Chapter 13

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I know you can hear me.
No need to lie.

Stop being a drama king and snap out of it.

It is alright.
No need to blame yourself, Leo.

It's not your fault.


A scream burst out from Donnie's lab.

Raph jolt up awake, falling from his bed.

He cursed, "Shit, another nightmare."

Raph ran out of his room at the same time Donnie did.

They nod to each other, knowing what's going on.

Raph and Donnie both barged into Donnie's lab, to see Leo thrashing on his bed, crying out loud.

Donnie let out a gasp of shock.

Donnie hugged Leo, "Hey Leo! Wake up! It wasn't real! Leo!"

Leo didn't seem to hear the genius' words and continued screaming and crying.

Raph held Leo down, "Fearless! Wake up you dork! It was just a dream! It's not real! Please snap out of it!"

"...It's all my fault...It's all my fault...It's all my fault...It's all my fault..." Leo muttered under his breath, finally snapping out of it and hugged Raph and Donnie tightly.

"Everything is okay Leo...You're fine...Everything is fine..." Donnie cooed.

Leo shook his head.

"N-No..." Leo whimpered, "Mikey's dead....He's dead...I..."

Leo let out a sob.

At that point, Raph suddenly ran out of the lab.

Donnie felt confused and concern for Leo.

"It was just a nightmare Leo...No one is dead. We're still here..M-"

A very familiar cute voice interrupted Donnie, "I'm still here bro. I'm safe...we're all safe.."

Leo and Donnie turned to see...

An orange banded turtle.

"Mikey..!" Leo whispered under his breath.

Mikey hugged his brother tightly.

"I hate the Sandman! How dare he give you a nightmare! Not cool!" Mikey pouted as he wiped Leo's tears away.

Donnie gave him a serious look, "Mike.."

Mikey blushed, "I-I mean..Leo...the nightmare isn't real. We're here for you. We would never leave you, bro."

Raph walked in, "Mikey's right Fearless. We're brothers..and no turtle left behind..."

Donnie nodded.

Leo sniffs, "You're right...thanks guys."

They all hugged him and Leo hugged them back tightly.

"We promise to never leave you." Donnie said.

"True...I love you all too much not to." Mikey smiled.

"Same here.." Leo said, smiling back.



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