Chapter 3

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"Hey bro! I got you your favorite! Katsudon!" Mikey smiles as he carried a tray and put on Leo's lap.

"Aww...thanks Mikey. But..I want to share this food with you." Leo smiled back as he put the pen on the desk and held his poem.

"No thanks, dude! Its yours." Mikey said as he sat beside Leo's cot.

Leo let out a small laugh, "Okay...thanks for making this for me, Mikey."

"Wh-Why are you thanking me?" Mikey crosses his arms, "Its not like I made them for dummy..."

Leo shrugs, "Okay..."

"By the way, how's your writing exercise doing?" Mikey asked.

"Its okay, I guess...Wanna read it?" Leo asked as he chewed his food.

"Okay!" Mikey beamed.

Leo handed Mikey his poem and Mikey gladly took it.

I’m slowly sinking into the never-ending abyss of the waves.

They pull at me, they throw me around, the drag me along the way
and I follow like a dog on the leash.

It’s dangerous, it’s painful.

I know that. I’ve always known that.
But yet again I follow.

Into the dark, welcoming hands of the oceans,
Rolling along the pitch back seas,
It’s painful.
It puts me at ease.

The world around me is fading, is sinking away, black slowly taking over like a virus
It’s urging closer
And I’m moving forward to meet it.

Everything is losing colour.
Everything is turning to black
Everything is fading away, sucked into the cruel arms of the waiting fate
And so am I.

Mikey finished the poem with an unreadable expression. He looked Leo, who's calmly eating his food.

This poem...its..very unexplainable..but its deep.

"What did you think of the poem?" Leo suddenly asked.

Mikey tear his gaze away from the poem to Leo's excited expression.

"Did you like it?" Leo asked, putting the tray on the desk next to the cot.

"Um..." Mikey couldn't say anything.

He couldn't think of a compliment.

So, he decided to just pretend that the poem of Leo is fascinating to him.

"Its really good! I never read a poem like this! Its so deep! I hope you make more poems! You seem to be good at it!" Mikey smiles brightly at Leo.

"Really? Thanks, little brother. Its nothing..I really suck a little at it. This is the first time I wrote a poem." Leo smiled sweetly.

"You really did good! You should make more!" Mikey exclaims as he handed Leo back his poem.

"I will! It seems fun! Thanks Mikey!" Leo said as he hugs Mikey.

Mikey hugs back, "No prob bro."

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