Predator and Prey p. 1

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Well, this was requested by the_last_enderdragon
& @Lakeshine5 . Enderlox X reader, Predator and Prey. Yeah. Comment who you want next so... Yeah

Hope ya get noticed,


(2nd pov)

The creature squirmed beneath your grasp. It released angry cries as its claws scrapped at the iron armor on your forearm. The spikes on its neck suddenly flared as it gave a loud hiss and spat at you. You tightened your grip on around its neck. It screeched loudly and clawed harder at the metal. It sickened you to think this was once a human spirit, but now... But now it's corrupted, much like the other... Other 'creatures'. They have no remorse, no feeling. They don't care who they hurt, they have a need for blood, for revenge.

The lizard like creature screeched loudly and spat at you again. Raising your blade you made its end quick and painless. The creature fell limp in your gloved hand with a groan. You shook your head and loosened your grip. Dropping your blade you brought that arm towards the creature. You gently cradled the limp body in your arms. It pushed out its little claw in efforts of defying deaths cold grips, but it's eyes had a sheen of grey and the pupils were dilated. It released a small whimper before closing slowly blinking as you crouched down and placed it gingerly on the ground.

It's eyes slowly blinked closed as you began to dig a hole. When you finished with the hole just deep enough so it wouldn't make a large lump in the ground. You placed the creature in it and covered it gently patting the dirt down. You walked over towards a near by tree and pulled out a large of bark and jammed it in the ground close to where the creatures head would be. It acted as a tombstone. You believed that creatures at least needed to be buried and not left to the scavengers to feat off of. Sighing you said a few words grace then walked away back towards your house.


You sighed as you glared at the gaping hole in your kitchen wall. Acid still dripping off a little. You shook your head and walked though the hall.

"I guess I could make a porch here.." You whispered thinking

You turned your head when you heard the jingling of the bell. You knew someone came to the store up front. Sighing you pulled off your armor leavening you in some jeans and a black t shirt. You ran hand though your hair before slipping your stores hat on as you walked towards the store up front. You walked through the curtained doorway which was behind the counter. You stepped through and saw someone, a young man, looking at the medicines you made from the venoms of the creatures you've fought. So what? Not all creatures are small enough to easily bury! And some of your medicines have saved lives!

"It was very hard to find some of thought ya know?" You chuckled as the man jumped at the sound of your voice

"O-oh! I didn't know you were there!" He said "I-I just looking at the bottle g-glowing different colors."

You chuckled again "Ah, yes you mean the Curare Potion? Yes, it is interesting to look at." You walked out from behind the counter towards the man. "So Whatda ya lookin for?"

"Oh! Umm... There's s-something I'm supposed to tell you..." He said

Raising an eyebrow you asked "What would that be?"

"Uumm... Pwoteksyon, ou yo bezwen?" He said

You stiffened that was the code. The saying, 'Protector, you are needed' so few people, for your own safety, learned to say that in Haitian so if they need you, you would know.

"Follow me." You said walking passed him towards behind of the counter

You heard his nervous footsteps as he follow you. Pressing a button under the counter a secret door opened and you walked though the man quickly followed. The door shut with a slam as you walked farther down the hall. The man yelped as the door shut and quickly followed behind you.


You rushed through the woods. Occasionally glaring up at the darkening sky. The man had told you a monster lived in these woods. It had attacked villages and killed many. It was a heartless, creature whom only came out at night. You gripped the hilt of your sword tighter as you quickly set off again. You couldn't stay stationary for long or it would fine you. You and the man describe the creature to you. From what you could tell it was an hybrid. An enderdragon hybrid to be exact. You had your bow strapped to your back with a quiver at your hip. You were ready.

You quickly ascended a tree and sat in the knot were a thick branch diverted off. You stared down at the trap you set. A cow was placed at the center of a clearing with a bleeding leg. Yes it was a terrible way to draw the creature out, but this cow could be considered a hero by other cows. The cow bellowed loudly, good. You clutched your bow and placed an arrow so you were ready. You had smeared yourself with mud, it'll hide your scent more at least.


You've been waiting hours, but you could wait. The cows bellow was cut short when it was crushed underneath the weight of a creature. A large black dragon foot was driving long purple talons into the poor cows flesh. As your eyes followed up towards the owner of the leg. The knee was naturally bend opposite of yours the black scales ended somewhat above the knee then torn grey pants. As your eyes trailed up even farther you saw a black scaled clawed hand, the pitch black scales ended above elbows a torn t shirt was dawned on its torso. You couldn't see the creatures face since then massive wings were was positioned so it blocked your view. Speaking of wings the massive purple membraned wings protrude from its back.

You swallowed as you heard the creature give a low threatening growl. The poor cow never had a chance. The creature turned its back towards your tree as it feasted on the soft flesh of the cow. Scrambling you drew your bow back and aimed between the creatures shoulder blades. Taking a deep breath you released the arrow.

Bum bum baaaa! Cliff hanger. Yeah.

Hope ya get noticed,


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