Chapter 4

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"You should make poems too, Mikey." Leo said.

"Hmm..thats a good idea! But..I'm gonna suck at it cuz..I ain't good at rhymes and stuff." Mikey leaned on his chair.

"Nah, you'll do great! You just gotta use that creative mind of yours!" Leo smiled as he tapped Mikey's forehead gently.

"Aww. Thanks Leo, you made me feel better!" Mikey smiles back.

"Here's my advice, Mikey. Sometimes, when you're writing a poem - or a story - your brain gets fixated on a specific point. If you try so hard to make it perfect, then you'll never make any progress. Just force yourself to get something down on the paper, and tidy it up later! Another way to think about it is this: if you keep your pen in the same spot for too long, you'll just get a big dark puddle of ink. So just move your hand, and go with the flow!" Leo said in his confident voice.

"That makes me more excited to make poems! I'll start right now!" Mikey exclaims excitedly.

Leo laughs a little, "Don't work yourself too much ok? And besides, I'll just read it tomorrow and you'll read mine."

Mikey nods, "Okay!"

Mikey takes the tray and dashes out of the lab.

Leo smiles in amusement as Mikey excitedly dashed off.

He then chuckles darkly, "Can't wait for you to write depression poems like you used to. Caught red..handed, Michelangelo. That's what motivates you to write a poem, doesn't it?"


"Oh shit." Raph curses quietly as he read a gruesome page in the novel.

He looked up to see Mikey dashing to the kitchen.

Raph raised an invisible eyebrow.

He put a bookmark on his page and closed his book.

Raph sighs as he walked to the kitchen to see Mikey washing the dishes.

Mikey hums a cheery tune as he washed the bowl.

"Wanna hear a joke?" Raph asks, unable to contain the awkwardness any longer.

"Sure!" Mikey exclaims.

"Uh...why shouldn't you trust an atom?" Raph asked.

Mikey snickers, "Why?"

"Cause they make up everything!" Raph laughs as his nervousness disappeared.

Mikey snickers then laughs so hard.

"Haha! Thats a good one, Raph! I actually thought you'd be bad at jokes!" Mikey snorts.

"Hey! Just because you're the prankster and the joker doesn't mean you're the only funny one here." Raph smirks as he noogies Mikey's head.

Mikey yelps then laughs.

"Hahahahaha! Stop!"

"Not until you say it!"

Mikey rolls his eyes playfully, "Raph is all wise and powerful!"

Raph pins him to the floor as Mikey yelps again.

"And?" Raph sneers.

"And he's better than me in any possible way." Mikey said.

"And…?" Raph urged.

"And I'm a lonely worm who isn't fit to live in his same world, because he's so amazingly awesome and I'm a dirt clod!" he said, rolling his eyes again.

Raph laughed and helped Mikey to get up.

"Never gets old." A voice spoke.

They turned to see Donnie, who obviously just woke up, at the kitchen entrance.

"Hey D!" Mikey greets.

"Sup Don. Did ya get a good sleep?" Raph asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, it was good. Hey Mike, how was Leo's writing exercise? What did he write?" Donnie asked as he turned off the faucet that has been on while Raph and Mikey were messing around.

"Oh, yeah. About that..." Mikey rubs the back of his neck nervously as he remembered that creepy poem.

"Well? What was it, squirt?" Raph asked, suddenly interested in their conversation.

Mikey pouts, "Don't call me squirt! I told ya I hate it!"

"Okay. So, what did Leo wrote?" Raph asks one more time.

Mikey thought for a moment and he looked down then he looked at the closed lab doors with a worried look.


Leo thrashed around in his sleep. Fresh tears slipped down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Leo sobbed quietly in his sleep.

He hugged his pillow tightly in his sleep, his tears wetting the pillow.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...please don't leave..don't leave me...I'm sorry..I'm sorry." Leo whispers as tears keep on falling down.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." His voice trembling and getting louder.



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