10 │the joker

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Sobbing, Abbey slides down the corner of the gate as she drops to the ground, hugging onto her knees with her right arm. Her free hand digs into the dirt. She rocks her body in a panicked state as she stares blankly forward, the words stuttering out of her mouth as she pleads helplessly for her life. "Please... Don't hurt me..."

Her hand brushes up against something. She glances down to see a rusted metal rod on the ground covered in a thin layer of soil. It's no longer than two feet and one end of it is corroded, torn metal blossoming out from its tip.

Standing no more than a foot away now, Teardrop stares down at her. His eyes widen as he tilts his head, watching her cry as if the despair gives him some kind of twisted satisfaction. His knife is lowered to his side, the blade only a few inches from her face. She draws her attention to it, seeing her own reflection distorted through the thin strip of metal aimed at the ground.

The faint sound of laughter can be heard in the distance behind them, almost sounding as if it could be coming from one of the speakers on a ride. Teardrop turns to the noise, his grip tightening on the handle of the knife. He turns back to face Abbey just as—

She wails, jumping up to her feet as she swings the metal rod at him with all of her strength. The jagged metal tip cuts into his throat, easily ripping through his jugular veins as it tears through the other side of his neck.

Teardrop drops his knife to the ground as his arms sway wildly in the air. He attempts to grab at the rod but quickly finds himself tumbling to the dirt. He clenches onto the side of his neck as blood oozes down it, some even gushing out through both of the pipe's hollow openings.

Abbey wipes at her tears, sniffling as she leans against the fence and slides back down it to sit on the ground. She watches as Teardrop's legs twitch and can hear him, whoever it is, struggling to breath underneath the mask. She hears talking in the distance and looks up.

"So stupid." Vanessa rolls her eyes as she walks down the dirt path alongside Connor. They pass the Death Ride. "Like seriously, what is wrong with you guys?"

Billy mutters as he tags along from behind. "For the record, I didn't want to do it."

"Hey." Connor, in the process of wiping the stage blood from his neck with the sleeve of his shirt, scoffs. He looks over at his girlfriend. "That didn't stop you from helping us."

Smirking, she knows that deep down it was entertaining. Well, the part after the Mirror Maze. "Hell, if I'm gonna get the shit scared out of me then it's only fair that she does too."

"Atta girl. My babe got my back!" He smiles, looking back at Billy. He raises his hand to reveal that he is carrying the prop they had made to look like Trey's arm. He wipes at the tattoo, poorly colored in permanent marker, on its bicep before reaching it out to playfully run its hand across Billy's face.

Billy slaps at it, already beyond annoyed at this point. He wants nothing more than to call it a night and go home. He didn't want to be here from the beginning but his brother insisted that he needed another person to help pull off the prank and asked him to come along. When it comes to Trey, the word ask is another word for demand.

As they approach the front of the gate, Vanessa's jaw drops as she freezes—Connor's shoulder accidentally shoving into her. He turns around. "Hey, watch where—"

He follows her stare, the fake limb dropping to the ground as he sees Teardrop sprawled out on the ground, his gloved hands grabbing at his mask in a poor attempt to remove it. They see Abbey sitting just past him, hugging her knees with her teddy bear now clenched in her hands. Confused, she stares at them but can't find it in her to speak.

"Oh my god..." Vanessa shakes her head in disbelief, feeling the urge to vomit.

Billy steps forward, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him. Without hesitation, he shoves past them and kneels down next to Teardrop. He peers up at Abbey, his face beyond broken. "What the fuck did you do?! It was just a prank!"

Confused, Abbey stares at them as she pushes herself further back against the fence. Her initial reaction is that, in the midst of her panic attack, she must be hallucinating. She has to be. They are dead—she saw their bodies with her own eyes.

Crying, Billy rips off his jacket and uses it to apply pressure to one side of Teardrop's neck. Blood quickly soaks through the fabric, a puddle oozing around his knees as he pulls himself in closer to the masked man. He reaches down and slowly pries off Teardrop's mask, tossing it to the side to reveal Trey. Blood coughing from Trey's mouth, he stares helplessly into the sky as he wheezes between the gurgles of blood.

"Trey, it's going to be okay." Billy says, taking another look at both ends of the pole. He knows immediately that he's lying. "It's going to be okay!"

Restrained and feeling disconnected from her surroundings, Abbey stares at the Teardrop mask lying in the dirt. Her breathing steadies.

Vanessa covers her mouth in shock, not knowing what to do. Already aware of the consequences, Connor pulls out his phone and dials 911. He places it against his ear as he nervously paces back and forth in front of the fence.

Billy, trying his best to hold back the tears, looks down as he runs his hand through Trey's hair. Trey's eyes shift downward to look at him as he attempts to say something, gargling on the blood surfacing up from his throat. All that comes out is a single crimson bubble as he takes his final breath, the tension in his body relaxing as his muscles quickly go limp.

