02 │after hours

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"Holy shit." Lindsey punches her brother's arm as they walk out the exit doors on the Death Ride. The park is now nearly empty, a security guard signaling the remaining visitors over to the front gate as he prepares to lock up. "That was crazy."

Jensen looks up at her, rubbing his sluggish arm from where she had just hit him. "Were you scared too?"

"No." She answers immediately, obviously lying by her still unsettled tone. A few of those screams were not from the speakers but, since he was mainly covering his ears and eyes throughout the remainder of the ride, she sure as hell isn't going to tell him that. "Of course not. Don't be stupid."

The guard, a friendly middle-aged man, approaches the siblings and helps escort them to the gate. Meanwhile, the ride operator Lindsey was crushing hard on earlier closes both the exit and entrance to the Death Ride.

Half an hour later, the same security guard is making his rounds as he closes up at the amusement park. After walking the last employee, a woman around his age who works at the cotton candy booth, out to her car he returns to take one final walk throughout the park. He performs his usual routine, ensuring that all of the rides are shut off along with the lights and music. Nothing can be heard but the wind screeching as it breezes through and he can feel a cold front coming in.

After a few more minutes, and a stop by the popcorn machine to grab a bag to go, he makes his way back to the front as he finally finishes up. As he approaches the gate, he passes between the Death Ride and the carousel when he hears branches snapping in the distance and comes to a sudden halt.

He shines his flashlight toward the Mirror Maze and aims it at the building for a moment, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Shrugging it off, he turns back to the gate. He opens it and steps to the other side, where he pulls a chain through two of the poles and wraps it a couple of times before sliding a padlock through the links. After locking the gate, he walks toward his SUV parked alongside the fence and climbs into it.

Trey Carson leans against the side of the Mirror Maze and peeks his head over to see the security guard just as he drives away. He's an incredibly handsome young man sporting a thin patch of scruff that hides his chiseled jawline. His bright blue eyes contain a splash of green in the center of his iris, in a way resembling Earth. Easy to get lost into.

He looks back at Billy, who nervously hides further down alongside the building, and gestures for him to come forward. Billy is a bit paler than him, but equally as good looking. He just doesn't know it. He has messy, dirty blonde hair spiked carelessly with paste and has light sapphire eyes similar to that of his brother's.

Panting heavily, Billy stands next to Trey and watches as he pulls out his phone and puts it to his ear. They are both wearing matching theme park uniforms with name badges, the red and yellow stripes so bright that they nearly glow in the dark.

"Yeah, he's gone. Alright." Trey's voice is nothing but cocky. As expected. He hangs up the phone, shoving it back into his pocket.

Staring at him, Billy leans in to whisper. "Are they coming?"

"He's gone, dumbass. You don't have to whisper." Trey replies arrogantly and, still not answering his question, quickly cuts the corner of the building. "Come on."

Billy follows his brother obediently. That's the way it's always been for as long as he could remember—when his brother tells him to jump he'll ask how high.

As the two reach the front gate, Billy continues to look around hesitantly as Trey, not giving a shit, twists a key in the padlock. The lock pops open and he pulls it off of the chains, letting it drop to the ground. He pulls his arm back through and turns to flash a grin at Billy as headlights suddenly cast upon them, sending an eerie stretch of their shadows down the path behind them as a car approaches the front gate of the park.

The brakes screech as it comes to a stop alongside the fence. Nathan Miller exits first and walks over to the passenger door to open it for his girlfriend, Abbey Wicks. The two make a cute couple. Both are kindhearted and nice, honest to the core. Abbey has long, light brown hair that she usually doesn't care to style as it has a perfect natural wave to it. A trait most girls would kill to have. Nathan on the other hand, shaved his head a few days ago and now sports a buzz cut. He's an Italian with dark brown eyes, his skin a perfect sun-kissed tan.

The back door opens and out steps Connor Robinson, pretty much the group's comic relief. And alcohol source. He usually gets the goods from his father's bar when he's "helping" him with the inventory. Underneath his baseball cap, his blonde hair is in untamed mess similar to that of a bird's nest. He wears a plaid shirt with torn blue jeans and worn out cowboy boots. Under his scruff is crooked smile that never seems to leave his face. Overall, girls find his disheveled appearance to be rather attractive.

He takes a moment to stretch, acting as if they had finally made a pit stop on a days long road trip around the country. In reality, the amusement park is no more than fifteen minutes from town.

Following him is his girlfriend, Vanessa Turner. Her high heels dig into the soil as she slowly eases her way out of the car and fixes the skirt of her sequin dress, looking as if she is stepping out on the red carpet for a Hollywood premiere. Her dark brown hair flows down past her shoulders, the curled ends bouncing off of her chest with each stride she makes.

Last is no other than Samantha Davis, also known as Sammy. She is an extremely gorgeous girl and, although she knows it, she doesn't let it get to her head. She wears a low cut tank top and black jeans that have horizontal, distressed slits cut at her upper thighs. As she pushes her dirty blonde bangs out of her eyes, she glances over at Vanessa as a reoccurring thought crosses her mind that she is far too overdressed for this.

"Excuse me." Connor reveals his country accent as he reaches past her and slightly leans back into the car. He digs on the floorboard until his fingers touch the familiar cardboard texture. As he stands back up, he pulls out an open twelve pack of beer with one hand and holds onto an already half empty bottle of tequila with the other.

Trey cheers from the other side of the gate as he grabs the chain and starts to pull it through the metal rods.

Walking past the group, Sammy approaches him from the other side as a smirk spreads across her face. "Hey."

"Hey, cutie." Trey's smile widens and, although the gate is separating them, Sammy grabs onto a bar as the two lean in to kiss through one of the openings. Billy takes a step back as he watches them awkwardly.

The love feeling contagious, Nathan and Abbey turn to each other and go in for a light kiss. Nothing as steamy as compared to their friend's compassionate moment.

By this point, Vanessa had already dug through the twelve pack and snagged a beer for herself. She places the rim of the bottle to her lips and takes a small sip before lifting it to the air. She puts the spotlight back on her—just as she likes it. "Party time!"

The chain drops to the ground on top of the padlock as the gate is pulled open. Next to it is a short rusted metal rod that has broken off the fence some time ago, halfway covered in a thin layer of fresh dirt.

♫ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏᴏᴅ, ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪʀᴛʏ / ᴘᴀɴɪᴄ! ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴏ ♫

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