Apirl Fools!...?

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Hey guys! April Fools!...? Ok this is a minecraftuniverse X reader. This will be interesting. So yeah request what you want so I can do things. Yeah. Oh yeah, I published 'Spy for a Guy?' Bajancanadian x reader so check it out.

Hope ya get noticed,


(2nd pov)

"Are you sure he'll find this funny?" You said looking up from the item in your hands

"Yeah he'll find in hilarious!" Jerome said cheerily

"Well, if you say so..." You whispered staring at the thick plastic containing prank

(Timeskip and Jason pov)

"Baby? I'm home!" I said cheerily as I shut the door

I gazed around trying to find my little angel. When something on the table caught my eye. Moving over to it I picked it up. Pregnancy test? Why would (y/n) need this? I looked at the slim item then something on it made my stomach twist.

There it was clearly portrayed was a little blue '+'. (Y/n) was pregnant? We always used protection how could this happen? Unless... No (y/n) would never betray me like that... Would she?

Shaking my head I pocketed the item and walked upstairs to our room. Anger bubbling in my chest. I took a deep breath before I entered the room. I now (y/n) does not respond well to anger or negativity. All I wanted was to talk not yell. When I walked in she had her face down in the bed.

"(Y/n)." I breathed

She quickly lifted her head and had the large happy smile she usually dawns on her face. Happiness glazing the (e/c) orbs. I sighed when I remembered when I first met her. Bleeding in a dark ally. She's changed so much. I love her, but we have to talk about this.

"Hey ya Bookie!" She giggled, she was all too bubbly for knowing she was pregnant

"So I found this thing on the table and I was wondering if you could explain why I found it." I said showing her the test

Her soft expression darkened and the sweet smile twisted into a frown.

"Y-yeah... That.. Surprise?" She said faking a smile and moving her hands in a little arch

"But we've always used protection. So how could you be pregnant if we used protection?" I asked tilting her head

I saw her swallow hard "W-well... The condom broke?" She gave a nervous

I took a deep breath. (Y/n) does not respond well so anger.

"So this child can't be mine, but who's? Whos!?" I growled

I saw her wince.

"Who's! Is it!? Jerome's!? How did his fuzzy ass dick feel inside you!?" I growled I couldn't contain my anger

She put her hands over her mouth tears filled her eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes it was a look that was too old and too familiar. She moved her hands from her mouth and clenched them in tight fists at her sides then knuckles turned white.

"Is that what you really think!? This that something I would do!? Now I know what to expect from you, dick!" Tears streamed down her face anger seemed to be replaced with remorse "It wasn't even my idea! This stupid ass prank! They said you would find it funny! I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you it just happened! I haven't felt this way in years. So angry that you think so low of me! What if I was rapped!? Huh! What if I was rapped and got pregnant!? Would you react the same!"

She brought her hands to her face and held them there and she loudly sobbed. I felt terrible now. Everything made sense now. This was a fake test and she was drug in the middle of a prank war between me and the guys. Tears trickled down my face. I dropped the test and rushed over to her. I pulled her into my arms and rested my chin on her head. For probably an hour we cried until we stopped and she spoke up.

"I have an idea for revenge."


I was in my place on the couch head in my hands. (Y/n) was hiding in the closet with the camera. Good thing I took acting classes through college gotta make this look real. The door bell rang.

"I-it unlocked." I said making my voice sound like it cracked in sadness

The guys flooded in. Jerome, Mitch, and Sky.

"Dude what happened!?" I heard Sky yell in concern

"(Y-y/n) and I b-b-broke up." I hiccuped letting fake tears fall down my cheeks

"What!?" I hear the trio yell

"Y-yeah. She g-got pregnant with a-another m-mans c-child." I fake sobbed "I-I found out l-last night."

"What dude!" The three sounded nervous

"I just wanted to thank y-you guys for being there for me," I looked up from my hands and at the guys, (y/n) helped me make my eyes look red and puffy

"Dude... It was a prank." Jerome said nervously

"What was a prank?" I said like i didn't know

"(Y/n) being pregnant. It was a prank." Mitch stated just as nervous

"Y-y-you mean t-that I k-kick o-out the l-love of m-my life b-because of some s-shitty prank?" I let more fake tears fall I slammed my face into my hands and sobbed

"Dude we're sooooooo very sorry we didn't mean for it to go this far!" Sky shouted

I was struggling to hold in my laughter.

"Yeah, we never met for this to happen. (Y/n) never wanted to do it! It was our idea!" Jerome yelled

"Yeah, (y/n) isn't pregnant!" Mitch added

I couldn't holding it in anymore. I started laughing and laugh hard. The guys made confused sounds. That made me laugh harder. I fell backwards on the couch holding my stomach.

"(Y/n) c-come out!" I struggled out

I heard the closest creak open and the gasps of the guys.

"Sup you dirty mother fuckers." She laughed I knew she was giving the finger

I gasped for breath and managed to say seriously: "Never drag (y/n) into this shit. Ever."

I wanted to post this on April 1st, but my wifi was a butt head. Comment who you want next.

Hope ya get noticed,

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