Perfect Or Flaws?

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I cautiously walked to the sitting figure.

"Hello?" I called out.

I had no idea what to do. Either leave, or find out who it was. I'm a curious person, so there was no question.

"Who is that?"

A head turned towards me sharply.

"Listen I just wanna-"

"Save it Cundif."

He laughed, "Pulling out the last names now are we Datford?"

"So let me get this straight. You lied to me about my best friend, and you lied about not being here."

He cleared his throat, "Er-uh, pretty much."

"And you want me to trust you... You want me to trust you after that?!

He stood there shocked.

A single tear dripped down my face. "Leave," I whispered.







I was alone

I took of my shoes and dipped my feet in the lake. Why don't people understand?
When will I be free to do my own thing?

No, no- why am I not able to do my own thing now?

I missed my old life. My dream life.
The life where I had parents, siblings, and friends.

Why was I stuck with this life?
The one with no friends, siblings, or real parents. Why was I given this life out of all of them? Why couldn't I be more, more perfect?

I kicked the water angrily.

Because nobody is perfect, especially not you.

The voice echoed on in my head sounding so familiar.

They grabbed me by my arms as I screamed in protest. "There's no use in yelling. You can't do a thing."
They shoved me into the bathroom, and held me in place. There was one holding each of my arms in place. Then there was the leader.

"Stop moving. There's no point," the leader said.
"Just like her life," snickered the blonde holding my right arm.

"There are three things you need to have to be like us." The brunette leader continued.

We are popular," she said motioning towards the blonde. She took out a marker and drew a question mark on the mirror. It was right above my head in the reflection. She wrote words like friendless and alone.

"We are pretty." The leader drew a moustache on my reflection. She connected my eyebrows to make it a unibrow and more.

"We are perfect." Last drawing. I sighed. The torture and ridicule was almost over with.

The girl who held my left arm hesitated. The girl who had a perfect life. Parents and an older brother-

"Draw it," the leader hissed.

With a flicker of remorse the red headed girl took out a marker and drew a X over my face.

A big red X

She bent down to my ear, "Listen Mallory, you will never be one of us. Never."

Kindergarten- at Walker Elementary. My parents had to pull me out because of what I was going through.

I stifled a sob. My breathing grew fast. Not again, never again. I ran to my car and jumped in. I pushed on the accelerator, my head still in the past.

I wasn't focused on the present.

A car roared past me. D*mn. Such bad drivers. I let the car pass before continuing. I didn't get far.

There was a loud crash.

And the airbag inflated.

Okay guys, really hope you enjoyed this update!!! PLOT TWIST! Not sure if you got it yet, but there are many more to come! :)
I have so many ideas for the book, so I hope y'all are ready!


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