Thunder Muffin!

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This is a house_owner X reader requested by the_last_enderdragon yeah. Life. Peace peoples.

Hope ya get noticed,

(2nd pov)

You were walking in the park gazing around at the happy couples and that one perv that sat on the bench and looked at all the ladies. You continued walking with a sigh. No one loved you, no one will that's just life. You were born to be a lone wolf, a lost rider! But without someone to share it with life seems bland and mundane. You were broken from your thoughts as you heard a clucking. Confused you looked about stopping. Suddenly a white roster came from the bushes. He clicked a few times his head bobbing from side to side slightly. He strode up to you. You noticed a shinny gold tag connected to a blue collar that sat lowly on his neck. He's a pet chicken? He seemed friendly enough. Crouching down you gently reached for the chicken and began yo speak to him.

"Hey, buddy. Are you lost? Come mere' I'll help you find your owner." You said gently taking the chicken in your arms cradling him you looked at his tags "Thunder Muffin ey? Cute name let's find your owner." You said standing and walking down the path toward the center of the park

~Thunder Muffin thoughts~
This seem like a nice lady for Ross. He doesn't have a lady, but needs one. So when we got to the park I broke free and started my search. This lady seems lonely and in need of a guy, and she seems perfect for Ross with her big (f/c) rimmed glasses cat ears head band and anime t.


You've been carrying the chicken for awhile and have gotten some weird and confused glances. You were on a quest and you were gonna for fill it.

"MUFFFIN WHERE ARE YYYOOUUUUU!!!" You heard a man call you jumped

"Well, looks like we've found your owner!" You giggled

You started to follow the voice. Then you saw him. The grey and white narwhal. He was wearing jeans and a white t. From what you could tell he was slightly worried and anxious to find his chicken. You felt a blush on your cheeks as you walked up to him.

"Umm.. Excuse me sir?" You said light tapping his shoulder

He whipped around.

"WHAT!?" He yelled

The tone of his voice caused you to jump back a little in fear. This action caused the chicken you held to cluck loudly. The narwhals face softened and he rushed over. He took the chicken from your arms and cuddled him.


"No problem." You said extending a hand "Well, I'm (y/n). You?"

He held the white bird under his arm and took your hand. Shaking it vigorously he looked you dead in the eye.

"... She's pretty..." He whispered

"What!?" You asked a blush darkening on your cheeks

"What? Oh no! Did I say that out loud!?" He gasped a pink flooding his cheeks

"Y-yeah." You stuttered pulling your hand back

"Well, I'm sorry I'll do that sometimes." He rubbed the back of his "I'm Ross by the way."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Ross. And it was nice to meet you too Muffin!" You said bending down and petting along the chickens comb

You looked up at Ross and saw he was blushing a deep crimson. You stood up and dug around in your pocket. Pulling out a not so sticky stick note and a pen from behind your ear. You quickly scribbled something on it and handed it to him.

(Ross pov)

I looked down at the thing she handed me. A note.


Call me


She smiled at me and walked away.

Short but sweet like me! Well request stuff.

Hope ya get noticed,

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