Chapter 2

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"Leo, are you comfortable with moving?" Donnie asks as he sat down on a chair beside Leo's cot.

Leo shrugs, not looking up. He just sits up and leans on the pillows that are put behind his shell.

"I may not be a therapist or a psychiatrist but...I want to you to write something. A physical exercise for your hands," Donnie said as he gently places a pen and two papers on Leo's lap.

"Why writing? What...should I write exactly?" Leo asks suddenly feeling anxiety.

"Anything you like. Don't force yourself to make it perfect..its fine if its short or long...I can get you a book instead if you want." Donnie stands up from the chair.

"No, its fine. I'll write instead...I'm comfortable with that. Thanks..." Leo suddenly speaks.

" you wanna be alone?" Donnie asks.

"Yeah, I wanna be left alone..." Leo answers, his grip on the pen tightening.

"Okay then." Donnie walks out and closes the lab doors behind him.

Leo thought for a moment and then started writing on the paper.


"Why me?" Mikey asks as he crossed his arms, looking at Donnie with a confused look.

"You're the one with the most creative mind Mikey. You should check what Leo writes." Donnie answers.

"I am a pro! Of course I'm the one who has a creative mind!" Mikey smiles proudly.

"By the way, I want you to make a snack for Leo. No pizza or no food that reminds him of you know who." Donnie said, ignoring Mikey's smugness.

"Oh, sure. I'm on it!" Mikey grins and walks to the kitchen as he hums a happy tune.

Donnie looks at Raph who is absorbed in a novel Donnie gave him weeks ago so that Raph would calm down from all the stress he's feeling for Leo.

Donnie stared at the book's cover. It sometimes gave him the chills.

It had a dark red color and an ominous eye on the middle. The title of the novel is "Portrait of Markov."

Donnie just found that book in an alley and only read the prologue.

It creeped him out a little but he knew Raph might like this kind of stories.

Stories that features violence, horror, and action.

"What are you looking at?" A rough voice tinted with a Brooklyn accent snapped him out of his thoughts.

He looked to see Raph, looking at him as if he's a strange puzzle.

"If you wanna say something, say it. Kinda creepy of you staring at me without even saying anything..." Raph said as he turned a page in the book.

"O-Oh..! Sorry...just...thinking about Mikey checking out Leo's writing exercise." Donnie said as he played with his bandana tail.

"Okay...whats he gonna write about? A poem, a story, a letter, what?" Raph asked.

"I don't know. I just told him to write anything he wants." Donnie answered, continuing to play with his bandana tail.

Raph chuckles, "What are you so nervous about?"

"Huh? What? I-I'm not nervous! Wh-What makes you think that?" Donnie stutters as he plays with his bandana tail even more.

This time his hands shakes as he plays with his bandana tail.

"You play with your bandana tail when your nervous." Raph said.

"Its how I deal with stress, ok?!" Donnie blurts out.

"Okay! Chill!" Raph said as his eyes widen and he gently puts his book on the beanbag chair, open.

"A-Ah! Did I raise m-my voice?! S-Sorry..!" Donnie stutters, his voice cracking.

"Its okay! Just calm down!" Raph walks to Donnie and hugs him.

Donnie nearly jumped out of his shell when Raph hugged him.

"Hey Raph...I know you're not a type for hugs. So..what gives?" Donnie asks, his voice suddenly calm now.

"You've been looking out for Leo and been trying to help him. You need haven't been resting well lately.." Raph answered, pulling away.

"What? I'm resting well! I do!" Donnie said in disbelief.

"Look at you Don. Even with your bandana, I can see you're tired. You need to rest..NOW." Raph orders.

"Hey! Who died and made you leader!?" Donnie exclaims.

Raph made a small laugh, "Just go rest Don."

"B-But Leo's exercise..."

"Rest! Mikey will handle him. And so will I." Raph said.

Donnie nods and walks to his room, closing the door behind him.

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