01 │the one and only

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"What? Are you scared?" Lindsey shoves her fists up underneath her armpits and begins to squawk like a rooster. "Chickenshit."

She has always had a foul mouth for a thirteen year old. With her frizzed hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, it's obvious by her disheveled appearance that she is a tomboy.

Jensen, her younger brother by two years, still has his back turned to her as he pouts. The scrawny boy begins to stutter nervously. "No! I'm not sc—scared, I just—I don't want to do it."

"Okay, fi—fine." She mimics him tauntingly. "I'll just make sure to tell all of your friends about this the next time you have one of your gay nights."

"Game nights." He corrects her and, judging by her snide smirk, it's obvious that she didn't say that by accident.

The Redfield Amusement Park is flooded with visitors as they make their way to the gates. An elderly man exits the admission stand, his uniform an obnoxious combination of a vibrant red and mustard yellow which—as probably intended—stands him out from the crowd. He lifts a speakerphone to his mouth and holds onto the button with his trembling finger as he makes an announcement. His voice is brittle, as one would expect from a man of his age. "The park is closing in ten minutes. I repeat. The park is closing in ten minutes."

Jensen glances over to see he is walking by himself. He stops, turning around to see Lindsey staring at him from a few feet behind.

She places a hand on her hip, having far too much sass for her age. "Well? Come on, don't be such a coward."

"Okay." He sighs, overwhelmed by the pressure. Besides, if he knew he didn't give in there were high odds that she was going to drag him by his ear to the ride if she had to. "I'll do it."

Smiling, she approaches him and reaches down to snatch the two admission tickets that were sticking halfway out of his pocket. She places them on top of hers and folds them to make a small stack, turning to lead them in the direction of the Death Ride. "Good. I thought I was gonna have to smack some sense into you."

He takes a deep breath as he follows her away from the front gate and to one of the first buildings on the left, directly across from the carousel. He gulps as the two walk up to the small line.

The large wooden doors to the attraction are pulled open and, as if he already wasn't scared enough, he feels his body begin to tremble. Lindsey shoots him a snooty look but, for once, decides not to say anything.

Not even a minute later, the ride operator signals them to step forward as they reach the front of the line. Although when she is with her brother she acts tough as nails, all of Lindsey's confidence seemed to fade away the second she encountered the young man as she reaches out to hand him the tickets. To their right, they can hear commotion and look to see a group of older teenagers exiting from another set of double doors as they laugh—some even still shaken—about what they just experienced.

Metal screeches as the empty coaster twists through the small loop in the tracks in the front of the building. Essentially where the exit meets the entrance. The coaster eases to a stop in front of the open doors and the ride operator unhooks the red velvet barrier that was clipped between two stanchions. "You're up."

"Thanks." She smiles as she walks forward, tugging at Jensen's arm. Sensing his hesitance, it takes her a good pull to get him to follow. She jumps in the front seat on the car, as if attempting to show off to the worker who is no longer paying them any attention, as her brother slowly climbs in on the other side of the seat. Nobody else joins them and she figures they must be the last visitors.

A popping noise causes Jensen to jump and, as he frantically looks around, he realizes it was just the ride starting as the metal bar positioned in front of the seat slowly begins to lower to their chest.

"Calm down. It hasn't even started yet." She scoffs at him as she crosses her arms. "Just keep in mind that I'm sitting on the same seat as you. So don't piss yourself."

The coaster abruptly jolts forward, this time catching both of them off guard, as it makes its way down the tracks. It quickly winds down a small path to the right, the lights growing dim as they flicker nothing but a crimson red.

Recorded screams echo from the many speakers overhead. The entire time, Lindsey finds herself smiling ear-to-ear as she anticipates when Jensen breaks down into tears.

A ghoulish scream comes from their left and he nearly jumps out of his seat as a mechanical bat drops down from the ceiling. Although it's several feet above them, he swings at it as if to scare it off.

"Chill!" She laughs, watching him as the bat retreats back to the ceiling.

Fog fills the floor around them. Jensen is unable to shake the feeling that someone—or something—is about to come crawling through it and reach up to grab him, pulling him down to the tracks. Nervously, he clenches onto the bar above his waist and Lindsey can see it rattling in front of her.

After a few more jump scares, the car begins to slow down as it approaches what they believe to be the exit. Two large wooden doors, similar to that on the entrance, stand in front of them with fake blood smeared across them reading a paragraph that neither of them care to look at. The coaster stops in front of it, sitting in idle as the two wait for the doors to open.

He places his hand on his chest as he takes a large sigh of relief. That had to be one of the scariest experiences in his life.

Bored to death, his sister gazes off to the side. "Well, that was fast."

Suddenly, a loud pop echoes throughout the chambers as the doors push inwards—revealing not sunlight but, instead, quite the opposite. The room is dark, its dim light flickering through the dozens of body parts dangling on hooks from the ceiling above.

Breathing heavily, Jensen scoots to the center of the seat to, not only stay away from the side of the cart, but to cling onto Lindsey as well. Frightened herself, she doesn't push him off as her wide eyes stare forward.

At first sight, it's hard to make out what is inside. Then, they feel the coaster slightly vibrate against the rails as it pushes forward.

As they enter through the large doorway their attention immediately draws to the tall figure standing in the corner of the dark room. He looks down at the table in front of him, carving into something with what appears to be an incredibly long knife.

His name is Teardrop.

♫ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ / ᴋᴀʀɪ ᴋɪᴍᴍᴇʟ ♫

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