing from him. True you both shared that need. You felt his tongue gently rasp across the sensitive flesh of your neck  causing you to shiver and blush deeper. The arms around your waist tightened and pulled you closer.

"S-Sky?.." You stuttered as he gently bit into your neck

"Yes?~" he purred in a deep husky tone

"A-ahh." You scrabbled for words

"Who's gonna top? Is that what your gonna ask?~" his voice purred close to your ear

Your eyes widened and blush darkened. The sunglasses slipped lower on your nose. You swallowed a lump of saliva and slowly started to nod.

"Hmm? We'll see!~" Sky's voice chuckled as his kissed down your neck

There done. Let your imaginations run wild! Ok so this was just a step I'm working on a project for you guys so yeah. Request who you want next!

Hope ya get noticed,

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