"Trey?" Billy cries, shaking his shoulders vigorously in a poor attempt to wake him up. "Trey!"

Trey's eyes stare lifelessly into his brother's, his pupils growing larger as they dilate.

"Are you fucking serious?!" Nathan's face grows red with anger as he walks alongside Sammy, the two hurrying down the path near the Ferris wheel to approach the main gate. "What assholes."

"I know." Sammy rolls her eyes, using a wad of paper towels she had taken from the restroom to wipe at the fake blood covering her hands. "Apparently that's pretty much the reason why he brought us here tonight. He cooked up a little plan with the guys to scare the girls."

Shaking his head, Nathan's knuckles pop as his fists tightens. He can feel his anger building up but tries his best not to let it show. "I had no part in this, Sammy. I swear."

"I know. Of course not. After he nearly gave me a heart attack, he asked if I'd help to scare Abbey and Vanessa and I said hell no." She shakes her head. "Maybe Vanessa. But Abbey, seriously? He's such a goddamn tool. So that's when I followed Billy to the electrical room, trying to convince him to quit helping his jackass brother with his stupid bullshit. Then—"

He turns to her, lightly grabbing her arm. "Hey, take a breath. Look, tell you what. We'll find her first and then afterwards you and I can both kick Trey's ass together."

"Deal." She smiles, liking his thought process. Following his advice, she takes a deep breath to calm herself although it really doesn't seem to work. The two turn back to the path, just as they pass the entrance to the Death Ride. "It's just... Abbey is fragile. Well, you know. I just don't want to see her get hurt."

"Makes two of us." Nathan nods, now thinking more of Abbey passing up her scholarship to be with him. Even though it is ultimately her decision, he couldn't feel any more responsible if she were to make the wrong one.

Sammy spots Vanessa and Connor standing near the front gate and looks past them to see Abbey leaning against the fence. Her pace picks up as she approaches them, shaking her head as she knows she is too late. "God, Abbey I was trying to find you. I'm so sorry, these—"

Her eyes gaze down as Vanessa and Connor turn to her. "... Trey?"

Nathan freezes up as he watches her drop to her knees across from Billy as she looks upon Trey's body. He looks up at Abbey, immediately putting the pieces together.

"Oh my god, Trey!" Sammy screams through the tears as she touches at his chest, seeing that he is not breathing. She gazes up at Billy who, with just a simple blank stare, answers the question swarming in her head. Sobbing, she tugs at Trey's arm, praying that any minute now he will blink and burst out with laughter—revealing the most sinister prank all night. She leans her head against his chest, clinching onto his shirt as she continues to sob.

A hand lands on Abbey's shoulder but she doesn't move. Nathan leans on the gate beside her, attempting to rub her shoulder reassuringly but she doesn't respond. She continues to blankly look forward, feeling as if the porcelain mask still lying in the dirt is staring directly back at her. Smiling.

Pinning the dirty teddy bear close to her chest, Abbey is led by a deputy into the back of a squad car. After she climbs into the backseat, he ensures her feet are all the way in the car before closing the door.

"It was just a prank..." She mutters to herself, her voice broken as she reminisces on the words that Billy had screamed at her earlier. "It was all just a prank."

She turns to peer out the window at the swarm of reporters crowding around the front entrance of the amusement park. After pushing them further away from the scene, Sheriff Keith Davis turns back around as he continues to comfort Sammy. With his short smoky gray hair and tired wrinkled face, he looks nothing like his daughter. Although, when it comes to personality, he and Sammy couldn't be any more alike.

On the other side of the open gate, she can see two medical examiners as they drape a white sheet over Trey's corpse. Blood quickly seeps through the fabric around his neck, saturating the sheet in dark red substance. She can feel the car shift as the deputy climbs into the driver's seat and slams the door shut.

Sheriff Davis turns around to continue questioning her group of friends. At least she thought they were her friends. As she stares at them, she watches as Sammy breaks down crying again as she nearly falls down, using the fence for support. Still kneeling in the dirt, Billy stares down at the sheet in front of him—watching the splotch of blood spreading through the thin cloth—as tears flood down his cheeks.

As he talks to the sheriff, Connor aggressively grabs at his hair as he turns to peer at Abbey. Judging by his shift in posture and uneasy stare, she can tell that he is talking about her. Pissed by something he had said, Nathan suddenly shoves Connor into the fence and Davis quickly steps between the two to break it up.

Shaking his head, Nathan turns around to walk away and glances at the police car—seeing Abbey staring back at him. The two lock eyes, a heavy exchange of feelings in the brief moment of unspoken words, just as the deputy starts the car. She hugs onto her teddy bear tightly, her eyes still focused on Nathan as she can feel the vehicle start to move. Headlights shine forward as the squad car peels out onto the dirt road.

♫ ᴛᴇᴀʀᴅʀᴏᴘ / ᴍᴀssɪᴠᴇ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ ♫

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