Chapter 12

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A shiver went down Raph's spine, making him shiver.

That disturbing yet familiar song is coming from Mikey's room.

Raph quietly got off the bed and walked silently out of the room.

The lair was dark and quiet.

After training for so many years, Raph has no trouble seeing through the dark.

Thoughts swirled in his head as he silently walked to Mikey's room.

'That melody...why did it sound familiar? It makes no's like I...heard it before..but where?' Raph wondered.

Raph's eyes widen when he saw Mikey's door, slightly open. It made him feel nervous.

What made him more terrified is the blood stains on the floor.

Raph rushed in, only to stare at a horrifying scene.

His eyes widen in fear.

He started breathing heavily.

The hothead turtle, who always fight for the ones he love. The hothead who never show his emotions.



Donnie jolt up awake, when he heard a horrifying scream.

Without thinking, he got off his bed and rushed to where the scream came from.

"Raph!? Mikey!? Leo!? What is it?! What's wrong?!" Donnie yelled as he ran.

When he burst into the room, his questions have been answered.

He runs towards to Mikey checking to see a pulse. But alas he was dead. Donnie cried hugging his baby brother.

Raph cried along with Donnie.

"Wh-who...d-did this...?" Donnie asked, barely a whisper.

Raph hiccups, "I..I don't know."

Raph sobbed more louder then ever.

Donnie hugged his big brother.

They cried together.

Their moment ended when they heard someone speak.


Donnie' eyes widen, knowing who it was.

Raph spoke before Donnie could, "Leo...I'm sorry..."

Tears fell down Leo's cheeks.

Leo let out a whimper and his arms trembled.

Then he let out a sob, rushing to Mikey's corpse, hugging it tightly.

Both Raph and Donnie's heart broke at the sight of their big brother grieving over their baby brother's death.

This will only break Leo's sanity even more.

First, their baby brother Mikey.

"Who did this?" Leo's voice snapped them out of their shock and grief.

Raph's eyes widen when he saw Leo looking at them with fury and accusation.

"WHO DID THIS!?" Leo roared.


"Don't act so innocent, bro. You did."

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