Bad Liar

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I heard someone crying. I heard sniffling.

I could smell the strong disinfectant.

I could feel the tension in the room. I could sense the worry people carried in and out of the room.

But I had no idea where I was.

I sat up in the bed to see a blubbering face in front of me.

I flinched, still not aware of my surroundings.

"Mal!" a voice wailed, "I thought you were dead!"

I could make out... red hair.

"Not again! Please no!" I screamed. Red hair, the girl...
No it was not the same...  person per say. Same looks, but different personality.

"Squir- Um Mallory, mom wants to see you later," Nick said unsurely. I nodded not in the mood for small talk.

Ellie took my hand in hers, "I'm so sorry," she whispered as the doctors pushed her out the room.

"Mallory," Dr. Christine said softly, "We have already contacted your parents. For now, you need to rest. You were close to breaking part of your rib cage, but otherwise nothing to serious. The impact of the airbag caused some strain on your wrist, but that is all."

I was too tired to ask any questions though I had so many running through my head.

There was one I needed an answer for, "What happened?"

She cleared her throat uncomfortably, "There were two teenagers street racing... the second one, the one that hit you, was drunk."

I grit my teeth. What the h*ll is wrong with drunk drivers?! Why are they the cause for so many deaths of innocent people? Obviously not me, but I had a friend who...

"Insurance?" I asked warily.

"They don't have any," she whispered so it was barely audible. "I'm sorry Mallory, get some rest."

I fell asleep in a heartbeat.


"Right in here sir, don't wake her up. You can talk to her when she's ready. You can always wait outside on case of-"

"No it's fine. I just want to visit her. I'll be out quickly," a worried voice said.

"Hey green eyes," I said groggily.

"Oh, did I wake you up? Mallory, I'm so so-"

I waved him off, "No, relax you're fine. I was already waking up."

"Hey, so what's up with you and Ellie. Not trying to make things awkward here..."

I raised my eyebrows, "You just did, continue."

"She's getting a bit upset because you aren't hanging out with her. She also said, even though she apologized and you accepted it you've been avoiding her."

"I'll resolve it... sooner or later," I said.

Derek rose, "Yeah, I'll go tell her."

"No!" I said a bit too quickly. Gods, that sounded so desperate. "I mean, I know how you feel playing messanger. I'll tell her later... and speaking of feelings- when we were at Knud Park, why did you say parents that way?" I asked. It was so awkward and ubrupt.

He pretended as if he didn't remember, "Sorry, I don't recall."

I scoffed, "And you say I'm a bad liar."

"Bye." He left. Just like that.

Sorry for the short updates. I'm trying to do more short updates just for now. Anyway, I really hope you keep reading!


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