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This was a another request from @Pusheen23. This is a Lachlan X reader. I've had to watch a few of his videos to make this which happened to be a couple of his Pokemon ones so yeah. Sorry if this sucks. Yeah. Life.

Hope ya get noticed,



(Your pov this will be i's)

It started out as a normal morning, but now here I am leaning on a hospital bed where my Arcanine, Nightlight, laid on her side bloodied bandages wrapped around her torso. They had an oxygen mask connected to her muzzle. I suppose I should start from before the war, when I first got Nightlight, yet lost my family.

The (l/n)'s ran a successful ranch growing crops and raising Pokemon. We had a guard Arcanine named Flicker her was pregnant with pups do soon. This is back when you didn't need a permit to battle Pokemon. Tensions were bubbling up between the government and high ranking trainers about that very thing. Flicker had her pups and I needed to get her milk from the market. I hadn't seen the new borns yet, but I could wait. I skipped into town that day happily humming. When I returned I dreaded what I saw.

The crops were demolished and on fire, all the Pokemon we were raising were dead. I walked into the barn were my parents were with Flicker. They were dead and torn to bits. Flicker was in no better condition. Her pups were missing and she was slowly dieing. She looked up at me with caring and trusting golden eyes and moved her tail to reveal a pup. The little thing had no more than a small scratch I had gently set the milk down and kneeled down. I stared eyes not leaving the pup. Flicker's bushy tail gently pushed the new born towards me. With shaking hands I cradled the pup in my arms. The small pup snuggled into my arm. I looked up at Flicker tears brimming in my eyes. She seemed to give a soft smile and lower her head.

Tears fell from my eyes. I named the pup Nightlight, because when we were in hiding she would always make a warm glow like she was gonna use flame thrower, but just had the light. Years after the war I was 19 so Nightlight and I trained to become police in the new sited government. After about four years of training we were assigned in the new City Of Light. After a couple years I rose up in the ranks to deputy then a year later the sherif stepped down which made me sherif. Which left me with the problem of dealing with all the unauthorized Pokemon rings around the city. I proposed an idea that was soon taken into action and soon ring after ring was taken down.

That brings us up two years later this morning. Me being 26 and Nightlight having evolved about five years before. It was an average morning. Me waking up to a blaring alarm and the wet muzzle of Nightlight in my face. I got dressed in my uniform and made a cup of coffee and ate a doughnut. We walked to the police station (yeah you exercise!) being met by my deputy and his Houndoom, Dark. Yes they are both a bit stubborn, but they made a loyal beta if you used pack terms.

"Ready for tonight!?" I had said in a cheery voice

He nodded then left to do some paperwork, bla! That's the least favorite thing about my job. Hours later we were closing in the location. I could hear the shouts and screams of the people on the inside of the abandoned warehouse. Disgusting. Nightlight gave a low growl near my head as we neared the place. I stopped the police car and got out Nightlight jumping out with me. Her creamy orange tail was curled tightly against her back. I signaled to the other forces to surround the building. I saw the door was bolted shut, but there was a crudely laid out path leading up to a broken window. I gave the signal and everyone moved in. The whole ring was in a panicked scatter. Some had knifes while others tried to use brut force to get pass.

Most was captured and in the iron containment trucks. I was turned to my Deputy. Some guy was trying to sneak behind me and shank me. I was so insolent as to not watch my flank when I noticed him his when I heard Nightlight gave a pained yelp. My deputy made a face in straight sadness and shock. I turned around. Pure rage ebbed through me. Nigthlight was laying on her side blood gushing from her wound. I firmly planted my fist in the face of the guy causing instant black out. And that about catches us up now.

(Lachlan pov)

I smiled as I walked into the clinic. I had Sparkz in my arms ready for her check up. When I entered everyone seemed all too quiet. It wasn't a calm settling quiet it was a fearful and tense silence. I walked up to the counter and waited patiently. The nurse came in to the counter mumbling something not seeming to notice me. My eyes widened when I saw her bloodied gloves. I nervously cleared my throat. She shot her head up instantly.

"Mr. Lan! (Don't feel like looking his last name up) I see your here for your check up with Dr. Swetlcherbiggen! Let me just get a new pair of gloves and I'll take Sparkz to him." She smiled carefully taking the gloves off and growing them in the near by trash.

"So what happened here that makes it so quiet." I nervously asked

"Oh.. Umm.. The sherif came in with her Arcanine which was sent straight to the E.R. In extreme condition. You see... She had a stopped another unauthorized Pokemon battle and her Arcanine got stabbed." The nurse said pulling on a new pair of gloves

"Oh. I'm sorry for asking. Is it ok if I see her?" I asked

"Umm.. Sure I guess just give me Sparz and I'll lead the way." The nurse said

After twisting through a few whining halls we arrived at a door. The nurse said she's in there and she left with Sparz for her appointment. I slowly opens the door and made my way in. There she was her back was facing the door and her shoulders were slumped with a sadness. Her (h/c) was matted under her police cap. I slowly made my way over and rested a hand on her shoulder. She swatted it away and hissed a 'go away'.

"No." I started "I'm here to help you feel better."

She turned to face me. Her (e/c) orbs were red and puffy as well full of anger and sadness.

"You trainers just don't get it do you?" She growled "You think you could just replace a Pokemon just like that well for some of us it's not that easy! If I lose Nightlight I lose the only family I have left!" Tears started to stream down her cheeks "I'm just so... So angry! Yet I feel like crying my heart out! Why!" She sobbed dropping to the floor.

I kneeled down with her and pulled her into a hug. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear and gently petted her head as she sobbed in my chest. I hope this gets better, I'll stay with her, I swear to it.


Whelp, I hope you like it. Request and I'm out!

Hope ya get noticed,


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